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Pro-Life Tag

Just last week, my husband (a licensed therapist) and I were discussing the pro-life cause and how the lasting mental health ramifications are criminally underreported. He explained that of the many issues women face, there is seldom any trauma he's encountered that rivals the aftermath of abortion. A new documentary, "Hush", explores what really happens to women, both physically and mentally post-abortion. "Women who have an abortion history are at a higher risk for substance use, for anxiety, for depression..." one of the film's participants explains. "This really has nothing to do with the morality of abortion, per se, it's the morality of telling the truth about it."

A Texas court has dropped the remaining charges against the pro-life activists who caught Planned Parenthood officials on tape selling baby parts. David Daleiden, 27, said:
"The dismissal of the bogus, politically motivated charges against [Center for Medical Progress] project lead David Daleiden and investigator Sandra Merritt is a resounding vindication of the First Amendment rights of all citizen journalists, and also a clear warning to any of Planned Parenthood's political cronies who would attack whistleblowers to protect Planned Parenthood from scrutiny," Daleiden said in a statement.

The pro-abortion movement loves to highlight stories of women who chose to end the life of their unborn child. They trot those out these women as those empowered into a new, bright future by their life-ending decision. Never discussed is the lasting emotional trauma that follows abortion. A video posted by LifeNews tells the story of a mother who turns around for just a moment, only to find her son "missing."

Francis William was born four months early weighing just over a pound and a half. Doctors gave him a 15% chance of survival. "We had a choice -- do everything or do nothing," said his Mom. "We wanted to give him a chance." Francis William's Dad wanted to know if his son had a real chance of survival. "I didn't want false hope, like please be honest with me, how is he really doing? I pulled one of the doctors aside and he says, let me just tell you, the numbers are all against Francis." The NICU nurses left a handful of markers for the family to create something colorful on the white board used for status updates in Francis William's room. His Aunt used her creativity to construct a "Finding Nemo" drawing. That innocuous little drawing lead the family to a greater story of hope.

At our first appointment, just over six weeks into the pregnancy, we were able to see our tiny little girl's heart pump fluttering away. There are many, many reasons I've always been pro-life, but this is definitely one of them. Most of the information out there is animated and shows a little cartoon baby in its earliest stages of in utero development, but this video posted by a Catholic Priest, shows a little one at seven weeks and four days.

WARNING: You will need the Kleenex for this Kleenex ad, but it was too good not to share. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit nurse, Renee, spends her shifts with babies that aren't expected to make it through the day, much less on to live full, happy, healthy lives. "These parents, they don't get to take their babies home," she says tearing up. "I feel like if I treat the babies like I would want somebody to treat my baby when I'm not there, that's the most important thing." Not all NICU stories end in loss. Renee's full heart and willingness to love on the frailest among us has impacted the lives of many families and children.

Over the years I've chatted with many a woman who was ardently pro-abortion until 1) they became pregnant or 2) they learned what actually happens during an abortion procedure. Pro-life group, Live Action, is utilizing the latter scenario -- showing pro-choicers how babies are ripped to pieces during an abortion. Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, explains what happens during the most common type of second trimester abortion (13-24 weeks of pregnancy), dilation and evacuation (D&E). Live Action stopped men and women on the street to show them Dr. Levatino's account (he has a great story of his own), and not one of them left as resolutely pro-abortion as they were before seeing the video. Many changed their minds completely.

Surely the progressive ideological utopia across the pond is more lenient when it comes to the convenient disposal of unborn human life, right? RIGHT?! Not quite. Though they constantly bemoan laws that make abortion-on-demand more difficult, the progressive abortion paradise is actually in the United States, where laws are significantly less stringent than those of most Western European countries. Elisha Kraus reports for Prager University:

Last year, Sen. Sassee introduced companion legislation to the House version of the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Speaking before the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives Wednesday, Sen. Sasse gave an impassioned speech on the sanctity of life and the necessity of protecting the lives of the unborn.

Thursday, Planned Parenthood filed suit against pro-life undercover video makers, Center for Medical Progress or CMP. CMP released a series of undercover videos showing Planned Parenthood doctors and managers from around the country haggling over the price of aborted baby parts. Reuter's reports:
The lawsuit filed in federal court in San Francisco against anti-abortion group the Center for Medical Progress alleges conspiracy and fraud among other violations in connection with the recordings. The videos, which were released in July, sparked widespread controversy by purporting to show Planned Parenthood officials trying to negotiate prices for aborted fetal tissue.

Today, the Center for Medical Progress released the eleventh video in a series aimed at exposing criminal activity at Planned Parenthood clinics. This newest video purports to show Planned Parenthood doctor Dr. Amna Dermish describing how she provides very illegal partial birth abortions to her patients. More from Fox News:

Monday, Texas cut Medicaid to Planned Parenthood providers. “Texas has stepped forward and shown its unyielding commitment to both protecting life and providing women’s health services,” said Governor Abbott. “The gruesome harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood will not be allowed in Texas and the barbaric practice must be brought to an end. As such, ending the Medicaid participation of Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texas is another step in providing greater access to safe healthcare for women while protecting our most vulnerable – the unborn.” Thursday, Texas health officials subpoenaed patient and employee records from five Planned Parenthood clinics across the state.

Largely due to the Center for Medical Progress' undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's sale of aborted baby parts, the nation's largest abortion provider is under federal and state examination. Monday, Texas stripped Medicaid funding from Planned Parenthood providers, joining a handful of other states who've done the same. As state-level scrutiny increases, Planned Parenthood's room to wiggle shrinks in kind. Tuesday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported a pathology lab that contracts with a local Planned Parenthood provider failed to register with the state of Missouri this year. This is the sixth time the lab has missed a filing deadline since 1994. The lab, which digs through aborted baby parts, says officials, "misunderstood the registration process."

Monday, Texas Governor Abbott's office announced Planned Parenthood providers would no longer be privy to Medicaid dollars. “Texas has stepped forward and shown its unyielding commitment to both protecting life and providing women’s health services,” said Governor Abbott. “The gruesome harvesting of baby body parts by Planned Parenthood will not be allowed in Texas and the barbaric practice must be brought to an end. As such, ending the Medicaid participation of Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texas is another step in providing greater access to safe healthcare for women while protecting our most vulnerable – the unborn.” Governor Abbott cited the, "gruesome videos filmed at Planned Parenthood facilities," including one facility in Texas. Monday, "the Office of Inspector General at Texas Health and Human Services Commission issued a letter ending Medicaid participation for Planned Parenthood affiliates in the State of Texas based on evidence of Medicaid program violations. The cancellation, consistent with Governor Abbott’s LIFE initiative, calls for funding to Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers out of taxpayer money to be eliminated completely, both at the State and local levels," according to the Governor's office.

Back in 2013, the conservative media engaged in a frantic effort to force mainstream outlets to cover the Kermit Gosnell trials. News of Gosnell's crimes first surfaced in 2010, when the FBI partnered with local authorities and raided his Philadelphia offices. Gosnell was a "well-respected" late term abortion provider---bad enough by definition---but what investigators found absolutely defied any existing narrative:
The doctor was suspected of selling prescription drugs illegally. However, what investigators discovered upon entering the clinic was unthinkable. Blood stained floors. A feral cat roaming the hallways and examination rooms. Fetal remains in the staff food freezers. A row of jars containing severed feet. As investigators began interviewing employees, they learned that Dr. Gosnell employed a tactic that he called “snipping.” Women who came in for late-term abortions would be induced, live babies would be born, and then Dr. Gosnell would kill the babies by severing their spinal chords with scissors.
Gosnell was sentenced to life in prison for his actions; soon after, filmmakers David Altrogge, Jennifer Brown, and Michael J. Hartnett made a short film, "3801 Lancaster," about what happened in Gosnell's clinic. A year later, they received a message from Gosnell that prompted their new project, a full-length documentary featuring interviews with Gosnell himself. The trailer for 3801 Lancaster: American Tragedy has been released, and it will give you chills:

The Center for Medical Progress has released its 10th Planned Parenthood sting video featuring prescient conversations between Planned Parenthood executives about the PR dangers of the organization's fetal body part harvesting scheme. This video is similar to the more recent offerings from CMP's investigations in that it is light in shocking footage of the actual procurement of fetal tissue, but heavy on content that exposes the corruption between Planned Parenthood and its affiliates. It features conversations between CMP's actor, a fetal tissue buyer, and Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for PPFA; Dr. Vanessa Cullins, Vice President for External Medical Affairs for PPFA; and Deborah VanDerhei, National Director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS) at PPFA. In the video, the buyer presses the issue of "donations for remuneration," which CMP describes as "[carrying] the connotation of financial reward or benefit without regard for actual expenses." The officials the buyer speaks to admit several times that "the headlines would be a disaster" if the abortion industry gets caught selling baby body parts for profit before developing a PR strategy to protect the exchanges. Watch:

Today, the Center for Medical Progress released the ninth in a series of videos aimed at exposing collusion between Planned Parenthood and tissue procurement clinics for the sale of fetal tissue. This video features a new player. Until 2013, Dr. Katharine Sheehan was Planned Parenthood's Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Southwest, and in the video, we see her describing Planned Parenthood's relationship with fetal procurement outlet ABR. We also see ABR Procurement Manager Perrin Larton getting into graphic detail about how her company manages to secure intact fetal specimens. Watch: From LifeNews: