Palestinian Bassem al-Tamimi lead plaintiff in suit against dozens of Americans for supporting Israel
March 08, 2016
A group of Palestinians led by professional provocateur and propagandist Bassem Al-Tamimi has filed suit against a slew of Americans, American businesses, American organizations, international businesses and Israeli entities. The Complaint is embedded at the bottom of this post.
Altogether nineteen Plaintiffs have brought claims against fifty-three defendants. Plaintiffs' attorneys are Martin F. McMahon, a colleague in his law firm, and Sameer Jarrah, who claims a license to practice law in Jordan.
Al-Tamimi is a familiar figure. He is at the heart of LI's ongoing battle with Ithica, New York's public school system (where he encouraged third-graders to become "freedom fighters for Palestine"), peddles the blood libel that Israel harvests and sells Palestinians' organs, and uses his own daughter (and other children) as props in his war against Israel (more here).