Nury Martinez Resigns From Los Angeles City Council After New Audio Reveals Her Using Vulgar Language Towards Jews, Armenians
California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced the state will investigate Los Angeles’s redistricting process.

A recording leaked a few days ago exposed a few Latino Los Angeles City Council members making racist remarks towards blacks, whites, and Asians.
Three things happened today:
- The Los Angeles Times revealed that Nury Martinez used vulgar language about Jews and Armenians.
- The California Department of Justice announced an investigation into the redistricting process in Los Angeles after the release of the audio.
- Martinez, who already stepped down as city council president, resigned her seat.
Jews and Armenians
The conversation occurred in October 2021 with Councilmen Kevin de León and Gil Cedillo and L.A. County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera about redistricting.
In the recording reviewed by The Times, Martinez can be heard saying the “judíos” — which means Jews in Spanish — “cut their deal with South L.A.”
Martinez was responding to former Los Angeles County Federation of Labor President Ron Herrera, who had concluded, “I’m sure Katz and his crew have an agenda,” referring to former state Assemblymember Richard Katz.
Katz served on the city’s 21-member redistricting commission that worked on council district boundary maps. He was an appointee of City Councilman Bob Blumenfield.
“They are gonna screw everybody else,” Martinez said in the recording.
Martinez doesn’t think too highly of Armenians:
Martinez also spoke about Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, who is of Armenian descent, and Councilmember Paul Krekorian, the first Armenian American to be elected to public office in Los Angeles.
“He also wants his guy elected,” said Martinez, referring to Krekorian. “So he needs a district that Adrin Nazarian could win it. That’s what they want. They want to assure, they want to be reassured that they have, not an Armenian district in the Valley, because that doesn’t exist, but they want as many Armenians in that district as possible to be able to play.”
Martinez added that she didn’t know whether Nazarian could get elected in a “pretty white” district.
“Now, I don’t think Adrin … gets elected. If a white, a reputable white businesswoman was in that district … [it] is still pretty white. But that’s on them,” she said. “I’m not — I’m not cutting that deal with anybody because I don’t know. I don’t know that he can win.”
Later in the conversation, Martinez was attempting to identify Areen Ibranossian, a former chief of staff for Krekorian who is now a senior advisor to Rick Caruso’s campaign for mayor. Someone in the room asks, “What’s his name? What’s he look like?” She said he’s “the guy with the one eyebrow.”
“I like him,” Martinez said, adding that he is married to a friend of hers.
When Martinez couldn’t recall his last name and asked what it was, Cedillo responded, “It ends in i-a-n, I bet you.”
Herrera resigned on Monday.
Cedillo and de León still face calls to resign.
Nazarin and the Armenian National Committee of America Western Region condemned the comments made in the recording.
The organization also wants to know “how the recording was made and leaked, and said the context of the conversation among the local politicians and labor leader raises serious concerns about the integrity of the redistricting process.”
Martinez Resigns Her Seat
The public, council members, and organizations demanded those in the recording apologize and resign.
Martinez took that step on Wednesday afternoon:
“It is with a broken heart that I resign my seat for Council District 6, the community I grew up in and my home,” Martinez wrote in a lengthy resignation message.
Martinez told her constituents that it had been a privilege serving them. “I hope you stay engaged and continue to fight for your fair share of the city’s resources,” she said in the statement. “It’s hard to say goodbye, but please know that I was in this fight for you.”
“And last, to all little Latina girls across this city — I hope I’ve inspired you to dream beyond that which you can see,” Martinez said in closing. “While I take the time to look inwards and reflect, I ask that you give me space and privacy.”
I hope no little girl of any race finds inspiration in Martinez because the audio shows a not-so-nice side to her.
Redistricting Investigation
California Attorney General Rob Bonta announced the investigation on Twitter.
CADOJ will investigate Los Angeles' redistricting process.
The leaked audio has cast doubt on a cornerstone of our political processes.
We will endeavor to bring the truth to light to help restore confidence in the process for the people of our state.
