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Author: Leslie Eastman

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Leslie Eastman

I am an Environmental Health and Safety Professional, as well as a science/technical writer for a variety of news and professional publications. I have been a citizen activist since 2009, and am one of the co-founders of the San Diego-based group, Southern California Tax Revolt Coalition.

Last week, after the first accuser came forward with the story of the sexual harassment she endured from San Diego Mayor Bob Filner, the local Democratic Party's central committee had a contentious meeting during which they deadlocked 24-24 on asking the mayor to resign. However, now...

At Legal Insurrection, it sometimes is worthwhile taking a look at the fruits of American justice. I have some intriguing updates to share on two of our country's most notorious idiotic criminals. Readers may recall that the son of Mike Kernell,a Democratic congressman from Tennessee, hacked Sarah...

As two new victims come forward, it looks like San Diego Mayor Bob Filner (Democrat) was engaged in a one-man "War on Women". Earlier this week, I reported on a press conference in which Victim #1 offered details on the "Filner Headlock" and other examples of...

While news of a myriad of sex scandals in major American cities offers summer distractions, a few other items caught my eye: With the US Postal service bleeding money after the explosion of social media, the agency is looking to end at-your-door mail delivery: The U.S. Postal...

There was a major development in San Diego today, as notorious civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred just finished a press conference with her client, a woman charging Mayor Bob Filner with sexual harassment: Irene McCormack Jackson, Mayor Bob Filner's former communications director, has filed a sexual...

As Professor Jacobson's recent pictorial essay noted, there is something for both the left and right to hate about the Obama Administration's use of drones. As the co-founder of San Diego's first Tea Party group, I love the grassroots initiative displayed by the citizens of one...

By its very name, you know that any lawsuit sponsored by Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) will do three things: Target some successful, American corporate entity. Be based on anything other than science. Go counter to any interest that I, as an informed American consumer,...

In my last report on San Diego mayor Bob Filner, I noted that he brought Washington, D.C.’s sense of teamwork and fair play with him. At that time, Filner crashed  a press conference held by City Attorney Jan Goldsmith responding to the mayor’s call for a...

James O'Keefe's book, Breakthrough: Our Guerrilla War to Expose Fraud and Save Democracy, should really come with the following warning for summer readers: CAUTION: Compelling book causes intense concentration; sunburn is possible. As I recover from being toasted by the California sun, I wanted to share the...

Following the unfolding scandal of the Internal Revenue Service's targeting of the Tea Party, I keep the following thought in mind: Neither party in Congress can be relied upon to satisfactorily resolve this issue.  They created the IRS, fund the IRS, and oversee the IRS.  All...

At College Insurrection, I recently covered a West Virginia professor who ranted that his state was a "national laughingstock" while deeming NRA members traitors. The presumption! California is the nation's laughingstock! And to prove my point, here is a story about one of  our most powerful bureaucratic bodies...

I am still chuckling over Glenn Reynolds' lede into a story about California: WHAT IS GOOD IN LIFE? Dems Enraged Over Perry ‘Raids’ on Out of State Businesses. “Texas Governor Rick Perry has angered some Democrats for his high profile visits to blue states, inviting businesses...

As we honor fallen American heroes this Memorial Day, I would like to pause for a moment in respect for a slain British Soldier:
He was a doting dad, a rabid soccer fan and the life of any party. But above all, Lee Rigby was a British soldier. And a day after he was butchered on a London street — allegedly by a pair of Islamic fanatics — his heartbroken family wanted the world to know that.
British law prevented Rigby, trained in the proper and safe use of firearms, from carrying a gun that could have saved his life. And with plethora of Obama Administration scandals being revealed, it is easy to loose sight of how recently American citizens were pushing back on new and strict federal gun control proposals. Fortunately American Shirley Roberts of Kansas City was able to exercise an entirely different form of gun control.
A group of thugs figured it would be easy to overpower one Kansas City woman. After all, her husband had just left to run an errand, leaving her all alone in the home. They couldn’t have been more wrong. The woman, later identified as Shirley Roberts, 52, immediately retrieved her gun after she heard someone jiggle the knob of the front door. She also witnessed two additional men heading to the back door. Looking through the blinds, Roberts saw the men putting on gloves and preparing to force their way into her home. So she trained her firearm on the men and opened fire.