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Free Speech Tag

Of all the free speech problems we have on college campuses, one of the most chilling ones comes in the form of "Bias Response Teams." Under such a policy, a student can be anonymously reported for saying or doing something deemed offensive, and then get visited by the bias response team. Adam Steinbaugh of the Washington Examiner wrote about this recently:
Hundreds of campuses encourage students to turn in fellow students for offensive speech Universities are the cradle of free speech, where ideologies and ideas clash, where academics and activists can agree, disagree, or be disagreeable. This is particularly true in the United States, where the First Amendment zealously guards against government surveillance and intrusion into free speech.

It's not popular to be politically conservative at Cornell University, where I teach at the law school. A recent study by The Cornell Sun student newspaper documented that 97% of faculty donations at Cornell Univ. went to Democrats, while an analysis by The College Fix showed that eleven departments at Cornell have ZERO Republican professors. While Cornell is nowhere near as political or radical as many other Ivy League schools, such as Columbia, at the student level there is an overwhelmingly liberal and far-left bent among those students who are politically active.

Tucker Carlson had on a guest last night who proudly took credit for helping to organize the mob that shut down Milo Yiannopoulos at Berkeley. Yvette Felarca is part of a left wing group called By Any Means Necessary, and she advocates the use of violence to stop fascism. Oh and by the way, she's a middle school teacher. Isn't that great? Here's some background on the segment from the FOX News Insider:
Berkeley Protest Organizer Proud of Shutting Down 'Fascist' Milo Felarca, who helped organize the protests at UC-Berkeley two weeks ago, is calling for similar protests at universities across the country when there are guest speakers she believes are "fascists."

If you've been paying attention for the last few days, you may have noticed a concerted effort by many liberals to suggest that the "Black Bloc" protesters who showed up at the Berkeley riots are not part of the progressive movement. That suggestion is absurd. These folks are part of the Democratic Party's base. They showed up in Ferguson, Charlotte, Baltimore, the inauguration and now Berkeley.

I wrote the other day about how Bill Maher was complaining that liberals apologize too much, and I wrote that was not my "lived experience" as someone who lives among liberals, Do liberals really apologize too much? My "lived experience" is more along the lines of Melissa Click. You remember the Social Justice Warrior Mizzou Professor whose rant during a Black Lives Matter protest went viral, particularly when she called for "muscle" to help her remove a student journalist.

Let's be clear. What happened at UC Berkeley on Wednesday night has nothing to do with Milo Yiannopoulos. It is part of a much larger problem on American college campuses which has been brewing for years. Left wing radicals, some of whom even have criminal pasts, are frequently welcome to speak on college campuses. Conservatives are not and are often shouted down if not protested.

Conservative activist and Breitbart editor Milo Yiannopoulos was scheduled to speak at University of California - Berkeley on Wednesday evening. However, his event was cancelled and massive protests and violent demonstrations broke out on campus instead.
The Breitbart News editor [Milo Yiannopoulos] was set to deliver a speech inside a UC Berkeley campus building but hundreds of protesters began throwing fireworks and pulling down the metal barricades police set up to keep people from rushing into the building. Windows were smashed and fires were set outside the building as masked protesters stormed it.

The College Republicans at UC Davis invited Milo Yiannopoulos and Martin Shkreli to give a talk on campus which was to focus largely on free speech but the event had to be cancelled because leftists protested and authorities feared violence. This is a perfect example of the 'New Civics' we profiled in a recent post. ABC News in San Francisco reports: