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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Note: You may reprint this cartoon provided you link back to this source. To see more Legal Insurrection Branco cartoons, click here. Branco’s Facebook page is Cartoonist A.F.Branco ...


This Wednesday, I reported that the media were falsely reporting that Chick-fil-A had decided to cease donations to "anti-gay" groups. Scores of so-called reputable news outlets like the Los Angeles Times and ABC News ran headlines declaring that Chick-fil-A had changed its policy toward giving to...

There is no question that Scott Brown won the debate last night. It wasn't a knock out.  As Howie Carr correctly notes, a man can't get away with hitting a woman too hard in a debate: When he was pummeling her on the asbestos litigation, and her...

Memo to File: From: reader Tom in San Diego, CA Location: Shopping Mall parking lot Concise and to the point. I like that. ...

I will add to this, and embed videos when available, but here's my quick take.  (Full video here) Very strong opening for Brown on fake Cherokee issue.  He didn't handle it the way I would have, but he picked an issue -- the release of her...

Update - Warren-Brown Post-Debate Analysis ------------------------------------ This is a live blog of the Scott Brown - Elizabeth Warren Debate sponsored by WBZ CBS Boston. The debate is from 7-8 p.m. Eastern. The live feed is available at the WBZ website and on CSPAN. I will embed a feed...

There's an extremely competitive race going on in the IL-8 congressional district; it's just the Democrats don't want anyone to find out. This is the race between Tea Party stalwart Congressman Joe Walsh and the DNC darling Tammy Duckworth. Walsh made headlines in 2010 for his well-fought...

for splitting the vote between Eric Hovde and Mark Neumann, allowing Thompson to win the primary with under 40% of the vote. I have a bad feeling about this, via Althouse: Thompson was up 9 points in the polls a month ago, and now he's down 9 points. It's useless...

I found myself wondering why the Council on American-Islamic Relations had been so quiet since the 9/11/ attacks in Libya and two dozen other Islamic countries. Since the original 9/11 massacre, every time a Muslim shouts “allahu akhbar” while slaughtering innocents—or is prevented by undercover operations...

Update - Brown-Warren Debate – LIVE ---------------------------- I'll be watching, and hopefully embedding a live video if I can find an embeddable version.  At a minimum, I'll have a link to the live feed.  Also, I may have a joint live blog feed with Red Mass Group blog. I'm...

The Washington Examiner has an in-depth series doing the work the legacy media refuses to do, The Obama You Don't Know. Here is an excerpt from the Introduction: In an effort to get a clearer picture of Obama -- his shaping influences, his core beliefs, his political...

Obama attended an anti-Israel conference with Rashid Khalidi.  The L.A. Times will not release the video. Obama was caught on an open mic calling federal employees "slugs."  CBS News will not release the tape. Obama was caught on an open mic promising the Russians to be more flexible if re-elected, and CBS...

Nothing to see here, move along. The head of the U.S. National Counter-Terrorism Center told lawmakers on Wednesday that the deadly attack on Sept. 11 that claimed the lives of the U.S. ambassador to Libya and three aides was a "terrorist" strike. But the official, Matt Olsen,...

What used to be called hope and change. From reader Perry in Rome, NY: ...

There have been several polls released recently, showing everything from a virtual dead heat to Elizabeth Warren ahead by low single digits. This was a contrast to pre-DNC polls, which showed Brown ahead by low single digits.  Clearly Warren received a convention bounce, almost entirely from increased...

You do realize that there actualy are some Patriotic Millionaires, don't you? Guys like Warren Buffet and others who insist that people pay higher taxes, but don't take the chance to pay voluntarily. Like this guy, who turned out to be a plant by a group called...

In case you have not heard, the Obama campaign started another stupid Twitter hashtag #ForAll. Twitchy has the backstory, and The Right Scoop picked up on this hideously creepy image tweeted by Obama campaign manager Jim Messina" It has sparked a wave of photoshopping as well as...