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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Two longtime Legal Insurrection readers, brothers Jim from California and Jon from Michigan. Jim's daughter was a student of mine and we met yesterday at Cornell Law School's post-commencement reception. You may not be able to see it, but Jim was wearing an AR-15 pin. ...


The weekend’s media coverage on Benghazi brought in some notable quotes and points of interest: Petraeus: talking points "essentially useless" When the Benghazi talking points were being reviewed and revised by other agencies after the September 2012 attack, former CIA Director David Petraeus indicated that the revised...

This morning Prof Jacobson observed IRS reaped hatred of Tea Party sown by Democrats and the media. A Tweeter responded: @leginsurrection Douthat makes the same point, in a NYer's version of the argument…— Tampa (@S1CT) May 12, 2013 Indeed. Douthat laid out the case of The Taxman...

Happy Mother's Day. As part of my personal celebration, I am planning to indulge in one of my pamper pastimes: Sipping some fine California wine. Sadly, eco-activists have targeted the Golden State's vineyards in their latest fear campaign: The study, published recently in the Proceedings of the National...

Here’s the bummer: right-wing blogs are read by only a fraction of the electorate, and so the good information put out there by the professor is almost without voice in the grand scheme of things. The truth he utters deserves greater audience. The tragedy is that...

Since the rise of the Tea Party movement in the spring of 2009, the movement has been the target of Democratic politicians and supportive media. The Tea Party was called un-American and terrorists for showing up at health care town halls and voicing an opinion. The Department...

There was a useful fiction about Barack Obama. His cabinet would consist of a "team of rivals." After this week's hearings, I doubt we'll hear the term again regarding this administration. So now we know who took the terrorist attack references out. Next shoe: who put the...

Save us, Virginia. Sir, I attended the Albemarle County Republican Breakfast this morning and happened upon this display of freedom in the parking lot. 5 of the 7 LG candidates spoke and it was a packed room. The Republican Nominating convention is May 18 and will be...

Benghazi exposed to be a big White House and State Department lie. The IRS caught targeting Tea Party groups and those "educating on the Constitution and Bill of Rights." Republicans ready to pass amnesty for law breakers. There will be no Saturday Night Card Game tonight. I'm taking the...

This is getting real. Yesterday it was just some "low level" employees involved. Now AP is reporting that senior IRS officials were aware of the targeting, via AP, IRS watchdog: Senior IRS officials knew in 2011 tea parties' tax-exempt status being targeted (h/t @GabrielMalor): WASHINGTON (AP)...

If you think Stephen Hawking's decision not to attend a conference in Israel was a principled stand for academic or other freedoms, you can drop that notion. Hawking, as many have pointed out in the past few days, has attended conferences in the past several years...

Lords of the Flies: Johns Hopkins pro-choice group tries to silence pro-life students using “harassment” policy Northwestern Latino student group says eating tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is racist Berkeley student govt calls for divestment from “United States Prison Industrial Complex” including, um, McDonalds Envelope with white powder...

Not Texas. Dear Prof. Jacobson, Well, the skies are blue, at least . . . After "One step away from #Gosnell," I figure we need our spirits lifted a bit, so I present the following, taken in Burns, Oregon, the other day. Some background: Harney County, Oregon, is 10,226...

I'll post the video when available. (Wow, GOP Rapid Response got this video out really quickly) Here are some tweets as it took place: