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Media Bias Tag

On February 23rd, 2019, a 15 year-old Palestinian, Yusef al-Daya, was shot in the chest at a weekly event called the March of Return. The event is held every Friday at the Gaza border. Al-Daya was rushed to a local hospital where he was resuscitated but a short time later, succumbed to his wound. Prominent media outlets such as Reuters stated; "Israeli troops shot dead a Palestinian teen." The article makes no mention of important facts about al-Daya and what he was doing at the security fence.

Once upon a time, not too long ago, The Washington Post was a somewhat reasonable voice on matters of foreign policy, especially regarding the Middle East. Since it supported the nuclear deal with Iran in 2015, and fought Donald Trump's election the following year, its views have become increasingly marginal.

The Jussie Smollett claim of a racial and homophobic attack in late January in Chicago by two white men wearing MAGA hats is falling apart. The story was suspicious from the start. While not impossible, it was improbable that two white guys were running around Chicago in the middle of the night during a sub-zero Polar Vortex wearing MAGA hats while carrying bleach and a noose and just happened to find a high-profile gay black actor to attack.

TheWrap's Jon Levine dug up an old clip from The View in 2016 when host Joy Behar showed off a photo of herself dressed as a "beautiful African woman." The other women oohed and ahhed over it, but the clip did not cause much of a controversy. However, in light of the blackface scandals lately, it continues to show the hypocrisy. Liberals get a free pass while conservatives receive fire.

By the time you read this, Ralph Northam may or may not still be Governor of Virginia. He is paying the price for the gotcha racial politics he and Democrats use against others, except in this case there actually is a there there, in the form of his medical school yearbook photo showing him either in blackface or a Klan robe (not clear which he is), VA DEM Gov. Ralph Northam quickly moves from infanticide scandal to blackface/KKK yearbook mess.

When Virginia legislator Kathy Tran explained on video that the "reproductive" rights bill being pushed by Virginia Democrats allowed for abortion on demand even during labor to protect the mental health of the mother, conservatives "pounced" and "seized" on it, in liberal media parlance. Not Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam. He pulled a "hold my beer" move and in an interview defended post-birth abortion. If a child were delivered, according to Northam, the child would be kept comfortable while mother and medical staff talked about its fate.

Kathy Tran desperately needed some good PR Thursday in the aftermath of the controversy surrounding her radical abortion law proposal, and when a Twitter post of hers failed to persuade people, a familiar Democrat-friendly source swooped in to try and save the day. The Virginia Democratic Delegate reactivated her Twitter account Thursday morning to address the "misinformation" being spread about "The Repeal Act", which would significantly loosen restrictions on third trimester abortions and make access to them much easier:

There were more than a thousand left-stream media layoffs earlier this week.  The cuts took place across the spectrum of left-stream media and included cuts at HuffPo, BuzzFeed, Yahoo News, among others. The finger-pointing has thus far been aimed at Facebook and Twitter, but wounded leftstream media warriors are irked by a reminder of their own callous response to massive Obama-era coal industry job losses.