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Trump Derangement Syndrome Tag

CNN's 7 a.m. ET hour today began with a news montage. Have a look, and see if you don't agree that the hit parade of horribles for the Trump administration could just about as easily have been put together by the DNC as by CNN. Here's what was included:
  • McCain calls out Trump to provide evidence of wiretapping.
  • Dem Rep. Adam Schiff saying there'd be an open hearing; an unidentified voice saying "we're going to ask, is there any truth to this."
  • Kellyanne saying "the president has asked for the investigation into surveillance to be included."

Looks like Rachel Maddow's feminist solidarity doesn't extend to Melania Trump . . . Appearing on Al Sharpton's MSNBC show this morning, did Maddow express outrage over a newspaper report on the possibility that Melania Trump had in the past worked as an "escort?" Not at all. To the contrary, Maddow described Melania's lawsuit against the newspaper involved as part of an "attack" and "assault" on the media. Maddow fretted that the media lacked the resources to "fight back."

If you only read the mainstream, openly left-wing, and establishment Republican media, you'd think it was Apocalypse Now in America. Paraphrasing Pauline Kael's alleged statement about how she didn't see Nixon's win coming because she didn't know anyone who voted for him: The doom and gloom media doesn't know anyone who doesn't hate Trump and who isn't despondent, or if they do know such people, they discount them as imbeciles. But that's not what is reflected in the American spirit, as numerous polls have recently shown.

The liberal internet mob has been trying to destroy Ivanka Trump's clothing and accessories line. There have been calls for a boycott, and pressure put on retailers to drop the lines. When several retailers pulled Ivanka's products off the store shelves, there were hoots and hollers of joy in liberal land.

Trump has been accused of many things -- some deserved, some not. But this has to be a new one. Barbara Streisand recently blamed Trump for her decision to over-indulge in pancakes. Trump acts, Barbara eats. Or at least that's the impression her Twitter feed gives:

I didn't watch the Oscars. Why would I want to watch smug people who hate me congratulate themselves on how great they are? I'd rather vomit blood. Maybe that's not a fair analogy. I'd rather crawl on my stomach over hot coals covered with broken glass. Yeah, that's the ticket. I wasn't alone, as viewership hit a 9-year low, just a little more than half the audience in 1998. I was aware, however, that the NY Times planned to run a pretentious ad called "Truth" as a retort to Donald Trumps hits on fake news and, particularly, the NY Times.

Democrats and the progressive left have a propensity for using children as political props to push for everything from carbon taxes and gun control to illegal immigration and transgender bathrooms.  There seem only two domestic issues that the left refuses to consider in relation to children:  abortion and the national debt. Hillary used children in her "role model" ad against then-presidential candidate Trump, and now NBC News has compiled a video entitled "Dear Mr. President" in which they present children expressing their fear of President Trump. This anti-Trump ad hard-hitting news segment, however, is being called out as propaganda.  Mostly because it is.

A "leaked" memo which has been circulating in news stories and on social media claims that Trump's federal hiring freeze is preventing military families from getting childcare. The memo, while legitimate, was wrong. That didn't matter though, it was pounced on by Trump opponents and offered as proof of what a horrible person Trump must be. Here's a report released Wednesday by The Hill:
Trump's federal hiring freeze forces two Army bases to close child care programs President Trump’s federal hiring freeze has forced two major Army bases to shutter some child care programs.

Maxine Waters is frustrated. She desperately wants to impeach Donald Trump for something, as we highlighted in an earlier post, Maxine Waters: We need investigation to find evidence to impeach Trump:
On Joy Reid’s MSNBC show this morning, Dem Rep. Maxine Waters doubled down on her earlier statement thatmy greatest desire is to lead [President Trump] right into impeachment.”

A Jewish cemetery near St. Louis saw over 100 gravestones overturned. The criticism of this act is deserved, regardless of whether it was the result of non-anti-Semitic hooliganism or an act of intended anti-Semitism. Either way, it is an act of religious intimidation. What is not deserved is the attempt to blame it on Trump, which is the suggestion of much media and social media attention, and Democratic Party spin.

The MSM is falsely portraying President Trump as having alleged on Saturday that a "terror" attack had occurred the night before in Sweden. Take, for example, this NBC story headlined "Donald Trump Explains Sweden Terror Comment That Baffled a Nation." In addition to the misleading headline, the story includes a video clip of President Trump making his remarks. The chyron at the bottom of the screen reads "President Trump appears to refer to a non-existent terror incident in Sweden." But if you listen to the president's remarks, you'll see that he never mentioned terror. He said: "The bottom line: we've got to keep our country safe. You look at what's happening in Germany. You look at what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden! They took in large numbers, they're having problems like they never thought possible."

In my day job, I have a variety of clients requiring assistance with complex environmental health and safety regulations.  One of these organizations is part of a federal agency that is about to feel the full force of President Trump's pen and phone. Many of the employees in that office are quite upset about the impending change in government policies. A standard practice in federal government offices and military sites is to have an official portrait of the President of the United States (sometimes paired with one of the Vice President). An early step in the process of transition was the removal of the Obama/Biden portraits from installations and institutions.

The hysteria surrounding the election of President Trump has seeped into retail.  From Ivanka products to Trump wine, the regressive left is trying to rouse Americans to boycott all things Trump. Last week, some group of crybaby leftists demanded that Wegmans stop selling Trump wine because they don't like Trump.  When they learned that they couldn't bully Wegmans, they instead put out a call for Wegmans' shoppers to stop buying Trump wine. Predictably, this had the exact opposite effect, with Trump wine flying off the shelves and into Trump supporters' shopping carts.