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Carly Fiorina Tag

Carly Fiorina is no longer running for president, but it looks like she already has another job in mind. Many people are speculating that she will throw her hat into the ring to replace Reince Priebus as chair of the RNC. Time reports:
Carly Fiorina Plotting Bid to Chair Republican National Committee Former HP CEO and 2016 presidential contender Carly Fiorina is actively laying the groundwork for a bid to be the next chair of the Republican National Committee, according to state GOP officials who have followed her plans.

This awkward little gem from Ted Cruz's Vice Presidential announcement is bouncing its merry way around the internet. It's like a train wreck -- you want to look away, but you can't:

It's not exactly "breaking news" anymore. Ted Cruz is announcing that should he get the nomination, his running mate will be Carly Fiorina.

Ted Cruz has a major announcement at 4 p.m. today. We will turn a video feed live at that time. Reports are emerging that he will announce that Carly Fiorina will be his running mate:
Texas Sen. Ted Cruz will announce on Wednesday afternoon that former presidential rival Carly Fiorina has agreed to be his running mate should he win the GOP presidential nomination. Sources confirmed to WMUR political director Josh McElveen and political reporter John DiStaso that Fiorina, who has been a supporter of Cruz for several weeks, will be the focus of the announcement that Cruz intends to make in Indiana Wednesday afternoon.... Should Cruz survive Indiana, California’s primary is key on June 7. Fiorina is viewed as a potential asset to Cruz in California, where she won a U.S. Senate primary in 2010 before losing to Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer in the general election.

On Tuesday morning, Ted Cruz kicked off a Women for Cruz coalition in the liberal stronghold of Madison, Wisconsin. The senator was joined by his wife Heidi, mother Eleanor, and former presidential candidate Carly Fiorina for a conversation on issues considered important to women. In a change of pace from prior events, Cruz gave a shortened stump speech and focused on the meaning of the term "women's issue," itself:
"This event this morning is a celebration of strong women. One of the most frustrating things about the Democrats is the Democrats love to pigeonhole women. Put 'em in a little box [and] you have a set of issues that are women's issues. Well, listen. I have news for the Democrat party: Women are not a special interest. Women are a majority of the United States of America and every issue is a women's issue."
Cruz went on to say that his campaign is about three issues, those being jobs, freedom, and security. Despite the Democrat party's effort to deem only issues advancing the progressive cause as valid women's issues, Cruz made a point to emphasize that these three crucial issues are inherently women's issues just as they are men's.

Last night is being hyped as a Yuuuge comeback for Trump. Actually, not much changed other than the media narrative:
Last night's primary and caucus results changed the momentum in both presidential races. But they didn't significantly alter the overall math and trajectory of the two contests. Let's start with the Republican race. Donald Trump headed into last night losing some steam after Ted Cruz's gains over the weekend. And what did Trump do? He won the Michigan and Mississippi primaries by double digits over Cruz, and he even triumphed in Hawaii's caucuses. (Trump's one loss came in Idaho, where Cruz beat him, 45%-28%.) Still, the results don't truly change the overall math for Trump: He still needs to win Florida and/or Ohio to be on a stronger path to the 1,237 delegates needed to capture the GOP nomination. The good news for him: His top competition in Florida (Marco Rubio) and Ohio (John Kasich) certainly don't have the political winds at their backs. Here's the GOP delegate math: Trump currently has a 93-delegate lead over Cruz

Carly Fiorina just posted on her Facebook page that she is suspending her campaign:
This campaign was always about citizenship—taking back our country from a political class that only serves the big, the powerful, the wealthy, and the well connected. Election after election, the same empty promises are made and the same poll-tested stump speeches are given, but nothing changes. I've said throughout this campaign that I will not sit down and be quiet. I'm not going to start now. While I suspend my candidacy today, I will continue to travel this country and fight for those Americans who refuse to settle for the way things are and a status quo that no longer works for them.

During Saturday night's NH GOP debate, Marco Rubio was asked how he planned to tackle social issues with millennial voters, in particular issues of life and marriage. Rubio discussed abortion as a two-fold issue -- one dealing with women's rights and the other with the right to life. "I've chosen to err on the side of life," he said. Hillary Clinton's stance on abortion was pulled into his answer as Rubio called her views "extreme."

Thursday night, ABC announced the lineup for tomorrow's New Hampshire debate. Carly Fiorina was left off the roster. To put it politely -- Carly got royally screwed. For the first time this primary season there will be no undercard debate, leaving Fiorina and Gilmore the only candidates unable to participate in the network's pre-New Hampshire primary debate. Fiorina placed higher in the Iowa Caucus than two other approved debate contenders -- Governors Chris Christie and John Kasich. The debate also

Republican presidential candidate Carly Fiorina is fighting to get on the debate stage on Saturday, the last one before the New Hampshire primary next Tuesday. Current rules will issue invitations to the Republican candidates who finished in the top three in Monday's Iowa caucus -- that would be Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), Donald Trump, and Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) -- or who rank in the top six in averages of the latest national polls, or in averages of Granite State polls. As The Hill notes, the final decision will be made on Thursday. After Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) and former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA) announced on Wednesday that they were suspending their campaigns, only Fiorina and former Gov. Jim Gilmore (R-VA) would be left on the sidelines of Saturday's debate. Former Gov. Mike Huckabee dropped out Monday after the caucus results were reported. For the first time this election cycle, there will be no undercard debate. Gilmore had a total of twelve supporters -- yes, as in just twelve people -- in the entire state of Iowa on Monday, and efforts to track down any of those twelve Gilmoreans created the most press attention he had received in months. In contrast, Fiorina has some arguments that are not without merit.

This is good. Really good. So good that Mother Jones magazine calls it an Unhinged Rant: Mother Jones conveniently provides a list of Carly Fiorina's points:

Fox Business News announced the line up for the January 14, 2016 Republican Debate. This is the last debate before the Iowa caucuses. Mercifully, we are down to just 7 people on main stage. The Big Names not on stage anymore are Rand Paul and Carly Fiorina. Jeb is now on the edge, physically and metaphorically. Looking back, it's interesting how there has been a realignment. Jeb is moving on down, and Christie fought his way back. What has not changed is Trump in the center position, and a solidifying of what everyone knows -- it's Trump at the top, Cruz as the main challenger. Carson is a goner. Jeb is a goner.  Rubio, Kasich and Christie are vying for the non-Trump, non-Cruz candidacy. Here's how things looked at the mid-December 2015 CNN debate:

Pro-Carly Fiorina PAC CARLY for America released a new ad Thursday. The 50 second spot will air in the digital space in early voting states. The ad makes a bold comparison -- it pitches Fiorina as America's Margaret Thatcher.

Carly Fiorina was on The O'Reilly Factor last night and was asked by Bill O'Reilly how she would deal with the ISIS problem as president. Fiorina began by reacting to President Obama's lackluster Sunday night speech and pointed out the insanity of pushing climate change and gun control as a response to terrorism. She then got into specifics such as the sharing of intelligence. She pointed out that the Patriot Act is 14 years old which equals generations in terms of technology. She suggested retaking ground from ISIS, increasing our bombing activity, working with allies in the region and more. Bill also asked her about Donald Trump's suggestion of a temporary ban on Muslim immigration, with which she strongly disagrees. Watch the whole segment below:

We haven't written about the shooting at the Planned Parenthood clinic in Colorado yet, because the facts as to the shooting and shooter seem so in flux. As is usually the case, there is a large-scale media operation underway to tie the shooter to the anti-abortion movement and specifically the undercover videos about Planned Parenthood's sale of unborn children parts and tissue. The problem is, there are precious few facts proving such a connection. There are reports based on anonymous sources that the shooter mentioned "baby parts" to police, but we don't know that for sure or in what context. It's also curious that the shooter does not appear to have shot people in the clinic, but did kill people, including a policeman, while shooting from the clinic. Carly Fiorina was on Fox News this morning, and hit out at the attempts to tie the pro-life movement to the shooting as a "typical left-wing tactic."

Carly Fiorina appeared on the Kelly File last night and offered a harsh rebuke to President Obama's recent remarks regarding the terror attacks in Paris. Fiorina pointed out that Obama is more comfortable attacking Republicans than he is talking about America's enemies and laid blame at the feet of the president and Hillary Clinton who she charges with leaving a vacuum in the Middle East by prematurely pulling out American forces against military counsel. When Megyn Kelly asks Fiorina what can be done domestically to stop the rise of ISIS and other terrorists, she says one of the most logical first steps would be to stop the flow of Syrian refugees who can't possibly be vetted adequately.

Earlier this week, Hillary Clinton cackled away comments about Carly Fiorina made during a New Hampshire town hall that, if made by any other conservative candidate, would be cause for healing circles and peace rallies all across America. During a Q&A on veterans' issues, a man—who is a veteran and who claims to have been an HP employee from 1999-2005—expressed his frustration with Fiorina by saying, “every time I see [Carly Fiorina] on TV I want to reach through and strangle her.” Need a refresher? Here's the video:

Mark today on your calendars as the day that Hillary Clinton stared boldly into the face of an aggressive and violent patriarchy---and cackled. Actually, what happened was that an attendee at a Team Clinton Q&A on veterans and the military got a little too heated with his comments about Carly Fiorina, and Clinton laughed it off. The man---who is a veteran and who claims to have been an HP employee from 1999-2005---expressed his frustration with Fiorina by saying, "every time I see [Carly Fiorina] on TV I want to reach through and strangle her." Clinton's reaction? LOL: