Wendy Davis’ Open Carry announcment may cost her any chance of winning
“Your base is running away, Wendy.”
Start from the premise that Wendy Davis probably was going to lose the election against Greg Abbott no matter what.
But probably wasn’t a sure thing. Abbott never was in Edwin Edwards territory: “The only way I can lose this election is if I’m caught in bed with either a dead girl or a live boy.”
It didn’t help that Davis’s narrative of being a struggling teenage single mom who brought herself up by her bootstraps all the way to Harvard Law School fell apart.
Davis always had the base, and maybe if she got lucky, if Republican turnout was low, and she seriously motivated Democrats, maybe, just maybe, she could click her pink sneakers together and eke out a win.
That once upon a time hope may have vanished with Davis’ obvious pandering in bucking the Democrats and coming out in favor of an Open Carry law.
The Texas Tribune reports on the shock from Democrats, Davis Takes Friendly Fire on Gun Issue
The base is furious.
At the appropriately named left-wing blog Crooks and Liars, one Juanita Jean is so furious she’s furious in the third person, Juanita Jean Is Mad As Hell At Wendy Davis:
There’s very little talk among political junkies in Texas this morning about anything else except Wendy Davis’ stunning and unexpected announcement that she favors open carry in Texas….
It’s pandering plain and simple. I know that no candidate is going to agree with me about 100% of things. However, I do expect the candidates I support to be honest with both me and themselves. We have lost every statewide race in Texas since Elvis died because our political consultants say we have to pander to the right wing to win….
Let me tell you one thing. Given a choice between a Real Republican and a Democrat who talks like a Republican, Republicans will pick the Real Republican every damn time. And your base Democrats will stay at home. I have statistics to prove that.
As Paul Begala says, “Texas is not a Republican state. Texas is a non voting state.” And the non voters are Democrats who have had nothing to vote for.
Wendy Davis did not get national attention by pandering to Republican voters. She got it by talking to the base….
It is mid February. If this campaign doesn’t get back on track soon, it’s over. We’ve sacrificed another Democrat to a nonexistent “persuadable Republican,” when all we had to do is excite the base in urban areas and South Texas.
I feel sure her campaign is telling her, “What’s your base going to do? Vote for Abbot? They won’t do that because he’s worse for them than you are.” No, they won’t vote for Abbott. They just won’t vote — and that is the worst thing you can do to Texas.
Your base is running away, Wendy. You better find where they are going so you can lead them there.
Wow, that was a satisfying read. Joan of Argghh is on her way to get a cigarette.
You can’t count Davis out. But my guess is that on election day there will be a lot of Democrats sitting home smoking cigarettes, and not bothering to vote.

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I strolled through Democratic Underground and they have conceded this election to Abbott but they are trying like hell to find a position where they can “place” Wendy. They simply love Abortion Barbie.
Don’t dare post anything that deviates the party line at DU or KOS, or they will ban you for “trolling”. As of last count, I’d been banned from DU around 9-10 times and 4 times from KOS. But hey, that’s what Proxy Servers are for, right?
I vividly recall a liberal friend’s consternation about a mayoral candidate, because her friends (she has a doctorate, those friends were also edumacated) swore they had first hand observance of his proclivity for the “live boys” Edwin mentioned … but he won anyway. This was also in LA, but prior to the “we’re gonna rebuild chocolate New Orleans” mayor.
Edwards did end up in prison though, along with his old head of LA senate pal. But Edwards (85) got out and will start a reality TV show with his 34 year old wife (his kids are 60 and 62).
Open carry support hurt Wendy in Texas, so she will have to flip flop again to run as liberal president. But abortion Barbie can still make some bucks on victimhood speeches, and autographed pink sneakers.
“Let me tell you one thing. Given a choice between a Real Republican and a Democrat who talks like a Republican, Republicans will pick the Real Republican every damn time. And your base Democrats will stay at home. I have statistics to prove that.”
Yup. And the GOP needs to read that as well. Conservatives are going Republicans because the Democrats are too far left. They will vote for the couch if the Republican candidate is acting like a Democrat so he can take the Democrat base from a Democrat candidate.
You got there before I did. Absolutely right: given a choice between an authentic Democrat (particularly one who masks his/her true beliefs) and a RINO, the public will vote for the Democrat.
