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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

The Trump impeachment circus has packed up and left town. Wednesday, Trump was acquitted of both impeachment charges. Thursday, Trump gave a public announcement to discuss the trial and acquittal. In true Trump form, it was a victory lap. And who can blame him? He was the subject of a political witch hunt, if ever there was one, and came out on the other end unscathed. This could not be worse for Democrats.

President Donald Trump has literally broken Rep. Adam Schiff. I've enjoyed the House managers, especially Rep. Zoe Lofgren, but Schiff foams at the mouth and rants like a lunatic. In his closing statement, Schiff made up a whole bunch of unlikely scenarios to scare the Senate into convicting Trump.

Can we all just agree, Trump Derangement Syndrome has turned CNN into a total trash network? Like the proverbial broken clock, a couple of times a day they do actual journalism, but the rest of the time it is a broken network hemorrhaging viewers while devolving into self-parody.

I'm so old, I remember when it wasn't controversial to shake hands with a sitting president. But in the era of Idiocracy, being friendly with someone the media abhors renders you a vulnerable target and this is the Vince Vaughn edition. Vaughn, actor and funny man, is a well known libertarian, which is definitely not Republican. Not that it matters nor should it matter. During Monday's College Football Championship Game, Vaughn shook hands and briefly chatted with Trump. And now people of the internet are angry.