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Jonathan Turley, a law professor at George Washington University, testified Wednesday before the House Judiciary Committee on the topic of “Enforcing the President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws.” Turley expressed concern that “We are in the midst of a constitutional crisis with sweeping...

Amid ongoing tension in Ukraine, Russia’s president ordered a military drill Wednesday, scheduled to continue until March 3rd. From the NY Times: President Vladimir V. Putin ordered a surprise exercise of ground and air forces on Ukraine’s doorstep Wednesday, intending to demonstrate his country’s military...

After voting Saturday to remove President Viktor Yanukovich from office, Ukraine’s Parliament on Sunday named its speaker to serve as acting President. From Reuters: The speaker of the Ukrainian parliament, the closest confidante of freed opposition leader Yulia Tymoshenko, was temporarily handed the role of...

Both opponents and supporters of President Nicolas Maduro took to the streets in Venezuela on Saturday to participate in competing rallies, after days of unrest. From the Associated Press via ABC News: Venezuelans on both sides of the nation’s political divide took to the streets...

Fears that Russian-speaking parts of Ukraine may secede as Ukraine's chief rabbi tells Kiev's Jews to flee city

After an announcement just last week that he’d be taking an indefinite sick leave, the President of Ukraine returned on Monday, as the political crisis continues there. From Reuters: Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich returned to work on Monday after four days of sick leave, issuing...

The press office of Viktor Yanukovych announced Thursday that the President of Ukraine would take a sick leave for an indefinite period of time, prompting uncertainty amid continuing tensions in Ukraine. From the Wall Street Journal: Ukraine’s president and his opponents accused one another of...

The prime minister of Ukraine resigned on Tuesday in an attempt to help ease tensions after two months of protests and recent violent clashes there. From CNN: Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych accepted the resignation of Prime Minister Mykola Azarov and his government Tuesday, amid a...

This is how a People self-destructs: Swarthmore Hillel Opens Door to Anti-Zionist Speakers With a little help from their “friends”: Anti-Israel Activists at U. Michigan Serve Dorm Eviction Notices First they came for the couch burners: Michigan State. U. Police to Throw Book at Student...