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Feminism Tag

The left comes up with this stuff faster than anyone can keep up with them. Just in time for Valentine's Day, the left-wing Cosmopolitan Magazine is pushing an anti-gun narrative under the heading of gunsplaining:
Why You Should Never Date a "Gunsplainer" We've all met mansplainers, but have you ever met a similarly dreadful gunsplainer? He's the type of guy who will attempt to hit on you by calling you "schnookums" and, like the mansplainer, he will condescend to you about why you're safer in a world where guns are easier to buy than Sudafed, or how a good guy with a gun is the best antidote to a bad guy with a gun.

It is too bad for the Clintons that the Internet can travel back nearly 20 years! Feminist icons spent the weekend shaming women into voting for Hillary Clinton. Her husband, former President Bill Clinton, even smeared supporters of Senator Bernie Sanders as sexist trolls. But video taken 20 years ago show that Vermont's socialist representative was made an "honorary woman" by feminist luminary Gloria Steinem herself. (Jump ahead to 15:44)
[I]n 1996 the famous feminist traveled to Burlington, VT to endorse him (OVER his female opponent) in what was a tough re-election fight against Republican Susan Sweetser.

At the last Democrat debate, Hillary Clinton claimed she can't be an establishment candidate simply because she's a woman, running to be the first woman president. That didn't sit well with some young female voters. Jenna Lifhits of the Washington Free Beacon:
Young Women in NH ‘Offended’ Clinton Using Gender as Political Tool Young women in New Hampshire were offended by the way Hillary Clinton uses her gender to garner support, an MSNBC survey revealed Friday. When MSNBC anchor Tamron Hall asked young female voters about Hillary Clinton’s claim on Wednesday that she is not an establishment candidate because she is a woman, they responded negatively.

Although she appears to be supporting Hillary this election cycle as she did in 2008, Gloria Steinem endorsed Bernie Sanders in 1996, calling him an "honorary woman."  This is a common, if bizarre, tactic used by progressives to include whites, particularly white males, in their isolated, divisive little groupings of human beings (remember Toni Morrison calling Bill Clinton the "first black president"?).  This works in reverse, too, as we see with attacks on black, female, Hispanic, etc. conservatives:  they aren't "authentic" black people, women, Hispanics, etc. In an interview with Bill Maher, Steinem—a purported feminist and icon among some on the feminist left—has found a new and exciting way to diminish women who don't think as she does:  she explains that the support of young women for Bernie is actually rooted in their desire to attract boys. She argues that Bernie's female supporters are boy crazy and appears to be doing so as a means of demeaning these women.  They're just silly little girls who aren't clever enough to understand politics and are only interested in his candidacy because "that's where the boys are."  Clearly, if they had more sense, they'd support Hillary as she does. Watch:

Am I being trolled? Because I feel like I'm being trolled. Favored intellectual journal of American feminists, Cosmo (the same rag that started the tampon tax nonsense) bemoaned increased birth rates in their latest exposé. They argue that restricted funding to Texas-based Planned Parenthoods "effectively defunded" the abortion mill. As a result, few claims for contraceptive measure have been filed and more babies have been born in locals where Planned Parenthood is no more. MORE BABIES?! THE HORROR!

Hillary has an honesty perception problem, and everyone knows it. That problem surfaced at the CNN Democratic Town Hall the other night, when a young man in the audience questioned Hillary about it: Hey, remember when speaking truth to power was a supposedly liberal ideal? Not in 2016 America. To Joan Walsh, well-known liberal writer and agitator formerly for Salon now for The Nation, the young man's question was pretty impertinent. Particularly since he's male and white. And young. (Admirably, Walsh does disclose that her own daughter works for Clinton.) In an ode to Hillary, Walsh writes, Why I’m Supporting Hillary Clinton, With Joy and Without Apologies (italics in original):

Something maddening is happening in the European and Nordic countries which have opened their doors to millions of refugees from Muslim countries. Women of the host countries were sexually assaulted in numerous cities during holiday celebrations by refugees and it's being ignored in some cases and even covered up in others. In Sweden, these attacks have allegedly been going on for months. The Times of Israel reports:
Swedish police take flak for covering up refugee sex attacks Swedish police were criticized on Monday after admitting they failed to release information about alleged sexual assaults against women by young immigrants at a Stockholm summer music festival over the past two years. There were 38 reports of rape and sexual assault filed after the We Are Sthlm festival, which uses the postal abbreviation for Stockholm, in 2014 and 2015, according to police.

Ultra-feminist founder of Femen Brazil recently had a change of heart. Not only has she denounced the modern feminism movement, but she's now a pro-life advocate. What caused this sudden one-eighty? Giving birth. "Sara Winter" aborted her first child. Giving birth to her second caused the former topless protestor to reconsider her long-held feminist views. Lifesite News has the story:
Sara Fernanda Giromin first made herself known to Brazil and to the world under the alias “Sara Winter” in 2012, when she became the founding member of Femen Brazil, and led a trio of girls in a number of topless protests that garnered much media attention. However, only three years later, the young activist has done an about-face and has declared war on feminism and abortion, and is apologizing to Christians for her offensive behavior. She has also published a short book detailing the abuse and disappointment she suffered at the hands of fellow feminists.

"Male feminists" have been taking it on the chin lately. They get no respect, not even from female feminists, who view them variously as (a) insincere sheep in wolves clothing, dressing up in feminist garb to score with the ladies, or (b) sincere, but incapable of divesting themselves of all vestiges of the patriarchy no matter how hard they try. In category no. 1, insincerity, there was the column in The Guardian in October which caused quite a stir, Why I won't date another 'male feminist':
.... men looking for feminist-sanctioned romance tend to fall in to one of two categories: those who use our attraction as a sign of approval and seek out trophy feminists to clear their conscience of any inherent patriarchal wrong-doing, and outright predators who employ a bare-bones knowledge of feminist discourse to target any young woman whose politics so much as graze the notion of sex-positivity....

In June, the Treasury Department announced plans to replace Alexander Hamilton's mug on the $10 bill with a gal. Feminists applauded the move, the news instigated an awkward question to Republican candidates in a GOP presidential primary debate, and the rest of us who know American history were less than impressed. Treasury Secretary Lew claimed plans to change the $10 bill were not due to social concerns, but the bill's security. At that time I wrote:
When it comes to having a woman’s face on the cash I use to buy shoes, books, and americanos, I’m indifferent. It all spends the same. If anything, I loathe the idea that because I’m a woman I’m supposed to applaud or champion all women firsts a la “it’s time a woman _____!” Being a woman and doing something a man did years before is not in itself an accomplishment. Likewise, slapping a woman’s face on a $10 bill isn’t a cause to celebrate. Of the available jackasses printed on our cash (read: Andrew Jackson, though he knew how to throw a killer party), why replace Alexander Hamilton?! If there’s anything insulting about the latest attempt to feminize American cash, it’s that Hamilton is getting booted for a yet to be determined chick just so America can say we have a chick on our currency.

This is gross. And also sad. Progressivism continues its inevitable descent into complete parody. According to Right Wing News, a few n'er do wellers on 4chan had a brilliant idea: see if they could convince people to, "publicly piss/sh*t their pants in the name of ‘Equality?'" feministhoax