Though Ms. Davis’ base needs to understand that in the West, most Democratic office seekers are pro-gun in one way or another. You’ll see campaign photos of them pheasant hunting, or plinking away at a range, or standing manly-like with a shotgun. It’s what they have to do to win and they know it, and over the last couple decades they’ve managed to get the DNC to shut up in the West about gun control.
That’s one of the reasons why they won Colorado, AFTER which they sprung their little gun control legislation. We all know what happened next: recalls. I double guarantee you every Democrat running this fall in Colorado will have a gun photo of him/her on their website. It’s survival.
So Ms. Davis’ screechy supporters are (among other things) naive. Abortion Barbie might have had a chance, gun-grabber Wendy wouldn’t get 20% of the vote.
That same thing can be said for the RINOs whom the GOP has been throwing onto the national stage.
Given a choice between a Real Republican and a Democrat who talks like a Republican, Republicans will pick the Real Republican every damn time. And your base Democrats will stay at home.
Reverse the labels and the statement still rings true. The GOP doesn’t seem capable or willing to learn from its own mistakes, perhaps it can learn from the mistakes of others? Please?
“Reverse the labels and the statement still rings true.”
To understand this you need to find a way to see the hidden third party. A graph of what all politicians, limited to the body they belong to (federal or state), say to get elected and what the outcome of their grant to power is, including a trend line. That shadowed trend line could give valuable information about the hidden third party in the United States. I bet the outliers are the ones who are hated and vilified at every opportunity.
WD supports open carry, Fauxcahontas has 5 brothers who served in the military, hey, maybe we can all get along!
Open Carry? Is she talking about her fifth?
Maybe wearing your CPUSA card on your lapel when you’re in Austin.
Juanita Jean wanted to call Davis a DINO but couldn’t quite do it.
Wayne Slater, the Dallas Morning News guy who wrote the column questioning Davis’ life story, was on Greta last night. He said Davis had been a Republican until about 2007. The seat she ran for and ultimately won leaned Democrat, so she ran as a Democrat. She’s not really a DINO, though, she’s just an unprincipled opportunist like Charlie Crist with slightly more feminine sneakers.
Once more, with feeeeeeeeling. Here’s our latest drankin’ song over at Ray’s Ice House, just this side ‘a Cut And Shoot.
Who’s pissin’ off the whole state of Texas,
Crying aloud that the truth is unfair?
Who’s sends her kids to talk to reporters?
Everyone knows it’s Wendy.
Who’s deceiving all the libs in the city,
Lying to everybody she sees?
Who’s wanting the Dem’s nomination?
Everyone knows it’s Wendy.
And Wendy has beady eyes
That flash when we catch her lies.
And Wendy has bucks to buy
Media adoration (Media adoration)
Media adoration (Media adoration)
And Wendy has beady eyes
That flash when we catch her lies.
And Wendy has bucks to buy
Media adoration (Media adoration)
Media adoration (Media adoration)
Who’s pissin’ off the whole state of Texas,
Crying aloud that the truth is unfair?
Who’s sends her kids to talk to reporters?
Everyone knows it’s Wendy.
Y’all give ’em our best ree-gards up there in Manhattan! Tell ’em to send one with less Harvard and more Common Sense, next time.
Whenever I see a picture of Davis I keep hearing
You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille
With four hungry children
and a crop in the field.
I’ve had some bad times
Lived through some sad times
But this time your hurtin’ won’t heal
You picked a fine time to leave me Lucille.
I hope when she said “open carry” she did not mean this.
Didn’t DEMOCRATS ‘target’ Gabby Giffords for HER pro-2nd Amendment stance, way back in the day. Isn’t that what put her seat in play, way back in the day? Before they smeared Sarah Palin, that is.
Some commenters seem to be thinking that Democrat and Republican voters are flip sides of the same coin. They’re not. Dem voters not only have no problem with voting for lying asshats, they sometimes vote for them because they’re lying asshats.
Remember the gay activists (the noisier ones, at least) and Obama? Once upon a time all that we, the Great American Public, knew about Obama was that he supported the traditional concept of marriage. That was it, really, the only concrete thing known about the guy – everything else was some vague mantra about “hope” and “change”.
Nevertheless, the gay marriage activists comforted themselves with the idea that he really was in favor of trashing the English language and officially making marriage something it’s not, but he was just saying otherwise so he had a chance of being elected. That is, they were counting on him to be lying. And then years later when he needed the votes, they turned out to be right.
