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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

The shooting of Republican Congressman Steven Scalise and others during a baseball practice has led to a lot of examination of the anti-Trump, anti-Republican incitement from the mainstream left. While criminal culpability rests with the shooter, there also is no doubt that we are experiencing an unprecedented derangement from establishment Democrats, pro-Democrat media (which is almost all of the mainstream media), the entertainment industry and on campuses. We have been documenting the often violent opposition to Trump for over a year, but particularly since the election. The entire concept of "The Resistance" invokes violence, a deliberate allusion to the resistance movements in World War II Europe.

In a case docketed today, 195 Democratic Senators and Congressmen, led by Connecticut Senator Richard Blumenthal and Congressman John Conyers, filed suit against President Trump seeking to declare a violation of the Constitution's Emoluments Clause. This follows a prior lawsuit by the Attorney Generals of Maryland and the District of Columbia. The Emoluments Clause [ARTICLE I, SECTION 9, CLAUSE 8] provides:

I recently noted there was a bizarre rendition of Shakespeare's classic tragedy, Julius Caesar, in which the title character resembled President Donald Trump. What I did not report at the time is that I called my banking institution of 19 years, Bank of America, and warned them that their continued sponsorship of this travesty would cost them my long-term business. Clearly, I wasn't the only one either, as the corporation and another sponsor have cut ties to the New York City theater that produced the play.
Delta Airlines and Bank of America pulled out of their sponsorship of New York’s Public Theater on Sunday over a production of “Julius Caesar” that reimagines the main character as President Trump.

Legal Insurrection readers may have noticed that I sometimes refer to President Donald Trump as "Master of the Unexpected." That is a term of endearment among Trump's fans who also love the 1963 epic, Cleopatra, as it refers to quote about Julius Caesar and his tactic that led to a victory over the Egyptian army. However, a New York theater group has taken that analogy to a much darker level.
Shakespeare in the Park, an annual summer program by The Public Theater that puts on plays by William Shakespeare in Central Park, kicked off May 23 with a performance of Julius Caesar.

Progressive media outlets have been feeding the "resist we much" mobs since President Trump's election, and one of their favorite lines of attack has been hammering the Russia "collusion" / "hacking" non-story.  Recently, however, progressive sites have been warning against pursuing it . . . even as Democrat politicians stay focused on it, seemingly to the exclusion of all else.  As Comey gets ready to testify before the Senate Intelligence Committee, it will be interesting to see how this all plays out. Among those calling for Democrats to pivot away from "the Russia story" are the editor and publisher of The Nation, the Daily Kos, the Young Turks.  What is not entirely clear is why they are urging this shift after spending so much devoted, almost single-mindedly, to it.

We get it. Joe Scarborough doesn't approve of Donald Trump. Two weeks ago, we noted the Morning Joe host calling the president a "jackass." Things are escalating, and there appears to be no sense of decorum left on Morning Joe. This morning, Scarborough called Trump a "schmuck" - a term that literally means penis in Yiddish, and is used as a pejorative to express contempt for a person.

Two months ago, we reported on Morning Joe going "Crazy over Trump's Mental Health." The show was back on that beat today, with two variations on the theme. First, panel members were able to cite a Wall Street Journal editorial harshly criticizing President Trump for his tweeting habits, describing him as a person "with a propensity for self-destructive behavior [who] can’t seem to help" himself and who is his own "most effective opponent." That same Wall Street Journal editorial reports that a recent Trump Twitter burst came in response to a Morning Joe segment on the immigration executive order.

"I'm not afraid of Donald Trump. He's a bully. I've dealt with old, white guys trying to keep me down my whole life, my whole career," began Griffith, during her pity party Friday afternoon. Griffith was fired from CNN after she posed with a bloody, decapitated likeness of President Trump's head.

The battle between global elitism and nationalism was on display on today's Morning Joe. The panelists exposed their own elitism while Joe Scarborough declared that—at least within the Trump administration—nationalism, in the person of Steve Bannon, is winning. Scarborough reported that his sources tell him that Bannon has been leaking about Jared Kushner's Russia contacts in an effort to "sideline" Kushner and preserve his own place within the administration. A bit later, Joe proclaimed Bannon "President of the United States," given his influence over the actual president.

After today's Morning Joe played a montage various Trump administration members praising the president, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough savaged them as "robots" and "stooges" who sounded like people in countries like North Korea and Iran. Of course, President Obama didn't need people in his administration to praise him. He had the liberal media doing that for him, free of charge. Check out, courtesy of our friends at NewsBusters, this assemblage of the MSM drooling over Obama.

*UPDATE* CNN has cut ties with Kathy Griffin. From USA Today:
"CNN has terminated our agreement with Kathy Griffin to appear on our New Year's Eve program," CNN spokesman Shimrit Sheetrit confirmed to USA TODAY in a statement Wednesday.
Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) announced on CNN this morning that he will still participate in an event with Kathy Griffin, even after she posed with the bloody head of President Donald Trump. From CNN:
Franken cited Griffin's apology in explaining his decision. "Kathy's a friend and she's a terrific comedian, but this had no business being in our public discourse," Franken said. "And I talked to her. She has apologized -- a real, fulsome apology. She's actually begged for forgiveness, and I believe in forgiveness."

If, say, Greg Gutfield had held up a realistic-looking severed head of the previous president, do you think Morning Joe would have refused to cover the story? But on today's Morning Joe, when a panelist made reference to "the Kathy Griffin news," Mika Brzezinski put her foot down:

"We're not talking about it. I'm sorry, it's too gross. It's just not worth doing."

I was a guest on the Tommy Tucker Show on Louisiana superstation WWL this morning. We covered a wide range of topics over almost 17 minutes. Thanks to Tommy for giving me the time. 17 minutes in radio world is like a million years in real people time. We started with the weekend media eruption over Jared Kushner, "Backchannels," and the Robert Mueller special counsel investigation. I'll add some transcription shortly.

No one knows hypocrisy more than the left. The latest example appeared in a photoshoot with "comedian" Kathy Griffin by photographer Tyler Shields, which has her holding the bloody severed head of President Donald Trump. According to TMZ, Griffin told Shields that the two of them may have "to move to Mexico once the pics got released, for fear they'd be thrown in prison."

James Taranto's late, lamented Wall Street Journal column had a running tongue-in-cheek rubric, "We Blame George W. Bush," in which the former president was blamed for everything under the sun, despite his utter lack of connection to it. In that spirit, Taranto might have had a field day with a panel discussion on CNN this morning, in which the participants did their best to blame President Trump for an incident in Montana in which the Republican congressional candidate has been accused of manhandling a reporter. Co-host Alisyn Camerota got the ball rolling by asking whether there is "some sort of larger story or message we should take away here . . . growing aggression against the press."

There was a time during the first quarter of 2017, when the "Anne Frank Center (US)" aka Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, was all over the news for the bashing and thrashing its Executive Director, Steven Goldstein, gave Donald Trump. A time limited Google Search reveals dozens of articles in which Goldstein was quoted as an authority on anti-Semitism and bashing Trump. Here is a small sample: