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Environment Tag

Brace yourself: Green justice warriors will be out in force this Sunday. It's the 48th anniversary of Earth Day. Every year since 1970, we have been treated to self-righteous, humanity-deriding antics of environmental activists . . . who usually leave mountains of garbage behind after their celebrations of Earth conclude.

President Donald Trump's administration has already implemented nearly two-thirds of the 334 agenda according to the conservative Heritage Foundation, which is a pace faster than former President Ronald Reagan. One of Trump's biggest promises was to roll back regulations, especially those promulgated under the behemoth of the Environmental Protection Agency. New reports indicate that the agency's enormous power, magnified under Obama, is steadily receding.

California's politicians claim they want to stop pollution, but it appears the bureaucrats who actually implement the regulations our representatives promulgate have different priorities. California's attorney general has charged five former and current employees of Panoche Water District in central California with felonies fraud, abuse . . . and hazardous waste violations.

Until the prof sent me this story, I had never heard of a pangolin, and my initial impression (as a Southerner) was that it looks like a giant armadillo.  The pangolin, however, is an anteater that is currently endangered because its scales are seen as medicinal and its meat a delicacy in Africa and Asia.  As such, this scaly anteater is the most poached and most trafficked mammal in the world. seeks to illuminate the plight of the pangolin and to ensure that this mammal survives into future generations.

Eco-activists enamored by alternative energy technology have long touted the potential for wind farms as a source of power. However, it appears that the industry's promises may be full of hot air. Take, for example, the funding for many projects. Many Americans are now coining the term "Big Wind" for wind farm installation firms who collude with government employees to obtain subsidies and funding for large-scale projects.

It comes as no surprise to Legal Insurrection readers as we have been following recent news cycles that sensational #FakeNews items spread rapidly through media, only to have retractions and corrections lag weakly behind. The same is true of #FakeScience.

Environmental activists constantly accuse humanity of destroying the Planet Earth. A case can be made that the reverse is actually true. Take, for instance, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's finding that there are is a mantle plume underneath Antarctica, which seems to explain much of the melting of the continental ice shelf.
Researchers at NASA have discovered a huge upwelling of hot rock under Marie Byrd Land, which lies between the Ross Ice Shelf and the Ross Sea, is creating vast lakes and rivers under the ice sheet. The presence of a huge mantle plume could explain why the region is so unstable today, and why it collapsed so quickly at the end of the last Ice Age, 11,000 years ago.

Despite predictions of economic doom and gloom in the wake of Donald Trump's presidential election win, things are actually looking quite sunny. A revised estimate showed gross domestic product had climbed at an annualized rate of 3 per cent, showing more growth than the professionals projected. Part of the reason for this new trajectory is President Trump's war on excessive regulation. For instance, in response to the impact of Hurricane Harvey on the region's fuel industry, Environmental Protection Agency is temporarily suspending some rules about gasoline production in an effort to minimize shortages around the southeast.
States from Maryland to Texas can sell winter-grade gasoline held in storage now, even though normally that type of fuel wouldn’t become available until fall, according to a federal waiver issued Wednesday. Refineries that continue to operate can also start churning out winter-grade gasoline, which emits more pollution than summer-grade gasoline when combusted in engines.

I came across an article at The Hill that the EPA planned to rewrite a regulation from President Barack Obama's administration that limited toxic waste from power plants. But before the left loses its mind, it's important to note that Energy Secretary Scott Pruitt didn't promise to change anything, just review it.