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Poll Finds Republican College Students Expect to Self-Censor in Class This Fall to Avoid Upsetting Others

Poll Finds Republican College Students Expect to Self-Censor in Class This Fall to Avoid Upsetting Others

“In contrast, only 15 percent of Democratic-identified college students plan to self-censor”

Why does this even have to happen? It’s a violation of the founding principles of our country.

The College Fix reports:

Majority of Republican students expect to self-censor in class this fall to avoid upsetting others: poll

More than half of Republican college students say they’ll self-censor in class this fall given the politically charged climate America is in today, according to the results of a College Fix survey.

The online poll asked 1,000 college students: “With the current political climate, do you expect to self-censor yourself in class this semester so your professors or peers don’t take offense at your ideas?”

Fifty-four percent of Republican-identified college students responded yes, they plan to self-censor, while 35 percent said no and another 11 percent are unsure.

In contrast, only 15 percent of Democratic-identified college students plan to self-censor, while 68 percent said they would not and 16 percent said they’re unsure.

Put another way, Republican college students are three times more likely to self-censor than Democratic ones, the poll results show.

The results also found that white students are more likely to self-censor than black or Latino students, at 30 percent compared to 20 percent and 21 percent, respectively.

Overall the results found that 28 percent of students expect to self-censor while 55 percent do not and 17 percent are unsure.


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This has been happening for years, as the colleges have been falling into a Groupthink mentality. Students who don’t fully advocate for the politically correct (mostly left-wing) ideas are criticized, ostracized, and mobbed in the social media.

    PODKen in reply to OldProf2. | August 14, 2020 at 9:59 pm

    These days I think it’s worse … you can literally be risking life and limb to speak up if you’re Republican.