Is Carly Fiorina redefining feminism?
July 10, 2015
"To me, a feminist is a woman who chooses her own life," said presidential hopeful Carly Fiorina. "The life she chooses could be to have five children and stay home and home school them."
In June, Fiorina wrote a powerful article called, "Redefining Feminism: The state of women in America." Fiorina charted her career progress and addressed the deterioration of feminism over the years.
Feminism began as a rallying cry to empower women—to vote, to get an education, to enter the workplace. But over the years, feminism has devolved into a left-leaning political ideology where women are pitted against men and used as a political weapon to win elections. Being empowered means having a voice. But ideological feminism shuts down conversation—on college campuses and in the media. If you are a man—or a woman—who doesn’t believe the litanies of the left, then you are “waging a war on women” or you are a “threat to women’s health” or you are variously described as “window dressing” —Joni Ernst—or offensive as a candidate—Carly Fiorina. The progressive view of feminism is not about women. It is about ideology. And their policies are not working for women.