— Rob Bonta (@AGRobBonta) October 12, 2022
Los Angeles redistricts yearly, determining “where LA residents can vote and who might represent them.”
The redistricting is quite simple: “Every ten years following the decennial U.S. Census, the Los Angeles City Charter requires that district boundaries for the City Council be redrawn so that each district is as equal in population as possible and practicable so that communities have equal access to political representation.”
It has nothing to do with skin color or ethnicity, does it? Nope.

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So has she ACTUALLY resigned?
Because she’s tried to fake resign like 2 or 3 times already, claiming she was ‘resigning’, but then only resigning as President of the council but NOT her actual council seat, and then acting like she was resigning but announcing she was taking a ‘leave of absence’.
And by the way, NOTHING she said was unusual rhetoric for the current Democrat party.
Her mistake was being the wrong color and thinking she could say it.
Heck, I thought she was a “white supremacist” with all that racism talk.
Is it possible that nonwhites can be racist???
Where is the hate crime charges, or better, the 30+ armed FIB agents carting her away?
I see no racism in any of her remarks.
The word for jew in Spanish is Judio.
No racism there.
And many Armenians have names ending in “Ian”
Like a lady named Kardashian.
No racism there.
And of cours Jewish politicians would work to benefit their Jewish voters.
And an Armenian politician would work to elect more Armenians.
So where is the problem?
>> So where is the problem? <<
There is a danger that if they don't act, it might appear as if all the "racist" things that whites do is not so "racist" afterall. Trust me, the impact of the Oberlin-Gibsons case is deep in their psyche. One reason they don't talk about it is because it undermines their use of the race-card willy-nilly. Ironically, Oberlin, the flattest place on Earth, is the hill that they chose to die on.
“Oberlin, the flattest place on Earth, is the hill that they chose to die on.”
Make sure all Dems have directions to that ‘hill’. Keep the grass neatly mowed and a nice sign put up saying ‘here it is’.
“I see no racism in any of her remarks.”
I agree. Just the usual marxist banter regarding the voting process and dividing up the electorate to ensure power. She’s corrupt to the core just like everyone on that “council”, so no tears shed. They eat their own, a fine thing IMO.
“In the recording reviewed by The Times, Martinez can be heard saying the “judíos” — which means Jews in Spanish — “cut their deal with South L.A…”
Coming to theaters November 6: “Godfather IV: The LA Years.”
There ought to be more vulgar and offensive language in public, not less. The right is always buying in to the wokeness tic of the left.
Not wanting vulgarity and actually offensive language in public is not remotely comparable to the wokies not wanting to hear truth.
I’m not sure what is vulgar about “judios”. It’s spanish for jew(s),
Teach democrats not to be racist.
Some things simply are not possible.
Subotai Bahadur
It’s in the party’s blood.
And its bloodletting…
Gunny Hartman?
Diversity [dogma] breeds adversity. Some, Select [Black] Lives Matter
Remember now folks…. “diversity is our strength”
“And last, to all little Latina girls across this city — I hope I’ve inspired you to dream beyond that which you can see.”
You can see Latina mayors and governors, Latinas in Congress and on the Supreme Court. But don’t look up to them. Look up to me. Some day you can be on the city council!
Wait, what? The one on the Supreme Court is someone to look up to? Who knew?
Well, not look up to, but aspire to. Martinez intimates that little Latina girls should aspire to be like her and she’s on the city council. I was pointing out that they should aspire far beyond Martinez and her angry, screwed up little life in LA .
Can we stop the pearl clutching? I didn’t read any vulgar language, just talk of two ethnic groups jockeying for power. And one Armenian (whom she liked) has a unibrow? For that matter, don’t a lot of Mexicans have bushy eyebrows and/or unibrows?
I agree. I clicked the link to read this article and didn’t see anything that was in-your-face Antisemitic or Anti-Armenian. (RI has a huge Armenian population and I count many as friends and not one an adversary.). That said, one less woke Libtard is politics is a start.
It doesn’t matter what we think, we don’t buy into their race-baiting bullshit. It matters what those retards think and if they want to tear each other to shreds, let them.
Regina George would be proud.
I love it. Members of a Leftist protected class going after each other and trying to hold them to the standards that they hold those of us who are NOT protected classes to . . . it is just blood wonderful.
Subotai Bahadur
Identity politics descends into tribalism when power and money are at stake.
This is way better than “The Shield,” and it was pretty darn good.
I agree completely.
Everyone here is missing the story including Mary. Whoever made this tape (almost certainly the Socialist Democrat Party) could have released it a year ago. They held on to it until just before the elections. This is not about racism but about power. The Socialists are even bigger racists.
Those who are doing the protesting here are the same Meth Bonin protest gangs who have disrupted every single city council meeting since he was elected clamoring on behalf of the homeless. There is no one in this town who has any sympathy for this lunatic.
The three committee members being asked to resign are machine Democrats. They opened up on at least two more today and we can expect they will demand they resign too.
Meth Bonin (Soros backed) is one of 4-5 Socialist Democrats on the committee and decided not to run for re-election this year citing mental health problems related to his meth addiction. He probably knew about the tape the whole time and knew this was coming.
With the 5 Social Democrats on the committee already, these 3 will make it 8 giving the Social Democrats control of the 15-man committee. They may also gain a couple more should the newly charged also be forced to resign or should some of the remaining Democrats lose their elections. The Democrat machine is dead which would be good except what is replacing is far, far worse.
Like I said on another thread, there are no good guys in this and the Social Democrats (think The Squad) are devoted Marxists and they brag about it. Karen Bass (Fidel Castro adorer and like AG Bonta and DA Gascon and Meth Bonin, is backed by Soros) is very likely to become the next mayor. See the picture? This is the LA Bolshevik revolution.
Don’t take my word for it Mary. Look into it. Don’t even bother reading the LA Times. They are even worse than the NY Times. Your best source would be John Phillips on KABC radio and frequent TV Fox News contributor. Locally, KTLA Fox News also usually does a decent job but no one knows more about city politics than Phillips. There is also a Cal Poly professor named Dr. Barbara Stone who is well-versed on local politics.
Reading this story here as reported is very misleading. Bonin is NOT a victim. He is a mentally disturbed drug addict and scoundrel of the first order.
The Democrat machine is completely devoted to serving the interests of the government employee unions. The rest of their efforts are focused on gerrymandering the districts to divide the stolen loot. The Social Democrats want to eliminate private property and centralize control of everything. From bad to much worse. LA is already a disaster and will soon be an utter catastrophe. There is nothing to cheer here. To me it’s like watching the Iraq/Iran war more interested in upping the body count that in who is winning.
This is the same thing happening in Congress with The Squad working in conjunction with George Soros and other dirty money to take over. And if you look at all of the Soros DAs and AGs throughout the country, all of you who think this is an LA story are idiots. True idiots. Wake up.
This is almost certainly why Tulsi Gabbard decided to quit the Democrat Party. She is likely trying to be the Democrat version of Donald Trump by fighting the Democrat establishment. Listen to what she has been saying the last couple of days.
So we now have two doomed major parties flailing for a foothold. Trump can fight from within the party because the party rules are different (no super delegates at the convention e.g.). Gabbard has no choice but to leave the party and fight from the outside while the party implodes.
1. Get out
2. Hopefully the rest of this country gets a nice object lesson to turn us from the mad scientist experiments that the left would like to perform with other people’s money.
Yes, get out and join the rest of you who are too complacent to realize that YOU TOO are under siege. Quitting is NOT an option! Get over your hatred of CA. It is going to be the death of this country.
We’re under siege, true. But we haven’t (all) lost just yet. California is a lost cause. Perhaps someday it will rise from the ashes to be a decent place again.
So, “get out” is good advice. I know it is a difficult thing to do. But if you are under 50 or so, getting out now is the smartest thing you will ever do. What’s coming is not going to be conducive to your health.
It’s not “quitting”, it;s an organized retreat. Common practice when a battle is going poorly regroup elsewhere to fight another day rather than face annihilation.
It was meant to be friendly advice, friend.