Two women are running for the highest office in the land and only one has the support of liberal feminists. Despite her overuse of the gender card, Hillary's devotion to the feminist cause is largely unquestioned by her following. The conundrum is an interesting one to observe. How do feminists justify supporting one woman over another in an arena historically delegated to men? Hillary believes she's owed the White House, has served her time, and now the public ought repay her with the Presidency. She is pro-abortion, and has accomplished little outside of being elected to office or appointed to a cabinet position. Her resume is full of impressive titles but has a deficit of accomplishment. Clinton seldom, if ever, stands toe to toe with her opponents much less holds her own. The opposite is true of Fiorina. She's tough, accomplished, and has said repeatedly she hopes to earn voter support and ultimately, the White House. She doesn't see being a woman as a meritorious occurrence, nor a reason to garner votes. Preaching women are not "an interest group" in need of puffy pandering, Fiorina has even gone so far as to denounce modern feminism as a version that is "no longer working." And yet, liberal feminists aren't quite sure what to make of her. The New York Times explored the perplexing phenomena Monday:

Susan Brownmiller wrote the 1975 book Against Our Will: Men, Women, and Rape which set the stage for much of today's feminism. She is not, however, a huge fan of everything espoused by today's feminists, including slut walks and rape culture activism. Katie Van Syckle of New York Mag recently interviewed her. Hat tip to Ann Althouse:
I was wondering if you have been following the discussions of rape activism on college campuses. Yes, very closely. In the 1970s we had an extraordinary movement against sexual assault in this country and changed the laws. They [the campus activists] don't seem to know that. They think they are the first people to discover rape, and the problem of consent, and they are not. They have been tremendously influenced by the idea that "You can drink as much as you want because you are the equal of a guy," and it is not true. They don't accept the fact there are predators out there, and that all women have to take special precautions. They think they can drink as much as men, which is crazy because they can't drink as much as men. I find the position "Don't blame us, we're survivors" to be appalling. Also, they [college women] are not the chief targets of rapists. Young women and all women in housing projects and ghettos are still in far greater danger than college girls.

After the recent Miss America contest, some of the ladies on The View mocked Miss Colorado, who is a nurse, for wearing scrubs and a stethoscope during the pageant. Social media erupted following their obnoxious comments and now the show is paying the price with the loss of advertisers. Mary Bowerman of USA Today reports:
Advertisers pull ads from 'The View' following nurse comments The fallout continues over comments two hosts made on The View, about Miss Colorado's Miss America monologue about being a nurse. Johnson & Johnson and Eggland's Best Eggs have both announced they will no longer advertise on show following the comments. Johnson & Johnson said Thursday the company was taking the money saved from pulling ads from "a certain daytime program to good use," and announced a new donation drive for nursing scholarships. Likewise, Eggland's Best said Thursday that the company "appreciates nurses and values the important role they play in family health. In light of the comments about the nursing profession recently made on daytime television, we will no longer be advertising on the show in question."

Today marks the 19th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which guaranteed women the right to vote. In the years leading up to the vote, women enjoyed only sporadic access to the vote, depending on where they lived; the 19th Amendment, then, created a blanket standard for all states, ensuring that no one in America would ever again be denied the vote based on their sex. The piece of paper that made it official looks pretty inconsequential... 19th amendment full

The Center for Medical Progress' investigation into Planned Parenthood's body parts-for-profit scandal has the pro-life community screaming for change, and the pro-choice community scrambling to circle the wagons before their entire system of "sexual freedom" and "fertility management" comes crashing down. One prog-feminist website decided to take a different approach to CMP's revelations. Rather than focusing on a defense of Planned Parenthood and choice, they decided to go after Holly O'Donnell, whose on-camera testimony about what she saw during her time as a procurement tech for StemExpress has served as a definitive nail in the coffin of Planned Parenthood. RH Reality Check author Sharona Coutts did some digging online, and figured out that O'Donnell's sexual preferences were a far cry from what progressives believe is the stereotypical norm for conservative, pro-life activists. Using content pulled from various dating websites and social platforms, Coutts ran a sexually-charged dox on O'Donnell, claiming that O'Donnell's propensity to enjoy sex like a normal human being somehow unveiled the hypocrisy of the pro-life movement. Fortunately, this little act of pillow talk terrorism backfired spectacularly.