Elizabeth Warren: “Peaked Too Soon” Or Just a Bad Candidate?
Latest national poll shows Warren’s “support cut in half in the span of a month.”

Things are not looking good for Massachusetts’ Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D). Her presidential campaign, according to Politico, “nosedives in new national poll,” and the Washington Post is asking, “What happened to Elizabeth Warren?”
The numbers both in Iowa and nationwide are unmistakably bad for Warren. In Iowa, Politico’s Natasha Korecki reports that Warren has lost “her mojo” and that Democrats are starting to wonder if she “peaked too soon.”
Elizabeth Warren’s star is starting to dim in Iowa.
In a state where fortunes can change on a dime, Pete Buttigieg has seized the momentum in recent weeks as Warren has slipped. Top Iowa Democrats attribute the shift to the scrutiny Warren is receiving as a frontrunner — including attacks from her rivals — as well as her struggles defending her plan to remake the nation’s health care system.
. . . . “You have to wonder whether she peaked too soon,” former Iowa Lt. Gov. Patty Judge, co-chair of the advocacy group Focus on Rural Iowa, said of Warren. “In Iowa, she is wearing some — [it’s] like she established her endorsers and her delegates and that’s all there is.”
While the top-polling candidates are sure to rise and fall before the Feb. 3 caucuses, a dozen Democratic activists, county chairs and strategists in the state said Warren is no longer viewed as the prohibitive frontrunner there. Her performance reflects her struggles of late nationally, including one poll out Tuesday that showed her support cut in half in the span of a month.
On a national level, as Korecki notes, Quinnipiac’s latest poll shows Warren losing 14 points in a single month.
Politico’s Caitlin Oprysko reports:
Sen. Elizabeth Warren’s support among Democratic primary voters nationwide plunged 50 percent over the past month, according to a new Quinnipiac University poll, signaling that the shake-ups in the primary field are far from over.
. . . . But Warren’s plummet — 14 points since the previous Quinnipiac poll taken a month ago — represents a brutal dive as the first nominating contests of 2020 inch closer. Warren has come under fire over the past few months since a summertime ascendance lifted her into the top tier of the primary field. She has received particularly intense scrutiny for her “Medicare for All” plan, including how she would pay for it.
We’ve covered Warren’s Medicare for All problems, and all of them have been self-inflicted. It all started when she announced that she was “with Bernie” on his untenable Medicare for All plan. Then came her empty promises that the middle class would not be taxed. She later released a revised plan that holds its own myriad problems, including compounded issues regarding who will pay for it.
There seems little doubt that these issues have contributed to her nosedive among Democrat primary voters. Democrat primary voters care about health care, and they care about beating President Trump. In both areas, Warren’s unforced errors create doubt in their minds.
She seems to have treated health care as an afterthought after she declared she stood “with Bernie.” She repeated her stance for “free” universal health care for every person in America (including illegals). She promised that billionaires would pay for it, and average Americans would save money and on.
Only when pressed for details did she add a Medicare for All plan to her already massive stack of plans for broad-based, disruptive change across every aspect of Americans’ lives. And when it bombed with both the left and the right, she rushed out a new plan . . . that also bombed.
It’s not exactly the sort of performance likely to beat Trump. Democratic primary voters see it and appear to be test-driving Mayor Pete who, not incidentally, has become a vocal opponent of Medicare for All.
For her part, Warren is dismissing the polling data and what it should be telling her and her team.
Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) is dismissing a recent Quinnipiac University survey showing her support drop 14 points nationally.
“It’s the same answer it’s always been. I don’t do polls,” Warren told reporters in Knoxville, Iowa, on Tuesday evening. “I’m out here fighting every day on behalf of working families.”
Working families, however, seem to be losing interest in having her in their corner. At least those among Democrat primary voters.

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“Peaked too soon”. That would mean there is something of substance to peak. Socialist ideas and not being forthcoming about who is paying can’t count. The dinosaur media will only go so far. In early primary states, retail politics thins out the BS artists.
She has been judged and found wanting.
“Peaked too soon”
She is just a lying Marxist witch,end of story.
She forgot that Dim candidates need to lie their way into power an only after there’re in office can the do what they really want to.
“Peaked Too Soon” and “Bad Candidate” are not mutually exclusive.
Embrace the power of the word “and”!
Bwahaha, you saw my first subhead, right? 😛
A logical ‘or’ retains its value of true when both are true. It doesn’t have to be and ‘exclusive or’.
I think I might have been talking to machines too much.
“I’m out here fighting every day on behalf of working families.”
