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Author: Fuzzy Slippers

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Fuzzy Slippers

I am a constitutional conservative, a writer, and an editor.

Follow me on Twitter @fuzislippers

As Ruth Bader Ginsburg watch continues, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) says he's "hell bent" on replacing her—or any Justice who leaves the Supreme Court—with a conservative.  As the new chairman of the powerful Senate Judiciary Committee, he's in a position to follow through. Graham was absolutely horrified and incensed by the way the Democrats treated now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, and he is obviously still angry and indignant about it.

A jury that convicted the Mongols motorcycle club, also known as Mongols Nation, of racketeering also decided that the Mongols should be stripped of their trademark as part of their punishment. U.S. District Judge David Carter declined immediate forfeiture and instead set up a hearing for next month to address the First Amendment implications of this verdict.

We've been covering the Women's March here at LI since its inception, including its January 2017 exclusion of pro-life feminists, and have been closely following revelations of the group's rampant anti-Semitism.  From closed chapters to cancelled marches and lost sponsors, the Women's March is flailing due to its leadership's associations with and defense of vile anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan. It seems that anti-Semitism is not the group's only problem: the California Women's March scheduled for next month has been cancelled because leadership fears it will be "too white."

Back in 2014, then-president Obama and his administration were alarmed by the huge number of unaccompanied minors flooding into the U. S.  From October 2013 to September 2014, a whopping 52,000 unaccompanied children were apprehended by border control. The problem was so severe, that Obama officially warned parents in South American countries to stop sending their unaccompanied children to the U. S.  He assured them that the children would be deported back to their country of origin.

Earlier this week, Kemberlee blogged that Mattis was resigning at the end of February.  You can read his resignation letter here. The timeline has been changed by President Trump, however, and now Mattis will be leaving his position as Defense Secretary as of January 1, 2019.  The current Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will become Acting Secretary on January 1st.

The Democrats have been wailing about the Russian influence on the 2016 election, but it turns out, as Mary blogged earlier this week, that they are implicated in creating their own army of fake Russian bots to influence the 2017 Alabama Special Election. According to reports, Democrats spent the same amount of money on fake Russian bots intended to spread disinformation and fake news as the Russians spent on real Russian bots.

Yesterday, Kemberlee blogged about the partial government shutdown, and today, the Senate adjourned until December 27, 2018.  The partial government shutdown will not be resolved until they return. Meanwhile, recent polls show that 81% of Americans believe that border security is "an important issue," and Republican support for the wall, specifically, is on the increase.

On Thursday the IG published a bombshell report regarding the now-infamous anti-Trump sentiment shared between two key members of the FBI and of the Mueller investigation team, Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. The IG report reveals not only that both Strzok's and Page's iPhones were wiped clean and restored to factory settings by a member of Mueller's team but that Strzok's iPhone was then reissued to another agent for use.

Representative-elect Ilhan Omar (D-MN) has demonstrated that she has no more use for Christians than she does for Jews. In a remarkably snarky tweet devoid of any degree of self-awareness, she mocks Vice President Mike Pence's Christian faith, but don't expect her to get the same treatment that conservative commentator Laura Loomer received when she was banned from Twitter for pointing out proven facts about Omar.

Although General John Kelly had agreed to stay in his position until 2020, President Trump is reportedly removing Kelly from his position as White House Chief of Staff. Kelly was brought in to replace Reince Priebus and instill order to the chaotic Trump White House, and by all accounts he did an admirable job. Trump has announced that Kelly will leave his position by the end of the year.