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A Rodeo clown at the Missouri State Fair wore an Obama mask. The crowd did not want the clown to win. This video killed the rodeo clown’s career: Now the clown has been fired … permanently after an outcry from Democratic politicians. You know...

There was a major development in San Diego today, as notorious civil rights lawyer Gloria Allred just finished a press conference with her client, a woman charging Mayor Bob Filner with sexual harassment: Irene McCormack Jackson, Mayor Bob Filner’s former communications director, has filed a...

1) Debating the coup at the New York Times Much of the editorial opinion and some of the reporting in the mainstream media has opposed the Egyptian military’s forcible removal of Mohammed Morsi as President of Egypt. Actually, surprisingly, there’s a debate about it on...

Via Lebanese website Naharnet: Syrian rebels have recently received new weapons that could “change the course of the battle” against the Syrian regime, a spokesman for the Free Syrian Army told Agence France Presse on Friday. “We’ve received quantities of new types of weapons, including...

After three weeks of often intense artillery barrages and air strikes, Hezbollah took over Qusayr near the border with Lebanon. While the Syrian government is proclaiming victory, the Syrian government was the tale on the dog — it was a Hezbollah operation. But NOW Lebanon...

I mentioned the other day how the fight in Syria wasn’t going quite as easily as many predicted for Hezbollah, with it suffering heavy losses even trying to take a modestly-sized border city, Will Qusayr be Hezbollah’s Stalingrad? As of the latest reports, rebels are...

Not in Maryland where it’s just starting Former senate candidate, Dan Bongino, discussed the “rain tax” on Fox and Friends. One of our blessings in Maryland is that the legislature is only in session for three months. It limits the amount of damage our legislators...

Margaret Thatcher rescued Britain from its economic death. Yet that dying patient now is glorified by the socialists and sympathizers who fought the tough medicine needed to break the death grip. Andrew Sullivan summed it up well in a post I linked on the day...

1) Meanwhile in Egypt The New York Times is reporting Egyptians Struggle as Wary Tourists Stay Away: Tourism plummeted in 2011 with the fall of President Hosni Mubarak and the unrest that followed. Some tourists have started to return, but officials say they are mostly...

I was reviewing World War I history with my son yesterday. The global-scale conflict started with the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne, on June 28, 1914.  This event set in motion a series of diplomatic incidents that led inexorably to...

What he said, Liberman calls Turkey apology a ‘serious mistake’: Former foreign minister Avigdor Liberman slammed Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Friday for his decision to apologize to his Turkish counterpart for the “operational errors” made by Israel during the 2010 raid on the Turkish...