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Republicans Tag

In 2016, Democrats used the myth of Russia meddling to explain away their stunning loss. In 2020, there may be some actual attempts at meddling, but it won't be coming from Russia. The Chinese Communist Party is not happy about being blamed for the Coronavirus pandemic, and that blame is only coming from Republicans.

If you heard a lot of "dayums" Wednesday afternoon but weren't sure where they were coming from, it was very likely due to new White House Press secretary Kayleigh McEnany. She gave a Reuters reporter an epic answer after he asked about past statements she made on the Trump administration's response to the Wuhan Coronavirus outbreak.

Between the Crash and Bern and Warren coming in third in her home state, Super Tuesday was awesome. While much of our attention is on the Democrat presidential primary, there was an interesting development in Alabama. Former Senator and former Attorney General Jeff Sessions failed to secure the Republican nomination for his old Senate seat and now faces a runoff election on March 31st. Former Auburn football coach Tommy Tuberville won 33.4% of the vote to Sessions' 31.6%.