I don’t like losing and squandering all of those natural resources any more than you do. I’m just saying that CA is a lost cause in all facets except for the fact that HOPEFULLY it can be used as an object lesson for the rest of the country to wake up.
That’s LA’s problem. They elected the retards, they can clean up after them.
But are the ‘retards’ ACTUALLY elected by voters, or are ‘voting machines’ and ‘mail-in ballots’ maniuplated by the swamp doing the ‘electing’?
To my horror, I’ve cone to believe it’s the latter.
couldn’t agree with you more, the other aspect is the straight party line is vote, not the individual candidates
Another legacy of Biden and the Socialist party we have to worry about.
Thanks, Brandon.
No it isn’t it’s YOUR problem too! When there is nothing but “retards” on the ballot (because the Texas Bush/Cheney RINOs destroyed during the recall election), who do YOU vote for? Thanks for you help. If you can’t see your way to understanding how SURRENDERING the 5th largest economy in the world to communism is not your problem. YOUR ARE THE PROBLEM! Are we a country or aren’t we? Good luck when you wake up to learn it’s happening where you live too. Lose your smart ass smugness already.
To be honest, Commiefornia could fall off the face of the Earth and the world would be better for it.
Phil, defending California is a lost cause. I feel for you.
I have three different friends that left South and North Carolina after HS and college to go to California!
They all came home in the last 20-30 years, disgusted.
In my old neighborhood we had several families, lifetime Californians, that had left the place.
Yes, its a local problem and Brandon only chimed in because race was involved
The vile and stupid Dumb-o-crats are manifestly the biggest and most brazen racists in American society.
She sound just like your standard democrat trash, an all-around racist piece of sh*t.
I’m not sure what she said that so bad towards jews? Frankly, I’m offended by the fact that she can’t speak English while serving in public office in America.
I have no doubt that she hates Jews but I don’t see where it exhibited in her language, here. Though i don’t really care what she thinks about jews. I can’t say that I care what she thinks about anything.
Martinez is not anything outside of the norm. She is typical of the left. Frankly, the great bulk of the world have these sorts of attitudes about all foreigners and others in their countries. t is only in America (and some Eurotrash) who pretend that it isn’t so – the same way they loved to pretend that only English was so evil and gender-biased, when in fact English was about the least gendered of any of the major languages iin the world.
Dear PrimordialOrdered:
Generally agree, but, re the wars over grammatical gender and the assault on English, they’re trying to get the Spanish-speakers to say “Latinx” instead of “Latino” or “Latina”. How it will work in a highly gendered language like Spanish, French, German, etc. beats me.
But English is not the least gendered of the major languages. I habitually use Mandarin, and have been exposed to three other Sinitic languages. Before 1919, Chinese did not gender the pronouns at all, and after 1919 only adopted different Hanzi for “he”, “she”, and “it” (in speech, they still retained the same “ta” for all three). However, nobody can accuse traditional Chinese culture of being sexually egalitarian.
The people playing these games with our beautiful, expressive English language are nothing but a bunch of provincial, hypersensitive navel-gazers seeking a useless and senseless fight.
Where’s the antisemitism, or the anti-Armenianism? Nothing quoted here seems to qualify. I didn’t see any insults or false accusations, just normal political discussion. Of course Jewish and Armenian representatives have each acted to increase their respective community’s voting power. How is that a negative? Why would you expect otherwise?
Find the full remarks referencing “darkies” and “short ugly people”. Seriously, do some homework as by now you should know the msm is not going to tell you they whole story but pick what they want you to know
Here is a quote from NH Republican candidate Don Bolduc accepting Tulsi Gabbard’s endorsement yesterday:
“Tulsi is a fellow change agent and independent-minded outsider willing to speak truth to power. I am going to spend every day between now and election day building a wide coalition of supporters that includes Republicans, independents and even disaffected Democrats who know that Senator Hassan is a career politician and must be retired.”
How does that fit into this thread? Figure it out. I’m tired of having to explain the obvious to echo chamber, sleepwalking Republican robots.
