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Palestinian Terror Tag

When Palestinian terror strikes, Israelis have learned the hard way that you use whatever you have on hand to fight back. You may recall the case of the bus passenger who used his personal nunchucks to stop a terrorist who stabbed a soldier and stole his gun, All hail the Israeli Nunchucks Hero who subdued terrorist. Israelis also have used a guitar, an umbrella and a selfie stick. Now we have a wood pizza tray used to halt an attack by a Palestinian on an Israeli Arab he mistook for a Jew. The Times of Israel reports:

Yesterday there was another savage attack on an Israeli family by a Palestinian intruder who entered the house and butchered as many people as he could before being shot. The attack comes amid increasing incitement to violence after Israel installed metal detectors leading to the Temple Mount, after two Israeli policemen were killed by terrorists who hid their weapons in and around al-Aqsa Mosque. We detailed that attack and the incitement in our post, Palestinian “Day of Rage” ends the way all their other Days of Rage ended.

Shortly after 7:00 a.m. Friday, Israeli time, three Israeli Arab terrorists opened fire near the Temple Mount, killing two Israeli policemen, and then fled onto the Temple Mount where the attackers were killed by Israeli police.  The two policemen killed were Israeli Druze. In dramatic video, one of the attackers "played dead" only to rise to try to stab the police. He was shot dead in the act. The attack at this location was a clear attempt not just at terror, but to stoke wider conflict.

Ayala Shapira was the 11 year old Israeli girl who was terribly injured in December 2014 by a Molotov cocktail (i.e., a firebomb) thrown by Palestinian terrorists at the family car. She suffered horrific burns to her face and upper body, and was more dead than alive for a while. I covered the details of the attack and recovery in my prior post here at Legal Insurrection, This child #WasBurnedAlive in West Bank, but you probably never heard of her:

Hadas Malka was a 23-year-old Israeli policewoman who was stabbed to death in a coordinated attack by three Palestinian men outside the Damascus Gate to the Old City of Jerusalem. All three attackers were shot to death during the attack. ISIS and Hamas issued competing claims of responsibility. The ruling Fatah Party, led by Mahmoud Abbas, condemned the shooting of the terrorists, and called it a war crime.

You may recall the horrifying murder of Israeli mother Dafna Meir in front of her children. We first reported on January 17, 2016, Reports: Palestinian stabs Israeli woman to death at home in front of children:
This has eerie resemblance to the stabbing to death of the Fogel family in 2011, including 6 month old Hadas as she slept in her crib. Reports indicated that a Palestinian man entered a home in a settlement near Hebron, and stabbed to death a mother in front of her three children. One of the children, 15 years old, gave a description of the man to the police, and he was caught on security cameras leaving the the settlement heading towards an Arab village.

Has the world ended? The UN has actually lashed out at the Palestinian Authority after the Palestinian NGO "Women's Technical Affairs Committee" (WTAC) named a women's center after terrorist Dalal Mughrabi, a member of the Fatah faction of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Norway stepped in as well, demanding the PA refund money the country donated for the center and remove the country's name. Mughrabi led and participated in the 1978 Coastal Road Massacre. She and other terrorists "hijacked a bus on Israel's Coastal Road and killed 38 civilians, 13 of them children, and wounded over 70." The Palestinian Authority has a deep affection for the terrorist since it has named three schools and a computer center after her. It has even thrown birthday celebrations for her.

Public executions by Hamas in Gaza are quite common. But some are more equal than others, and the public execution today has received quite a bit of attention, in fact more than Hamas wanted. The execution was livestreamed -- apparently against Hamas wishes -- by the Gaza Now News Agency from a window in a building overlooking the execution site. The background is that the three men executed were allegedly involved in the killing of a senior Hamas terror planner in March, as we reported at the time, Senior Hamas Terror Planner Mazen Faqha Assassinated in Gaza:

In 2013 an Israeli friend drove us through northern Samaria (the "West Bank"), including the settlement of Itamar, as I wrote in my post To Samaria and back:
Today we reunited with a family I was close to while a student in Moscow in 1980, and had not seen since 1984 in Moscow.  It was great, and very satisfying.  The parents, now in their early 80’s, have a life story about which history books should be written.  To see their son (my age) and his beautiful family in Israel was beyond anything I could have expected in those horrible days in which they were subjected to retribution and imprisonment.

In mid-April we wrote about the terrorist murder of Hannah Bladon, Palestinian terrorist stabs British student to death on Jerusalem Light Rail. Hannah was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She gave up her seat to a woman holding a baby, and thus put herself standing next to the Palestinian man who would stab her to death. As is all too common now, this appears to be another case of a Palestinian engaging in terrorism due to personal problems, rather than ideology, in an attempt (failed this time) to get themselves shot to death in the act, what is described as “suicide by Israeli cop”:

Marwan Barghouti is serving five life sentences for murders during the Second Intifada. He is a hero to many Palestinians and also to Western leftists. The NY Times gave him a platform to announce a mass hunger strike, NY Times gives Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti platform to announce hunger strike. In a reaction, Israeli protesters barbecued outside prison where Palestinian terrorists on hunger strike leading to an angry reaction, Palestinians fume over barbecue taunt of terrorist hunger strikers, as hundreds drop out.

Today is Yom Hazikaron, Israel's Memorial Day in which Israelis stop to remember the 23,169 fallen soldiers and victims of terror. An estimated 1.5 million Israelis visited cemeteries. A siren was heard throughout the country, and people came to a standstill on highways, in markets, and elsewhere to stand in silence.

Terrorist mastermind Marwan Barghouti has organized a mass hunger strike by over 1000 imprisoned Palestinian terrorists. He announced the hunger strike in The NY Times, which initially refused to list in his bio that he was in prison for 5 murders, NY Times gives Palestinian terrorist Marwan Barghouti platform to announce hunger strike. Barghouti is considered a leading candidate to become president of the Palestinian Authority after Mahmoud Abbas, and the hunger strike is seen as a way to position himself politically. The  Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs detailed Barghouti's terror activities:

Marwan Barghouti, mastermind of much of the violence of the Second Intifada, got away relatively easy. He "only" was sentenced to 5 life sentences for murder, plus 40 years for running a terrorist organization. He was charged with much more, but in his public civilian court trial, the Israeli judge only found him guilty of charges for which there was definitive proof. You can read the judicial finding of guilt here. But Marwan Barghouti isn't just a murderer, he's also a liar.

Marwan Barghouti is a terrorist, convicted of killing five Israeli civilians during the Second Intifada, and organizing much of the terror campaign through his control of the Tanzim group in the West Bank. Prof. Miriam Elman previously wrote a detailed profile of Barghouti, his terrorist past and political future, Terrorist Serving Multiple Life Sentences for Murder May be Next Palestinian President:
Barghouti (56)—a one-time peace activist who initially supported the Oslo Accords—served as the head of the Tanzim, one of Fatah’s armed terrorist factions, and was the founder of, and senior official in, the terrorist group known as the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. Considered among the driving forces behind the bloody second intifada, he was convicted in 2004 for multiple murders and attempted murders.