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Elizabeth Warren Tag

At last night's Democrat debate, the mayor of South Bend, Indiana and one of the legions of Democrat candidates for president Pete Buttigieg responded well to attacks by Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA). She started out quite puffed up and pleased with herself as she launched into a holier-than-thou tirade about Buttigieg's "wine cave" fundraiser.  It wasn't long, however, before Buttigieg landed a few home truths that left her visibly shaken and extremely defensive.

Elizabeth Warren political and personal narrative is that she has always been a selfless fighter against big corporations. But as we first exposed in 2012, Warren maintained a vibrant legal practice when she was a professor at Harvard Law School that paints a different picture. Warren recently admitted that she made, at minimum, close to $2 million with her legal practice, most of it after she joined HLS as a tenured professor.

The history of Elizabeth Warren's political scandals is that she initially releases only the information she thinks people already know. When doubt is cast on her story and the controversy doesn't disappear, she tries to get ahead of the issue with an information release which is incomplete. When even more doubt is cast, Warren repeats the tactic.

Democrat presidential hopefuls Sens. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and Bernie Sanders (I-VT), both lowly millionaires, have taken aim at late entrant former NYC mayor Michael Bloomberg (D-NY) for being a billionaire. This is so ridiculous on its face that Bloomberg all but dismisses it by noting that any of the current crop of Democrats vying for their party's 2020 nomination will be "eat[en] up" by President Trump.

Since 2012, we have covered Elizabeth Warren's years representing large corporations against the interests of employees and others Warren now claims to champion. Warren likely earned millions of dollars in compensation, but never has disclosed those amounts. Indeed, our research led the way, with even The Washington Post recently crediting us for unearthing Warren's legal representation of Dow Chemical against women claiming damages for breast implants.

2020 Democratic presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren swore off big money for her campaign. She vowed to run a grassroots campaign. But Warren has wealthy supporters. Her campaign has organized ways for her to avoid meeting with them so she can say she runs her campaign on small-dollars. Instead, her campaign treasurer and another ally meet with these wealthy supporters.