I would feel a lot better today had more Republicans done what Gabbard is doing. Luckily many “disaffected Republicans, independents and Democrats” were ahead of the curve and voted for Trump. Unfortunately, there are too many brainwashed zombies in this country running around in their personal mazes inside their personal echo chambers. Yes. I am very frustrated.
If I leave CA, my fear is that I will just be stepping back five years to make arguments I was making ten years ago to lose the same fight in a state less able and willing to fight. Most Americans have already abandoned the Uniparty and are now abandoning you. You are missing in action. Wake up!
Read the NH Democrat Party reaction to Gabbard’s endorsement:
Sounds like many of us here doesn’t it? Gabbard is kicking the second leg out from under Uniparty tripod and revealing there is something wrong with too many of us too. If I were Trump, I would be paying attention to what she is doing and start strategizing on how to take California back. No state has more “disaffected Republicans, independents and Democrats” than CA. The right message worked in 2016 and with the same message now resonating with more and more of the people who just couldn’t shake loose from the Uniparty, it’s time to barnstorm CA for 2024.
Of course, trying is the first step to failure and the GOPe wouldn’t want to risk losing Idaho’s 4 electoral votes to chase California’s 55 votes. Heck, if it weren’t for DeSantis, we would have lost FL already and it would be game over. The world is already adjusting to an America that has lost the West coast and no longer a player in the Pacific Rim economy. We used to be THE biggest player with CA, OR and WA. But hey, that’s “not our problem. They’re getting what they vote for.”
The Stupid Party in full regalia.
Bro, that’s why Trump was elected. Tulsi is going to be an Independent as she said on JRE. My take is that she has her sights set on the stupidest woman in the Senate, Masi
Hope you’re right.
My 3rd generation Mexican American ex-wife was a racist who refused to vote for Obama because, “I”m not voting for any black man.” I was actually shocked.
you are one of the main reasons that i come here to li–your insight, admonitions and observations are informative as hell–you are there in one of our major cities–on the street and watching it happen–can see it happening here as well, though not as organized outside of austin / houston–believe the fundamental reason for all of it began when we were all a lot younger–personally, think it is the “something for nothing ” attitude / philosophy–promulgated and encouraged by the democrats for decades then supercharged by obama and his ilk for eight years (and more)–am all about equal opportunity, is a fundamental principle of our country but to say / demand that all outcomes are to be equal (“equity”) is insane and against the laws of human nature / civilization itself–will ask other folks early-on if they support “equity” or not–if they answer in the affirmative, will not listen to another word they say–no need–they’ve confirmed their insanity / magical outlook on things–don’t need to hear their garbage
you are in a tough place–believe we may be headed there ourselves–way past time (but not too late) to get involved in such places as we can help
good luck to you
Sorry, I don’t actually dislike Phil but some of those insights as you suggest are more like wish-casting, particularly in regards to Trump.
For instance, who is he yelling “wake up” to in threads above here?
The people that need to wake up aren’t on here (or are irredeemable trolls like Fatty cakes).
A person in VA like myself can and does fight here in my state…how am I supposed to fight for California? I’ve never lived there and won’t. I’ve visited and even enjoyed it at times. That doesn’t mean there’s a fight there for me….my fight is here in my state that is purple teetering blue thanks to NoVA transplants that think they are god’s gift to the state.
One more thing….if every conservative voter in California were able to leave the state and distribute themselves around those actual battleground states in National elections, the whole country would be a lot better off. I know that’s not going to happen, but it would be a strategic boon.
California would lose representation in the next census, still be as blue as now, and the Electoral map would look sane again. So, again, what fight in CA trumps the winnable battles around the country? What’s the insight behind the strategy?
For those interested enough in this to actually do a deep dive The Fifth Column podcast in its first several minutes had a stellar breakdown with the LA Times reporter asked to interpret the remarks as a native speaker. Those people and especially the chick (deserves this) went after everyone. Whites, Jews, Koreans, Oaxacans, Blacks etc. The untold story is why the Big Union Labor guy was in on a call about redistricting but at least he had the common sense to realize what was going on and kept his mouth shut