There is cause to normalize heterosexual relationships in order to promote evolutionary fitness. There is no legitimate cause to normalize homosexual behavior or relationships. However, since they did normalize homosexual behavior, but did not include every other dysfunctional behavior which does not violate our unalienable rights, then they are guilty of arbitrary discrimination, and thus of gross hypocrisy or sanctimonious hypocrisy (i.e. bigotry).
Oh, the hypocrisy. The extraordinary hypocrisy.
Let’s see, around 10,000 human lives are terminated annually with guns. Most by government agents, criminals (e.g. gangs), and individual suicides, with and without cause. Around 1,000,000 human lives are terminated without cause our due process through lethal injection or dismemberment in the abortion “clinics”. Elective abortion is the leading cause of childhood mortality in America and around the world. It is premeditated murder without cause or due process. Its normalization represents an unprecedented violation of our unalienable right to life.
Spontaneous conception is an article of faith. Make life, not abortion!
Please drop the “abortion” dialog in relation to the Tea Party. “Abortion” is NOT one of the pillars of the Tea Party. Balanced budget, Strong defense, Border control, Yes. “social issues” not. Abortion has been recognized by the Supreme Court as a “right”. You know how to rid a “right”? Pass a constitutional amendment. Til then, shut your yap. PS, fetuses are not “children” until they are born. Yah, there, I said it. Deal with it.
“Texas is a non voting state.”
Bulls#!%, Paul!
I LIVE in this state. I VOTE in this state. My vote has A LOT more value here than anywhere else!
And what you and your comrades offer is nothing but junk. Crap. S#!%. And I’m not the only one who has seen it, thankfully!
Absolutely. Paul whatshisface and other liberals like to tell themselves that so they don’t have to face the fact that most Texans disagree with them.
Hell, I even vote in my local water board election.
Paul must live in Auuuuuus-tin, where everybody votes and then talks about it on Facebook, Twitter and the DU.
As usual, you are correct sir. Begala was born in New Jersey (!), but he went to UT so that makes him an expert in all things Texas, right?
The proggie drones are all worked up into a lather, to the point they’ll write stuff like this:
“…I do expect the candidates I support to be honest with both me and themselves…”
Those proggie drones just don’t have a single iota of self-awareness, do they? How could a drone write such a thing and have voted for Barry Soetero twice? Somebody please tell me.
I hope you are right, but I never take the Democrats lightly. They have proven time and again on their use of dirty tricks.
Juanita Jean wants to vote for candidates who are honest to themselves and the voters? And she votes Democrat? ROFLMAO. I hope she appreciates paradox.
This, Wm, “eek out a win” should be “eke out a win”. “Eek” is for mouse and large roach sightings.
I might be swayed if she came out for “open carry for fetuses.”
Would rather complicate the abortionists’ job, no? 🙂
–Andrew, @LawSelfDefense
Mr. Branca has the built-in advantage of a moderator, but damn sir, that’s game, set and match!
What a brilliant idea for a short film!
I don’t think she ever had a chance at any statewide office. The ONLY reason she wasn’t laughed out of the attempt was that all the abortionistas from Emily’s List and other national enclaves of self-proclaimed “feminists” were still all swooning over her courageous faux “filibuster” that delayed the new abortion law in Texas for a few weeks.
At this point, after exposure of her phony bio, her only chance is to throw a Hail Mary (as in the desperation football pass, not the actual prayer, which I doubt she knows) on every down. This open carry statement is just one of them. She can’t win with just Democratic votes in Texas, especially in a non-Presidential year. It’s a play to defuse one line of attack that usually kills Democrats in the South.
Yeah, she is now trying to live up to the expectations thrust upon her by her many believers.
Voters, particularly swing voters, sense politicians who are trying to be what they are not. Guns are a particularly difficult issue to fudge on because gun owners are quite adept at spotting a phony. In 2006 West Virginia Republican John Raese ran and ad about the state about needing a new gun in Washington. Raese, born into a wealthy family and whose wife seems to spend all her time at their home in Florida, not only had an expensive antique big game rifle of a type Robert Ruark might have carried casually slung over his shoulder, but his finder was firmly on the trigger. Instead of highlighting that Senator Byrd had been in DC too long, the buzz about the ad was how stupid Raese looked trying to be a good ol boy with his elephant gun.
Time for conservatives to draw a line against anti – America liberal democrats. Open carry in all states. ……..
You can’t count Davis out. But my guess is that on election day there will be a lot of Democrats sitting home smoking cigarettes, and not bothering to vote.
Especially since they are not saddled with the burden of having to get a job.