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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Apologies to Wikipedia: Whereas the reign of Marcus Aurelius George W. Bush had been marked by almost continuous warfare, that of Commodus Obama was comparatively peaceful in the military sense but was marked by political strife and the increasingly arbitrary and capricious behaviour of the emperor...


From reader Cat: Seen in Sanford, Florida today. Who knew PT Cruisers could be such great rolling billboards?  ...

It is plainly obvious that we have not been getting straight answers from Obama officials about what they knew and when they knew it about the dangers facing our consulate in Benghazi and throughout the region. It may be deception, or they may be so incompetent they...

The Chicago Teachers Union's House of Delegates voted Tuesday afternoon to suspend the strike while refraining from ratifying the current contract yet. According to reports, the contract, which comes with an annual price of $74M, will be ratified in the coming weeks. The strike lasted seven...

You remember Julia, the Obama campaign-issued woman who turned to government for help at various life stages.  Those stages aptly were summarized in Iowahawk's Julia's Circle of Life. Julia has come to symbolize the dependency state.  So I wondered what Julia must be thinking about Mitt Romney's...

What will the media do?  It has invested everything in the tape. But there is a pretty fierce counterpunch being delivered on talk radio, on Twitter, in the blogosphere, and even on television when allowed. There is good reason to believe that Obama's post-convention bounce already is...

Consider this Pep Talk V. Every 3-4 days for the past several weeks there has been a mass media pronouncement that Romney has lost:  When Paul Ryan was nominated and false "fact-checks" purported to declare him a proven liar.  When Clint Eastwood took the stage and...

Cranston, Rhode Island (pronounced "Craaaaaaaanston") has given in to ACLU pressure and has banned father-daughter dances as a violation of the state anti-discrimination law. Via Providence Journal: In a move that has taken some parents by surprise, the school department has announced that it is banning traditional...

Yesterday was supposed to be a day of self reflection, and all I could reflect on was this picture and what it symbolizes: An American citizen exercised his First Amendment right to produce a crappy film.  In response, the President of the United States sent “brownshirted...

this person wins.  Don't let this person win. Spotted in Ithaca at the Agway on Route 13, on a Kia Sorrento. Which gets really horrible gas mileage. ...

You've probably heard that Mother Jones released an edited partial video of Mitt Romney speaking at a private fundraiser several months ago, in which he commented that Obama has a lock on about 47% of the vote because that represents the percentage of the population...

I've noted before that Dick Lugar has been less than dignified in his loss to Richard Mourdock.  We supported Mourdock early in the primaries and he is on the Operation Counterweight Final List. Mourdock has gone out of his way not to bad mouth Lugar's sore...

From friend of the blog, soon to be appointed Director of Photoshop Services, Patricia. To me, it rather brilliantly points out the problem. ...

Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a former Muslim woman who authored a fascinating book, "Infidel," about her life, has penned an article in this week's Newsweek entitled "Muslim Rage: How I Survived, How We Can End It." The article and the cover are infuriating the Left, as...

Michelle Obama, the Joan of Arc leading the crusade against food freedom, brags in this week's US Magazine to enjoying fried twinkies in Iowa! The magazine published a feature about Michelle entitled "Exclusive: First Lady Michelle Obama: 5 Things You Don't Know about Me." From the...