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Polling Tag

Even with his well-documented penchant for gaffes, his tendency to flub or embellish stories, and his outright lying about his positions on the issues, Joe Biden's lead in national Democratic presidential polling has been consistent and stable. But we're just a few months out from the start of Democratic primaries and caucuses, and the focus is shifting from national polls to state-level polls. It is in some of the early primary state polls that we see cracks in Joe Biden's wall of support:

In politics as in all things, glory can be fleeting. After the first Democratic debate in late June, the MSM and liberal political commentators treated Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) like the invincible presidential candidate. Her polling numbers rose significantly after she broadsided frontrunner Joe Biden in the opening round. She also saw a nice boost in fundraising. But the last two months have seen the Harris campaign endure an embarrassing freefall. Her polling numbers have tanked, she's lost a significant amount of support from key Democratic voting blocs, and was on the receiving end of a brutal smackdown from Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI) at the second debate over her troubling criminal justice record.

When last we left you, Joe Biden added two more flubs to his ever-growing gaffe list. Along with that were heightened concerns being expressed by Democrats that Biden may no longer be cut out for the rough and tumble of the campaign trail. Questions have popped up over the last few weeks about Biden's age, mental acuity, and toughness. Now comes the news that will be even more unwelcomed by his campaign. A new poll released Monday by Monmouth shows a significant drop in his numbers, putting him in a three-way tie:

Democrats really stepped in it when they forsook "safe, legal, and rare" in exchange for a nationwide push to codify infanticide up to and after birth. Despite the media's attempts to sweep the issue under the rug, the damage is done. A new Marist Poll commissioned by none other than The Knights of Columbus found public attitude shifting in favor of life and by a lot. 17 points a lot. For the first time in 10 years, Americans (based on the poll sample, anyway) are just as likely to identify as pro-life as they are pro-choice.

What a difference going on groveling apology tours can make for Democrats. Results from two recent Virginia polls show that Gov. Ralph Northam and AG Mark Herring have managed to survive the blackface scandals that rocked the state earlier this month. The sexual assault allegations against Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax, however, have divided the state on his fate.

The media loves to talk about women. We are reminded daily about the historic number of women elected to Congress as Democrats in November. Women Trump supporters don't get nearly as much attention, but new data suggests their support for the president hasn't wavered.

You can get my quick take on Trump's State of the Union address here. What did viewers generally think? According to "instant polls" SOTU was a hit.

A recent Rasmussen survey of a hypothetical match-up between former First Lady Michelle Obama and President Trump has Obama victorious. From Rasmussen:
Michelle Obama has been making the rounds promoting her new book, prompting buzz about a potential presidential run, which she has vehemently denied. But with the midterms over and the focus on 2020, voters think she’d stand a chance.