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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...


Via Drudge, this is why coastal elites call it "flyover country." Jefferson hated cities.  He thought they spread disease and bad ideas, and believed the perfect republic was composed of educated farmers who by night read Homer in the original Greek. In these disunited states, United Airlines'...

Hillary will be the Democratic nominee in 2016, if she wants it. There is no second tier of rising Democrats.  The newer House members were wiped out in 2010.  The Senators are decrepit, except for a certain woman who will not sell nationally no matter how...

Sure, let's start the speculation about 2016.  It helps take our minds off of Tuesday. And we need to plan ahead for the race against Hillary.  (It will be Hillary, don't you know.  Bill didn't do all that for Obama.) As longtime readers know, we were Perry-curious...

When companies self-censor to wait until the days after the election to announce major layoffs. Via commenter conservativegram in the Tip Line: As Drudge would say-”Own it!” “Nextel to cut 20% of jobs at Virginia headquarters” In Past 48 hrs, following companies announded layoffs: Caterpillar, CVPH Medical Center, Lightyear Haqwker Beechcraft,...

From Amy: I know you don't usually address abortion topics on your blog, but in the off-chance you do, here is a car for you. I saw it in a Wendy's parking lot here in Aurora, CO, a few weeks ago. Also, I know you normally black...

This was going to be my losing song. But I forgot to play it Tuesday night. Figures. You don't want to know what my victory song was. (Actually, I think you know, but I can't embed it because at least one reader emailed in the past that it...

I will have more in coming days on the flawed demographic narrative. You know, the one which liberals love to push particularly since Tuesday that because the percentage of non-white people is growing, Republicans are doomed.  Because skin color is destiny to them. Keep at that math.  Please. Democrats now...

Some amount of firing squad is needed in light of the loss this week of the presidential campaign. Oddly enough, I'm not aiming at Mitt Romney himself. I agree with many commentators who say Romney emerged as a better candidate than expected, someone who came around to articulating...

The election is over, and from the sound of all the major news networks, so is the Conservative movement. Call me an optimist if you wish but I find that to be a laughable proposition. Largely, I think this because everyone is in post-election meltdown mode. Democrats...

I'm still gathering my thoughts on the "meaning" of Tuesday.  For now, I'm not seeing half as much meaning as most others. Until my further posts on the subject, this segment below by Dennis Miller (via Hot Air) is worth a listen. Miller makes the point that...

Yesterday morning—the morning after—I posted this: Barack Obama is the first two-term president in at least 100 years to get fewer votes in his reelection than he did the first time out. (FDR did less well in both his third and fourth terms.) I’d written those words...

From a reader abroad: I live in Italy with my wife. My parents are visiting for a month, and we were in Pisa yesterday. My dad, a Korea vet, loved the stickers on this car. There may be hope yet for Europe. Love your site, though I...