When it comes to Salon.com, I've always wondered if they really believe all their outlandish accusations of Tea Party and Republican racism, or it's just the niche they've carved out and click bait. Look at me, I'm not Slate.com, I'm Salon.com.
Whether it's David Sirota's rants about hoping the Boston Bombers were
White Americans, Salon energizing its
White Privilege Branding over the Zimmerman trial, or Joan Walsh writing that the "shutdown" (more like a scale back) is the culmination of
50 years of GOP race-baiting, do they actually believe what they write?
When it comes to the "shutdown" Salon has caught a Confederate fever, and
the only prescription, is more Confederate.
Salon has several lead articles in recent days arguing that the Tea Party in general and the "shutdown" in particular are the fulfillment White racist Confederate dreams.
By, um, Rafael Edward Cruz? They never quite address that problem in their argument.
Salon is
not alone in raising the alleged rise of the Confederacy to demonize the Tea Party, but Salon has taken it to an obsessive level, once again.
This would all be laughable, if it weren't so poisonous to the national political dialogue, and if so many liberals didn't actually believe this nonsense and treat it as an absolute truth (just read the comments there).
(click each image for link to article, or not):