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Joy Reid Tag

There is fierce competition for the position of dumbest talking head over at MSNBC. Lawrence O'Donnell, Chris Hayes, Mika Brzezinski, and Nicolle Wallace put up a great fight for the prize on a regular basis, but Joy Reid consistently outshines all of them in this coveted category. A recent tweet from Reid about the meaning behind "538" in the name of the polling outfit "FiveThirtyEight" should be framed and hung on a refrigerator somewhere.

Just when you thought the on-going feud between Sens. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) couldn't possibly become more absurd, it does.  Bernie has been accused by CNN, who relayed the message from the Warren campaign, of saying that a woman could not win the presidency. Only die-hard Warren supporters appear to believe Warren (or CNN).

The internet is FOREVER, as MSNBC hostess Joy Reid is learning. Reid usually makes headlines for the...interesting things she suggests, most recently fantasizing about a scenario in which President Trump evades arrest by federal authorities and is dragged kicking and screaming from the White House. In any case, before she ascended to MSNBC, Joy Reid had a blog called the Reid Report.