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Impeachable Offenses Week at Legal Insurrection

Impeachable Offenses Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

According to the standards of the left, shouldn’t Biden be impeached for this?

Isn’t this also worthy of impeachment?

Everything is tightening in the midterms.

Compare the media treatment.

When someone in the media is honest, she gets attacked.

What is Mitt Romney’s problem?

Good for her!

Great job, Brandon.

Of course he does.

These people are so annoying.

Destroying great works of art to save the planet.

Is there something we should know?

Oh my.

No arrests yet?

The feds are too busy going after the real enemy.

These people are useless.

World news.

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It’s a lot less impeachable if Kamala is VP, and might not be impeachable anyway. Reelection allows Biden to do more for the good of the country, so in balance it’s a plus.

Getting him on payoffs would be okay. It’s hard to find a way that’s a plus.

    artichoke in reply to rhhardin. | October 16, 2022 at 8:25 pm

    In 2024 Biden will be a million years old and have a poor track record, including an extremely (ahem) doubtful election to his first term where the military and police state tactics have been employed now for years to quench the dissent.

    Kamala doesn’t quite have that baggage, and Obama would really love to have her in office, but she only has a chance to win if she’s incumbent.

    I’d say don’t impeach Biden, just beat him in 2024. Or let the Dems thrash around figuring how to keep him from the nomination.

2. Abandoning US citizens in Afghanistan and then lying about it.
3. Failing to enforce immigration law.
4. Forgiving college loans without Congressional approval.
5. Undoubtedly collecting 10% from Hunter’s grift. (A little digging would almost certainly prove a career of graft. Let’s see the Suspicious Activity Reports-SARs.)
6. Knowing unconstitutional mandate for workers at private companies under the guise of OSHA regulation.

BierceAmbrose | October 16, 2022 at 4:15 pm

If he’s clipped for this, he can share a cell with John Kerry.