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Our Unwell President Week at Legal Insurrection

Our Unwell President Week at Legal Insurrection

All the news you may have missed.

So, this actually happened this week.

Then we learned this.

He is just not effective.

It’s time to start bringing this up.

Jill is talking like it’s already over.

Democrats are suddenly concerned about the border crisis.

The far left has resorted to the theater of protest.

And violence…

This is not equal justice under the law.

Gavin Newsom is already auditioning for Democrats in 2024.

Maybe he should focus on his own state.

You don’t say…

The January 6th show trials continue.

More signs of the red wave.

Democrats sure are comfortable with racism against conservative minorities.


World news.

This is just hilarious.


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The future Biden Presidential Library will only have coloring books.

Fiction novels

Russian proverb
In Soviet Union the future we know, it’s history that is always changing.

The un-well president who will never get well has Kamala Harris practicing her acceptance speech.

The entire country, my beloved United States of America, the country for which I wrote a blank check many years ago, which became a joke under a former President, has now under the current one become the laughing stock of the global community.