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Saturday Night Card Game Tag

This all is making my head hurt. A couple of weeks ago we lost Illegal Immigrants. Now we're losing the Master Bedroom. Homebuilders scrap 'master bedroom' because of racist, gender-biased connotations: The “master suite” is being phased out — not from our homes, but from our lexicon. A survey of...

The first ever Part II of a Saturday Night Card Game, following up on tonight's Saturday Night Card Game. I believe it's become some sort of Syndrome. Roland Martin Blames 'White Male Executives' for Never Getting His Own Show at CNN: Roland Martin on Thursday blamed racism for...

This really is getting out of control. Harriet and Charlotte write in WaPo, White men have much to discuss about mass shootings (emphasis added): Imagine if African American men and boys were committing mass shootings month after month, year after year.  Articles and interviews would flood the media, and...

Chuck Todd went a little overboard when he asked a series of questions at the Obama-Netanyahu press conference. Worse yet, the questions were not softballs for Obama to hit out of the park: He even caught flak from the big guy (no, not Chris Christie): The mockery of Todd's performance gave rise to the #ChuckToddQuestions hashtag on Twitter, where numerous Obama supporters suggested Todd was motivated by Obama being black:

The video below correctly was termed "cringe-worthy" by Noah Rothman at Mediaite. The cringe-worthy part starts around the 2:30 mark when Melissa Harris-Perry asks the panel for their best race jokes.  (An edited down version is at Newsbusters if you don't want to sit through it all.) Stop...

There's no Saturday Night Card Game tonight. I was going to write about some "Neo-Confederate" idiocy by a pretend lawyer who happens to be quite obsessed with me over at the liberal blog Glenn Greenwald calls " a cesspool of unprincipled partisan hackdom." When you are a liberal blog and Glenn...

And it goes on, and on, and on. Any notion that the pathetic racial politics which drive Democrats would relax post-election were shattered immediately.  There is a sickness in the Democratic Party and media which just seems to get worse and worse. It's bad enough that they...