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2016 Election Tag

Hillary Clinton backer David Brock of Media Matters is desperate for a new line of attack on Donald Trump and is willing to pay cash to anyone who can help him find it. This doesn't look desperate at all, does it? The Washington Free Beacon reported:
David Brock Offers Money for New Dirt on Donald Trump Hillary Clinton ally David Brock is offering to pay for new information on Donald Trump, hoping that damaging audio or video on the Republican presidential candidate will be submitted to his super PAC.

You may remember my post from March 5, 2016, regarding the increasing mental health issues on the notoriously liberal Upper West Side of Manhattan caused by the rise of Donald Trump, MAKE PSYCHOTHERAPY GREAT AGAIN!:
As mentioned the other day with regard to a surge in “Move to Canada” Google Searches, there will be a collective freak out in certain places if Trump wins. The freak out has already started. The Washington Post reports Psychologists and massage therapists are reporting ‘Trump anxiety’ among clients:
If there is an unofficial capital of psychotherapy, it’s New York’s Upper West Side, where it’s easier to find a therapist than a parking space. Judith Schweiger Levy, a psychologist in the neighborhood, has noticed a recent uptick in Trump references among her patients, including a middle-aged businesswoman who blurted out this week that her sister is supporting the billionaire.

Thursday, while speaking to Black Women’s Agenda, Hillary quipped that being sick (her campaign claims pneumonia-related dehydration was responsible for her epileptic collapse at Sunday's 9/11 memorial), garnered the interest of Republicans who were finally paying attention to women's health. eye roll gif Tacky. Plain tacky.

So the media lost their minds on Twitter when they arrived at a Donald Trump birther event, only to hear from veterans and why they support Trump. Ehrmahgerd, Trump tricked them!!! Or did he? That is all he said. So of course the media complains about hearing from war veterans.

Surprising candor from Chris Cuomo . . . CNN host Cuomo was discussing the Obama birther issue with Bernie Sanders this morning [it's expected that Trump will make a statement on the matter today.] Sanders mentioned that no one ever asks whether he was born in America despite the fact that his father was born abroad [in Poland.] Ever on the alert for racism, Sanders suggested the reason has to do with the color of his skin [see screencap of Sanders pointing to his skin.] That's when Cuomo said something surprising: "you don't think it was about the fact that the records seemed a little sketchy, that he wouldn't put them out?" Shocking to see Cuomo say something not aligned with the MSM bandwagon, which of course continues to excoriate Trump for ever having raised the issue.

Donald Trump joined Jimmy Fallon on "The Tonight Show" Thursday evening. Fallon asked him about the polls and shared some of his Trump impersonations with the Republican candidate. "I love the polls, but I don't pay attention if I'm losing or lagging, I never mention them," Trump...

In late August, when Hillary was flying high in the polls, I predicted that while the race could tighten, it would take the equivalent of lightening striking for her to lose it.
If I were in Hillary’s position I’d run out the clock as well, and hope that lightning doesn’t strike the field.
Lightning struck Hillary at the 9/11 Memorial, figuratively at least. Prior to that, she already was slipping in the polls, as Trump put together a couple of weeks without self-inflicted wounds, and the stories about Hillary holding fundraiser after fundraiser with the super wealthy as she stayed off the campaign trail too a toll. When we look back at the campaign, if Hillary loses that will be the moment when she lost it. The convulsions and collapse were just part of it. The lies and coverup were much more important. The woman and her campaign can't tell the truth about anything, it's all spin. The 9/11 medical event reminded people why Hillary is so disliked.

The plague of unbridled regulatory promulgation has sicked the American business environment, especially the environmental protection rule-making that has been especially toxic. During a detailed and address to the Economic Club of New York, GOP presidential hopeful Donald Trump offered his plans for creating robust economic growth by targeting the "regulatory industry", as well as tax reforms and better trade deals.

Hillary managed to get through her speech in North Carolina today appearing reasonably well. But by the time she got to a short press availability afterwards, she seemed noticeably more tired. And when she started to field some challenging questions about her secretive nature, including the fact that she had hidden her pneumonia diagnosis from her running mate Tim Kaine, she could be seen—no fewer than five times—glancing off stage, seeming none too pleased. We can't be sure, but it seemed as if she were signalling to staff: get me out of here! View the video and be the judge.

Yesterday, Mary blogged about the latest Wikileaks DNC document dump. But a separate document dump of hacked emails published by made public a trove of emails from former Secretary of State, Colin Powell. Unlike the DNC or Clinton email dumps, there exists no earth-shattering revelation of Powell's nefarious intentions, if he ever had any. His emails do reveal what he really thinks (or thought in some cases) about many a Beltway elite, and they're hilarious. No one was spared.

Democrat presidential candidate Hillary Clinton claimed this morning that she is the most transparent candidate ever. Okay, bro. She said:
"I think I've worked very very hard to be more transparent than not just my opponent but really in a comparison to anybody who's run," Clinton told the "Tom Joyner Morning Show" in an interview aired Thursday. "The medical information I put out, and we're going to put out more, meets and exceeds the standards that other presidential candidates including President Obama and Mitt Romney and others have met."

The hacker Guccifer 2.0 released more documents from the DNC through a person at The Future of Cyber Security Europe conference in London. The documents show evidence of pay to play with donors in order to become ambassadors and staging TV protests. Guccifer also wanted to use this information to show the vulnerabilities within the system. Guccifer shot to fame over the summer when he released documents that showed the DNC conspiring against presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT). Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned as chairwoman right before the DNC convention.

After Hillary's frightening health episode Sunday, Donald Trump announced plans to release his own detailed medical records. Of all places, Trump chose the "Dr. Oz Show" to unveil his portrait of health. The awkward plan as it was original explained, was for Dr. Oz would reveal...

Hillary Clinton's wobble Sunday at the 9/11 ceremony has been the talk of the news cycle, and once her camp put out the word that she had been diagnosed with pneumonia there's been a great deal of speculation about the likelihood of that. Here's a summary of the medical announcement Clinton's doctor made:
Clinton has had an allergy-related cough for some time, and during an examination on Friday, the Democratic nominee was diagnosed with pneumonia, put on antibiotics, and told to take time out to rest. She became overheated and dehydrated during Sunday morning's event, which led her to collapse. She's now home in Chappaqua and on the road to recovery.
We have no way of knowing if this is true or another lie. Only a doctor who has examined Hillary Clinton and done the appropriate tests could answer that question. But let's take a look at some possibilities.

Clinton eased into racist waters by first addressing the scourge of the alt-right on Republican politics and more prominently, the Trump camp. There, she was sort of right. But she broadened her scope a might bit too far in her latest but teh racists!™ rant. Naturally,...

In the same way that Democrats and the media kept Hillary's health out of the news until it could no longer be ignored, they're now working together on the explanation. Clearly, someone sent out a memo which suggested the words "power through" should be used in every response. The Washington Post got the memo:
Clinton's impulse to 'power through' with pneumonia set off cascade of problems ...Then on Sunday, Clinton's plan to “power through,” as her top aides later called it, finally unraveled. She abruptly left the Sept. 11, 2001...