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English actor, writer, and comedian Stephen Fry, who is perhaps as well-known for his leftist politics and atheism as he is for Blackadder or A Bit of Fry and Laurie, has run afoul of Ireland's 2009 blasphemy law. Gardaí, the Irish Republic's police, are investigating Fry for allegedly mocking Christianity on Irish television.  The investigation is a response to a viewer complaint.

It's really hard not to like Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke. On Friday, he hosted the first "Doggy Day," which he hopes will become a regular thing. After all, Zinke likes to bring his dog Ragnar to the office as often as possible. The Hill reported:
"It does improve morale among a lot of people,” said Zinke, who rode a United States Park Police horse to the building on his first day of work after Senate confirmation.

The last time we check in on Bill Nye, the "Science Guy", he was addressing a large crowd at the nation's capital as part of the nationwide #MarchForScience. It's a good thing that his being old, white, and male did not prevent him from leading the anti-Trump, climate alarmism hysterics! Interestingly, some of his once-stated scientific theories, discussed during his long-running program for kids that made him a science icon, have undergone a political climate change!
Last week The Federalist reported on an illuminating segment from a mid-1990s episode of “Bill Nye the Science Guy” that clashes directly with modern transgender ideology. It appears that someone cut this segment from a re-release of the episode.

A couple of days ago, a fire was set in the women's restroom on the pool deck of the Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas and an second fire was dealt with in the hallway of its 17th floor. The hotel's toasters were used to set the blaze.
Upon investigating, officials discovered four toasters—two on each floor— that were allegedly placed there to ignite fires.

In disturbing parallels to the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) and the Weather Underground of the 1960's, we are seeing a small band of violent radicals attempt—and thus far succeed—in imposing their will on Americans.  The terrorist acts that the SDS and Weather Underground engaged in are what we most remember, but it's worth noting that they, too, started out with threats, riots, and destruction of property during their "Days of Rage."  They ultimately used violence as a means of condemning violence(?!) and of coalescing their "families" and "tribes" behind a "youth resistance," and we are seeing this all unfold yet again as violent radicals shriek about fascism while engaging in it themselves. In the wake of the violent riots that shut down speaking engagements by Milo Yiannopoulos and Heather Mac Donald, the violent radicals of the fringe left have notched up further "wins" in silencing Ann Coulter and in now causing the cancellation of the Avenue of Roses Parade in Portland, Oregon.

In honor of the recent "March for Science", I have decided to review a scientific assertion that is completely settled. Salt is bad for you because it raises blood pressure. A sample of this consensus is on the website for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, focused on salt safety:
Most Americans Should Consume Less Sodium Most of the sodium we consume is in the form of salt, and the vast majority of sodium we consume is in processed and restaurant foods. Your body needs a small amount of sodium to work properly, but too much sodium is bad for your health. Excess sodium can increase your blood pressure and your risk for a heart disease and stroke. Together, heart disease and stroke kill more Americans each year than any other cause.

Jesus: social justice warrior? Apparently so, if you believe Jacqui Lewis, senior minister of the very liberal Middle Collegiate Church in NYC. During her appearance on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this morning, Lewis described Jesus as a "brown-skinned Palestinian man who understood he needed to resist." The notion that Jesus was Palestinian has been thoroughly debunked. He was Jewish, after all. But that hasn't stopped anti-Semites like Barack Obama's former pastor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, from also making the claim.

Last week, authorities charged Dr. Jumana Nagarwala for female genital mutilation on a 7-year-old-girl. Now authorities have arrested and charged the doctor and his wife, the owners of the Burhani Medical Clinic. Officials arrested Dr. Fakhruddin Attar, 53, and his wife Farida Attar, 50. They face charges for "conspiring to perform genital mutilation on minor girls by letting a doctor use their clinic to perform the procedure."