But, “working families” is Democrat-Speak for “union.” And union members have no wish to give up the medical insurance they have now for “Medicare for All.” Did Warren somehow not realize this?
And then there’s the other major constituency that’s horrified at “Medicare for All”: AARP, and those now receiving Medicare realize that “Medicare for All” will inevitably mean “Medicare for None,” for (1)Medicare can’t work if everyone pays only Medicare rates to providers, and (2) “Medicare for All” would inevitably bring serious rationing.
And where better to ration than among those who may not have so many Quality-Adjusted Life Years left?
Usually it’s Democrats shouting that Republicans are gonna throw granny over a cliff (to the full-throated accompaniment of AARP et. al.), but this time around it’s Warren cluelessly inspiring serious fear in the hearts of these traditionally Democratic-leaning voters.
I hate the AARP – remember when they jumped on board with Jugears while he was bald-faced lying to us about keeping your insurance/doctor. AARP are dirtbags!
“Aarp” is about the only word either Obama can come up with without a Teleprompter.
I think she should run as the first Native American candidate.
My theory? America is just not ready for a beer-guzzling president.
She’s like the bitter ex-wife, the mean teacher, and the condescending mother-in-law, all rolled into one.
She is also shades of Nurse Rachid, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Maddoff, if not Obama.
Nasty does not work in the US. At least not yet.
She’s a congenital liar. She’s shrill and generally unlikable. And her political viewpoints and ideas are just plain stupid. Other than that, she’s a great candidate.
I don’t know how she got as far as she has, and I was even surprised she got into the Senate with the “Pocahontas” stuff already in the Massachusetts press.
Artichoke- Obama was on the ticket the year she won. I bet if he wasn’t she would have lost, it was a close election between her and Scott Brown
She hasn’t peaked yet. With her penchant for lying she can always become a more worse candidate than she already is.
“I’m out here fighting every day on behalf of working families.”
Just as Barry was basically an empty chair, Warren is little more than a standup cardboard slogan.
Answer: Just an unfathomably horrific pathological liar of a candidate lacking even one redeeming quality.
She’s Hillary, without all of the charm and bubbly personality
But Hillary will have someone killed. That sort of persuasion was essential and her and Bill’s (like Bonnie and Clyde) career. I don’t think Warren is up to that level of effectiveness.
She does have ONE redeeming quality: she is an excellent bad example.
When she was shouted down at that event the other day, she was truly shaken and fearful. These democrat candidates have been coddled and insulated by a complicit press. She’s a smarmy know-it-all who doesn’t even know how to drink a beer in a natural manner.
Q: Peaked too soon or just a bad candidate?
A: Yes
She lied continuously which usually is a virtue for democrats, but she’s also a shrew and nag to everyone.
Even democrats can only take so much scolding. They’re used to being the ones scolding not the ones getting scolded. How can one be a sjw if they’re not perfect and able to scold everyone else?
I do hope she stays around the debates though. Who hasn’t blown up? Buttigieg has dirt too, and I don’t think the nation is likely to elect an out gay whose last name begins with “Butt”, I just don’t.
There are rocks in my box that have more brains than she does. Which makes her followers dumber than the person who’s dumber than…
Kamela Harris was once a top tier candidate. Once the spotlight was on her and people could see what she was all about; her support dropped. Now the spotlight is on Warren and she comes across as a fraud who will say and do anything to be elected. Even Joe Biden, who may win the nomination by default, started the race as a reasonable blue-dog Democrat. Now it is apparent that he is a pay-to-play grifter cut from the same cloth as the Clintons.
The problem with the Democratic candidates is that while they pay the proper lip service to the liberal causes; the voters quickly figure out that the candidates have nothing of substance to offer the country once the voter takes a good hard look.
At best, she’s a piece of garbage. She’s also a bad candidate. And a piece of garbage.
She’s a lousy Senator, trust me. She would have made a great Dem candidate, Trump would have taken 49 states (McGovern all over again).
It’s because Warren is a woman of color.
Bad candidate. I remember her first election to Senate in Mass, she barely won in a year with Obama on the ticket.
She doesn’t really connect with people outside her rabid fanbase.
So if deep blue MA voters were lukewarm towards her, how well is she going to fair in the rest of the country?
If kamala Harris can be elected a US senator, count no one out, not even Alfred E. Neuman Buttigig.
[Elizabeth Warren: “Peaked Too Soon” Or Just a Bad Candidate?]
Well for the love of…just listen to that voice of hers, that rasping, tremulous, quarrelsome, harping, hectoring, scolding spinsterish Call of the Shrew she has! Nobody can stand it. The very sound of it brings tears to the eyes.
My Gawd!