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Pro-Life Tag

Every year, pro-lifers from all over the country brave the D.C. winter to stand for the sanctity of life, representing a fraction of national pro-life support. The value and sanctity of each and every human life is by far one of the most, if not THE most important issue of our time.

A complaint launched by the pro-life group, The Center for Medical Progress back in September of 2015 has resulted in the shuttering of two California-based bioscience companies. The CMP gained notoriety for releasing a string of undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood's role in the aborted baby part industry.

Back in May, we wrote about a Students for Life group at Fresno State University. They had written some pro-life messages on a campus sidewalk in chalk. A professor approached them and argued they had no right to do so. He even took measures to remove the messages.

New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman has filed a lawsuit against people who have protested outside of Choices Women's Medical Clinic in Queens for the past five years. Schneiderman has accused the defendants of "targeting patients and employees every Saturday morning, telling them 'You don’t know when you might get shot' and even calling them murderers."

In March, California's Attorney General slapped David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt, with a whopping fifteen felony charges. Daleiden and Merritt, by way of the Center for Medical Progress (CMP), released several horrifying undercover videos exposing Planned Parenthood officials negotiating the price of aborted baby parts. I discussed those charges at length and concluded the only charge that might have some legitimacy was the last charge which addressed Merritt and Daleiden's use of an expired employee ID to login to the Stem Expresses system.

Earlier this month, DNC chair Tom Perez famously declared that every Democrat should be pro-abortion, and apparently a garbled version of this memo seeped down to one Fresno State professor as "every person should be pro-abortion . . . or be silenced." Assistant professor of public health Gregory Thatcher directed his class to erase pro-life messages that Students for Life had written in chalk on the sidewalks at Fresno State, a public university. The interaction between Thatcher and the student reporter resulted in a jaw-dropping exchange in which Thatcher condescendingly explains that such messages are only appropriate in "free speech areas." He further notes, "College campuses are not free speech areas."

It was the most infuriating, heartbreaking, conversation on abortion this Insurrectionist has seen. On his Monday night Fox News show, Tucker Carlson asked Planned Parenthood Executive VP Dawn Laguens six ways to Sunday how she feels about aborting fetuses after five-and-a-half weeks, at which point the baby's heartbeat can be heard. But no matter how he framed it, Laguens refused to answer, hiding behind a series of canned responses about a women's right to choose, etc. At one point, Tucker said, "I'm asking you a human question, and hope you'll favor me with a human answer."

Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade, died today at the age of 69.  She was the "winner" in that decision, but later regretted deeply her role in legalizing abortion in the United States.  Although she never had an abortion, she says she was consumed by guilt over the Supreme Court decision. The Washington Post reports:
Norma McCorvey, who was 22, unwed, mired in addiction and poverty, and desperate for a way out of an unwanted pregnancy when she became Jane Roe, the pseudonymous plaintiff of the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade that established a constitutional right to an abortion, died Feb. 18 at an assisted-living facility in Katy, Tex. She was 69.

Less than a month after this year's March for Life and pro-lifers nationwide will protest abortion clinics in 218 cities. “Defund Planned Parenthood” rallies aim to put pressure on lawmakers to strip the country's largest abortion purveyor of federal funding. From Life News:

Message to Ron Reagan: when it comes to this barbaric procedure, it's not about the nomenclature . . . On this evening's Hardball, Ron Reagan claimed that "there's no such thing as partial-birth abortion. Doesn't exist." Reagan criticized third-debate moderator Chris Wallace for having used the term. Would Reagan's exquisite sensitivities be assuaged if Wallace had used the technical term: intact dilation and extraction? The bottom line is the same: Hillary Clinton supports it and Donald Trump opposes it.

As I blog, I'm entering my thirty-third week of pregnancy -- the home stretch. Meanwhile, our little miracle is all kinds of wiggly, making my belly dance. Early in our pregnancy, our doctor asked if we'd like the baby tested for Down's Syndrome. We'd already decided against testing for one very simple reason: our child would be loved the same regardless. Destroying this precious growing life because she might be a bit different or need particular attentions was never an option. We were required to sign a waiver declining the testing. So then I see videos like this one published by BBC3 earlier this month. If ever there was a reminder that every life is unique and special, it's this:

Sitting here in my third trimester, chugging ice water and enjoying the blessing of air conditioning, our little one wiggles and jiggles in my womb. The bigger she gets, the more she makes my belly dance. It's an incredible experience. So I have a particularly difficult time with Hillary's argument; an argument mirrored by the pro-infanticide crowd. Should she arrive early, Baby Love would be "viable" (since that seems to be an important distinction for pro-abort types), meaning she can survive outside of the womb. The instances of clinical abortion specifically for the health the mother are so few, it's not even a meritorious discussion. Most are for the lifestyle of the mother, with no regard to the potential of the life in the womb. How women who have nurtured an unborn child through birth can honestly support such flimsy non arguments is not something I'll ever understand.