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Republicans Tag

Many Legal Insurrection readers have given up on California entirely, determining that the state's politicians have flushed our prosperity and legacy of infrastructure innovation down the toilet with socialist policies and social justice laws.

Will it be like 2016 all over again? Pennsylvania is a key state and it looks like the media's constant bashing of President Donald Trump didn't harm him in the state. In fact, it seems Trump is more popular in Pennsylvania than in 2016 because the state has seen a lot of new Republican registered voters.

Every once in a while, the GOP gets its act together.  In this case, the goal is to register as many unregistered GOP voters as possible.  Democrats  have long outpaced the GOP in voter registration.  Until now.

Mainstream media reporters are fond of lavishing praise on and treating with reverence any prominent Republican (or former Republican) who declares themselves to be a part of the #NeverTrump coalition. Words like "principled" and "courageous" are often tossed around when describing the work the #NeverTrump leaders in the "Lincoln Project" PAC are doing in allegedly exposing President Trump as an inauthentic conservative.