Polling | Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 8
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Joe Biden is leading in many of the polls, and just like in 2016, the media is all too happy to repeat this news over and over. On the ground, however, something very different is happening. Early voting, which we have been told is supposed to favor Joe Biden, is not delivering for him, even in key states like Michigan and Wisconsin.

I'm so old, I remember when the media was alllllllllll about the rioting and looting because justice and George Floyd. But now that it's showing up in the polling, the media isn't so sure. Forget about the people who have been killed, the businesses, homes and livelihoods ruined, it's about the polls.

A CNN poll conducted by SSRS released this morning has Democrats freaking out, showing that Joe Biden's national lead has narrowed by 10% in the past month, and now is down to 4%. And that's among "registered voters" not "likely voters" so enthusiasm for Trump, which has exceeded Biden in most polls, isn't a factor.

If you're feeling a bit overwhelmed by the whiplash movement from Wuhan coronavirus confinement and isolation to instant, rampant riots, arson, looting, and murder in the nation's biggest cities, you're not alone, but do take heart.  The radical leftist proposal to "defund the police" is reportedly supported by only, as HuffPo puts it, "self-described liberals."

Germans regard U.S. President Donald Trump to be the "greatest threat to world peace," a latest YouGov poll shows. About 41 percent of German respondents picked U.S. President as most dangerous from a list of world leaders which included Iran's Islamic tyrant Ayatollah Khamenei, North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un, Communist China's Xi Jinping, and Russia's Vladimir Putin. More than 2000 Germans were polled for the survey.

Every once in a while a story catches my eye because it just seems so ludicrous that I have to click over to ensure it's accurate. This is one of those times. CNN's Jeffrey Tobbin, confronted with a CNN poll no less, is in utter denial that the Democrats' misguided impeachment witch hunt is failing even among Democrat voters. Toobin, upon hearing that there is a double-digit drop in Democrat support for impeachment and removal said he didn't believe it for "one second." He declared the poll "wrong" because . . . he "said so."