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Palestinian Incitement Tag

Almost nothing is taboo for #Pallywood, the anti-Israel propaganda industry that creates false or misleading images, videos and narratives in order to portray Israelis as evil. Non-Palestinian western activists and international media are an important part of this propaganda campaign. From faking injuries to using children as props, for decades, anti-Israel agitators have staged elaborate and horrifying scenes of Israeli brutality and Palestinian victimhood. Those scenes are then recorded and promoted around the world in an effort to frame Israel for human rights abuses— often exploiting especially vulnerable Palestinian children.

The Netherlands and Belgium have joined Switzerland in freezing funds to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA) amid reports of a major corruption and sexual misconduct scandal surrounding the organization. The report included names of top UNRWA officials, such as Director-General Pierre Krähenbühl.

While the 18th anniversary of the Sbarro pizzeria suicide bombing in Jerusalem on August 9 is approaching, Janna Jihad, a young relative of the terrorist Ahlam Tamimi who planned and helped perpetrate the massacre, is on a US speaking tour. Janna Jihad is only 13, but she has already been groomed for years by the Tamimis to succeed her cousin Ahed Tamimi as the youthful, innocent face tasked with hiding the clan’s murderous hatred of Israel.

The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs just released an electronic "book," documenting the ties between the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign and Palestinian terror groups. The book, written by  Dan Diker and Adam Shay lays out the connection between Palestinian Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (PACBI)—effectively the clearinghouse in the United States for all BDS activity—and BDS National Committee (BNC), based in the West Bank, and comprised of members groups that have been designated as terrorist groups by the U.S.

We have covered this sick picture before. The mothers of Palestinian terrorists who praise their children's killing of Jews, often wishing they had killed more:

The Israeli government has released detailed research they claim exposes the connection between global anti-Israel boycott movement and terrorist groups. The study commissioned by the Israeli Minister of Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy described the web of connections joining prominent anti-Israel boycott organizations as the "hate network," with their findings allegedly connecting prominent BDS groups operating in the West to Palestinian terror groups such as Hamas and Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP).

The confrontation at the Gaza-Israel border during the so-called "Great Return March" last Friday reportedly resulted in 18 deaths of Palestinians, at least 11 of whom have been identified as Hamas, Islamic Jihad or other terror military members. When more information becomes known, it is likely to result in all or almost all of the dead being terrorists. See my prior post for details, PHOTOS: Most Palestinians killed at Gaza border clash were terrorists.

Ahed Tamimi, who turned 17 in January, was charged with hitting and kicking Israeli soldiers, captured on a Facebook live stream by Ahed’s mother, Nariman, who also was charged. Ahed also faced charges for unrelated prior rock throwing and for a broadcast statement supporting suicide bombings, knife and other attacks.

Earlier this week, the government of Israel organised  the three-day #DigiTell18 conference aimed at formulating strategies to counter anti-Israel campaigns, hosting 60 pro-Israel advocates from 15 different countries in Jerusalem. I had the privilege to represent my grassroots group Indians For Israel at the event. “For the first time, BDS [anti-Israel boycott campaign] groups are on the defensive,” said Gilad Erdan, Israel’s Minister for Strategic Affairs and Public Diplomacy, highlighting the recent successes of the pro-active approach adopted by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government to combat these vicious and well-coordinated online campaigns.

Richard Landes is a brilliant man who has worked tirelessly for close to two decades to expose the biases and distortions present in worldwide media coverage of the Israel/Palestine conflict. I also count him as a friend. I've written about Landes and his work many times before. Among other things, he is the person who uncovered the media's compliance in shaping the Muhammed al Durah story into anti-Israel propaganda, and he also coined the phrase "Pallywood."