The war on “White Feminism”
August 16, 2015
Racial politics has not spared modern feminists.
The latest "intersectionality" social justice warrior campaign rails against "White Feminism." That's right, White Feminism. Because every single bit of life, society, and culture must now be parsed into political subsections...
As is typical in the Land of Social Justice, each attempt to further define the the model social justice warrior leads to the alienation of the reigning Champion of the Cause. Such is the case with this video on White Feminism.
"You may have heard the term "White Feminism" lately, but what does it mean? Basically, White Feminism is feminism that ignores intersectionality. So, not all feminists who are white are White Feminists, but most White Feminists are white because white people just don't have to think about things like race on a daily basis," explains the video from the Huffington Post.
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