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Media Bias Tag

I saw no less than forty different takes lambasting former White House Press Secretary's Sunday Night Emmy cameo. The award show, its attendees, and the media covering this self-aggrandizing party, which is now drenched in left-leaning politics, was shocked, SHOCKED! that Spicer would show his face in such a venue, let alone be somewhat funny. Given the headlines, I assumed Spicer had a fairly lengthy sketch and said some relatively harsh things to have drawn the ire he received. And then I watched the clip. Spicer wheeled out a likeness of the White House Press podium and uttered one line. Just one.

Paging the PC police! On CNN this morning, when Republican congressman Chris Collins light-heartedly suggested that Dreamers should be free to pursue whatever career they like, including "CNN host," Chris Cuomo responded:
"That's a low bar, Congressman. You should have higher hopes for people than to get into the media, be used as a piñata for guys like you all the time."

I live in Houston where we've just experienced the worst natural disaster in the city's long history. Harvey caused inestimable damage and left thousands without shelter and earthly possession. There is not one person in the Greater Houston Area, in Rockport, Port Aransas, or surrounding counties that hasn't been adversely affected by this storm. Naturally, the national media, like Politico are using Harvey as an opportunity to malign everything great about the Lone Star State. Essentially legitimizing criticism of coastal-centric political media -- they have no idea how real America works.

In the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, Democrats and their many media allies successfully created an unfair narrative which blamed George W. Bush for acting too slowly. When it became clear this week that President Trump planned to act quickly in the wake of Hurricane Harvey, they tried to make that the new narrative.

The mainstream media is at again: walking their well-worn propagandist path between fact and a fiction they hope seeps into public consciousness.  This time the target is Texas lawmakers who are requesting federal aid in the wake of Hurricane Harvey. The intent is to paint Republican lawmakers as "hypocrites" because they voted against the hideously pork-laden Hurricane Sandy relief package, yet are now requesting federal aid. As a quick reminder, the Sandy aid package included taxpayer money earmarked for Alaska fisheries, Amtrak "expenses," new vehicles for assorted federal agencies, and a range of other pork projects completely unrelated to the hurricane.

The liberal media's contempt for people who support President Trump was on display on CNN this morning. After a clip was aired of a panel discussion Alisyn Camerota conducted with six Trump supporters, Chris Cuomo disparaged them:
"You have a fundamental problem with this group of people, with the difference between fact and feeling. What they feel is true versus what is actually true . . . they absorb what [Trump] says, even though they clearly don't fully comprehend it."

Looks like Joe Scarborough might be getting bored with attacking Donald Trump. So now he's turning on the people who put Trump into office. On today's Morning Joe, Scarborough cited comments made by James Clapper after Trump's remarks in Phoenix last night, and by Michael Hayden in 2016, questioning Trump's fitness for office, specifically with regard to the potential use of nuclear weapons. Joe then referenced a statement made by Mika Brzezinksi prior to the election in which she warned Americans against voting for Trump.

I would like to expand upon Professor Jacobson's excellent post on Charlottesville, Reversal of Reality. He notes that the failure of the American press to fairly report the truth -- that both sides were violent during the protest/counter-protest -- goes beyond mere criticism.

It was apocalypse now on Brian Stelter's CNN show today. Under the guise of discussing how the media should be reporting the issue, the topic at hand was how and whether President Trump should be removed from office. Historian Douglas Brinkley was the most partisan panelist, saying "we all know" that Trump is a narcissist, and that we're dealing with what "having a sick man in the White House means." Brinkley said that the five generals of the Joint Chiefs of Staff need to "enter politics" and distance themselves from Trump.

A month ago I reported on a conversation I had with a lifelong Democrat who also was anti-Trump. The conversation was remarkable because while the person still dislikes Trump, he was frustrated with how Democrats and particularly the media were trying to prevent Trump from doing his job, Media overplaying its anti-Trump hand – statistics and an anecdote about a lifelong Democrat:

During a press conference Tuesday President Trump once again commented on the violence in Charlottesville. Naturally, his remarks were instantly mischaracterized to portray Trump as condoning the very neo-Nazis and white supremacists he condemned in a brief speech Monday. In no time, the political media set began virtue signalling based on inaccurate summations of what Trump said. Heaven forbid media actually listen to or watch the words on which they comment.

Over the weekend, radio host, TV host, and NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch faced immense backlash over an NRA ad that she taped months ago. Journalists claimed that she said fist, which has a sexual connotation for some, instead of fisk The New York Times for lies and misinformation. Loesch appeared on "The Story" on Fox News to discuss the abuse she faced and couldn't understand why everyone would get so upset over her wanting to fact check The Times.

Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski are suggesting that the Trump White House might be behind the leak of the transcripts of President Trump's conversations with the leaders of Mexico and Australia. On today's Morning Joe, Joe and Mika floated the notion that while the leaks might have been mildly embarrassing to the president, they were "really damaging to the press." In support of their theory on who was behind the leaking, the pair pointed to the fact that when the Washington Post informed the White House that they had the transcripts, Trump administration officials did not ask the paper not to publish them.

Add this to the annals of This is Why Everyone Hates the Media, Volume Eleventy Gazillion. In approximately three weeks, Americans in flyover country will be treated to what NASA calls, "one of nature’s most awe-inspiring sights - a total solar eclipse."