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Amid escalating tensions in eastern Ukraine where pro-Russian separatists have seized buildings over the weekend, Ukraine’s acting president said the government would deploy troops to launch a “full-scale anti-terrorist operation.” From Reuters: Ukraine has given pro-Russian separatists a Monday morning deadline to disarm or face...

The crisis in Ukraine again further escalated this weekend after a group of armed men seized the police station and a security services headquarters in an eastern Ukrainian city. From Reuters: Armed men seized official buildings in a city in eastern Ukraine on Saturday and hoisted the...

The silence of Western feminists is still deafening

As Ukrainian authorities cracked down on pro-Russia protesters Tuesday after recent unrest that escalated over the weekend, Russia issued a warning against the use of force and also alleged that a private U.S. military contractor is assisting Ukraine. From the LA Times: Ukrainian riot police...

On CBS’ Face the Nation Sunday morning, host Bob Schieffer spoke with guest Mitt Romney, former Massachusetts governor and 2012 Republican presidential nominee, about the situation in Ukraine and President Obama’s response to it.  Romney was highly critical of Obama’s handling of Russia’s actions in...

In response to the ongoing foreign policy crisis in Crimea, President Obama has imposed sanctions on eleven individuals from Russia and Ukraine. Reuters reported… Obama imposes sanctions on 11 Russians, Ukrainians over Crimea U.S. President Barack Obama on Monday slapped sanctions on two top aides...

With ongoing developments on the crisis in Ukraine, here are some news updates from Tuesday. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a draft treaty making Crimea part of Russia. From CNN, Ukraine cries ‘robbery’ as Russia annexes Crimea: Never mind what the West thinks — the...

Following Sunday’s referendum vote in Crimea to break from Ukraine and join Russia, President Obama on Monday announced a series of new sanctions. (Video at end of this post). From Reuters: U.S. President Barack Obama imposed sanctions on 11 Russians and Ukrainians on Monday blamed...

In what will likely come as little surprise to anyone who has been following the events in Ukraine, Russian state media are reporting that early exit polls show Crimea has voted to break with Ukraine and join Russia.  Official results are expected later. From Reuters:...

Tensions are mounting ahead of a planned referendum Sunday to determine whether or not Crimea will break from Ukraine and join Russia. A few updates on the situation… From AFP via Yahoo News: Ukraine accused Russia on Saturday of invading a region bordering Crimea and...