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How low will this administration go on the sequester political jockeying? This low, As sequester nears, immigration detainees are released: The Obama administration announced Tuesday that it had released hundreds of illegal immigrants held in detention facilities, saying it could no longer afford to house...

From The Daily Star in Lebanon, one of the best websites for news about what’s happening there and in Syria, Three Hezbollah fighters, 12 Syrian rebels killed in clashes: Three Hezbollah fighters and 12 Syrian rebels were killed in fierce battles near Syria’s border with...

Text here In this present crisis, government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. From time to time we’ve been tempted to believe that society has become too complex to be managed by self-rule, that government by an elite group is...

British MEP Daniel Hannan delivered an electrifying take down of the central tenets of the Occupy movement during a debate about the movement at the Young Britons’ Foundation this week. Hannan described the bank bailouts, which have led to a landscape now filled with “zombie...

From our friends Down Under at The Catallaxy Files, reports of Tea Party Derangement Syndrome, He believes it but does anyone else? (emphasis mine): WAYNE Swan has blamed the conservative Tea Party movement in the US for damaging the global economy and contributing to the...

Obama has bad intentions, according to Charles Krauthammer. News flash! Sure, it’s a mess right now. But maybe a mess is what we needed to get this party in shape. It’s a risky tactic Obama is taking, one which might just as easily backfire, as...

An American Ambassador and three American security guards were butchered, anti-American riots broke out across the Middle East, a U.S. Embassy both before and after being stormed issued apologies for the exercise of our constitutional rights, our Secretary of State practically prostrated herself, the President had...

If you have been following the internets, you can see an anaphylactic reaction among supposed “fact checkers” over Paul Ryan’s brilliantly effective speech last night. The section about the closing of a GM plant in Janesville during the Obama administration has been a particular area of...

The advertiser boycott of Rush Limbaugh appears to be cracking, and Rush’s move to Twitter has boycott organizers worried. Behind the scenes, anecdotal evidence suggests that advertising either never really was impacted at the local level, or to the extent it was it has returned to normal. ...

but not averted. al-Qaeda’s master plot to install Joe Biden as President and thereby cause the collapse of Western civilization, or at least the last part of Western civilization which still matters, was set in motion: “The reason for concentrating on them,” the al-Qaeda leader explained...

Ann Coulter was on Hannity last night, and it was embarrassing.  (Video embed at bottom of post) Coulter stumbled trying to explain why she declared Romney a sure loser against Obama at CPAC in February of this year. First she said Obamacare changed her mind about...

NATO and/or U.S. forces apparently killed a couple dozen Pakistani soldiers at an outpost on the Afghan border.  The details are murky at this point: The Guardian reports that coalition forces say they came under fire and returned fire. Pakistan has announced that it will...