Jean-Pierre Doesn’t Think it Matters Where Biden Got Infected With COVID
Dude. Even CNN was disgusted by Jean-Pierre’s answer.

Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre doesn’t think it’s important where Biden got COVID:
“Look, I don’t think that matters. I think what matters is we prepared for this moment. I think what matters is what Dr. Jha just laid out. If we look at where we were a year and a half ago, this is a president, when he walked in, one of his first priorities was to make sure we have a comprehensive plan to get people vaccinated. And so now, today, we look to today, more and more people are getting closer to having a more normal life, vaccines are available. And as Dr. Jha said, if you have not gotten vaccinated, please do. If have you not gotten boosted, please do. These are treatments that are going to keep you safe. And I think that’s what matters here, is making sure that we continue to do the work, and the good thing is that the President, again, has been vaccinated and double-boosted.”
Reporter: "Where exactly was the president infected?"
Jha: "Where was he infected? I don't think we know. I certainly don't know. If you have any thoughts on that…"
Karine Jean-Pierre: "Look, I don't think that matters, right? I think what matters is we prepared for this[.]"
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 21, 2022
Guess who challenged Jean-Pierre? CNN’s Jeff Zeleny:
ZELENY: “But how could it not matter where he got it? That is something that, of course, is involved in contact tracing. This administration is taking it very seriously. How could it not matter where he got it?”
JEAN-PIERRE: “I think what I was trying to say is, what’s important now is that he has mild symptoms, is that he is working from the residence on behalf of the American people. That’s our focus. Look, we knew this was going to happen. As Dr. Jha said, when he joined me in the briefing room not too long ago, he said, you know, at some point everyone is going to get Covid. What is important is to make sure that you get the treatment that we have provided for folks, whether it’s make sure you get vaccinated, make sure you get boosted. And then we have Paxlovid that is made available because of this president. So what I’m trying to say is, the moment that we’re in right now is what matters as we’re talking about the president and his treatment and how he’s feeling and how he’s continuing to work on behalf of the American public. I’m going to move around because I know there’s a lot. Go ahead.”
CNN's Jeff Zeleny: "You said it doesn't matter where he got it, but how can it not matter…if that is something…involving contact tracing. This administration has taken it very seriously. How can it not matter where he got it?"
KJP insists "what's important now" is his health
— Curtis Houck (@CurtisHouck) July 21, 2022
By the way, Jean-Pierre admitted that everyone would eventually get COVID. You know, like Leslie has said over and over.
Yet the administration pushes vaccines and Biden insists you get the vaccines you won’t get COVID!
MORE – Jean-Pierre further clarified: “We knew this was going to happen… at some point, everyone is going to get COVID.”
— (@disclosetv) July 21, 2022
Who did this??🤣🤣🤣
— il Donaldo Trumpo (@PapiTrumpo) July 21, 2022

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Could have left the headline as simply “Jean-Pierre Doesn’t Think”
It matters because if you don’t know where it came from you won’t how to protect the president from other infections he might be exposed to in the future.
What she’s saying is, “An ounce of prevention ain’t worth nothing. Just wait until he gets something and we’ll call the doctor and see what can be done.”‘
If he gets monkeypox Jill might pretend like she is going to file for divorce, then quickly change her mind.
If he gets monkeypox no-one will bother asking karine where he got that.
Even shorter — “Jean-Pierre Doesn’t”.
And what’s with all of the “I think…” answers? She isn’t there to tell us what she thinks but to clarify the official administration positions. Come on man!
I heard “It doesn’t matter because this makes it clear that the vaccine and boosters don’t work at all, therefore everyone should get vaccinated for their own protection.”
the vaccine will protect you from enternal damnation in Hell!
“The vaccine is my shepard, he layeth me down in green pastures…..”
Did I hear KJP say that Biden will remain isolated as long as he tests positive for Covid? According to the CDC, someone who had Covid-19 can test positive (using a PCR test) for 3 months or more after they are asymptomatic.
Hmmm, is this a cover to hide our dementia ridden president into the mid-terms?
He most likely does not have COVID. This is a ploy to hide him due to all the mistakes he has been making lately. They cannot afford to let him be seen live. Anything you see from now on will be highly edited video.
“…highly edited video “.
I watch the background goings-on. Even today’s editing software needs time to match shadows, not have passing traffic “jump”, that sort of thing.
Until they start doing it purposely, for effect…
Hence the fake Oval Office setup.
You can ramp up PCR amplification to any level required to generate a positive. That’s why we were never told PCR amplification levels on the tests the government administered, and how those levels may have changed over time. They’re hiding how false positives were being manufactured, and manipulating positive test rates up and down for political purposes. Real tests cannot be manipulated this way.
That’s not true at all.
With old tech qPCR, it could happen with a dye called SYBR green because you could get primer dimers that generate a signal, but you don’t need SYBR green to test for presence when doing non-quantitative PCR, and if you had primer dimers it would clearly not be the same size as the amplicon of the viral probe on the gel electrophoresis procedure to separate the PCR products for visualization.
The inventor of the PCR test says it is perfectly true.
“The PCR, if you do it well, you can find almost anything in anybody.”
“I think what matters is what Dr. Jha just laid out.”
“And as Dr. Jha said, if you have not gotten vaccinated, please do.”
“Look, we knew this was going to happen. As Dr. Jha said…”
Any doubt who will be inheriting Fauci’s office?
“Please do”: in other words, please eliminate the control group so we can better hide bad health outcomes from covid vaccine administration.
You do have a point here, although cross-reactivity does make a better outcome possible with innoculation. It can also explain why some people with other similar risk profiles can have better outcomes than others, because of exposure to other infectious coronaviruses.
The first hurdle you must overcome in order to inherit Fauci’s office is that you must out live Fauci—because he will be there till he dies.
Nope, he’s talking retirement before the next presidential term. Because obviously, whatever Republican wins in 2024, they’re going to fire his ass faster than flatulence in a candle showroom.
An aside: what happened to the I Wear A Mask To Protect Y0u argument? That nonsense was shoved down our throats for how long? I see people with masks every now and then and I have never thanked them for, ah, protecting me. For some weird reason I don’t think that’s why they’re still wearing one.
You need to wear a mask to protect you if you rob a bank. It will be harder to identify you and so you will be much safer than if your face was exposed.
Unless you are Reggie Harding.
Reggie’s comment was great — “Naw, it ain’t me. Its somebody else.”
Maybe DukeeeV.
They’re still using the “wear masks to protect others” messaging. It was obvious to any thinking human that “mask to protect others not yourself” was BS. How are masks one-way filters, presuming they filter at all? Trudeau is especially nauseating when repeating that message.
I haven’t paid attention to that effeminate twit lately. I don’t hear any mask arguments other than “wear one.”
The Lone Ranger wore a mask and he never got COVID.
The Lone Ranger wore a mask and he’s dead.
Worked out next to a woman on an elliptical today that had a mask on while doing it but not covering her nose, just her mouth. Sometimes, you can’t fix stupid.
“Oh, you wear that to protect me? What a sweet, deluded tool you are.”
Heh, this nails the complete hypocrisy and insanity! The radical left would be happy if we all disappeared in a puff of smoke; they don’t care about anyone but themselves and whatever power and control they can wield over us.
That isn’t what CDC is saying. They don’t stop infection or prevent transmission.
Also, they’re “treatments”, now? You were calling them “vaccines”. When other administration people starting calling them “therapeutics” I wasn’t sure if the messaging had changed. Looks like it has.
She takes us for idiots, as “but for” is an unknowable proposition.
This is a very good point.
I believe she was referring to the Paxlovid with that statement.
If by some chance the government were to tell the truth about ANYTHING, it would be a mistake.
“What is important is to make sure that you get the treatment that we have provided for folks, whether it’s make sure you get vaccinated, make sure you get boosted.” What is this we crap? There are very few times we is acceptable, one when talking to the plebes, the other when we are pregnant, and I guarenteeeee she ain’t pregnant. In my best Queen Victoria voice “We are not amused.”
The big news is BiDung’s infection indicates China Flu can be transmitted by vigorous Saudi and Palestinian bum smooching. If it went even further, monkey pox may be next. We can only hope.