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Elizabeth Warren Tag

If you have been following this blog, you know that we have gone where others have not gone in helping to tell the story about Elizabeth Warren's false claim to be Cherokee, how she used it in her career, and how she gave at best...

Well, 39 minutes and 49 seconds to be precise, once you take out the news breaks and commercials. I was a guest Tuesday night on Nightside with Dan Rea on WBZ 1030, the Boston superstation that covers all of New England: A group of concerned Native American...

That's the title of a new video released by the Massachusetts Republican Party. Whereas our video (about 10,000 views as of this writing) focused on Warren's deception during the campaign, this video focuses on the people she has hurt the most. The ending quote from a full-blooded Cherokee is "The...

Tonight at the DNC Elizabeth Warren will deliver a high profile, coveted introduction of Bill Clinton. Democrats in the arena will stand and wildly cheer as Warren delivers what is sure to be a rousing speech of economic demagoguery in which she lashes out at big...

Wednesday night Elizabeth Warren will introduce Bill Clinton, the keynote speaker at the Democratic National Convention. Warren has claimed internet fame for her famous "no one got rich on his own" speech which was the foundation for Obama's "you didn't build that" speech.  Warren holds herself...

No, that's not a typo or some psychological slip. It's what I believe to reflect a sea change in how people view the Scott Brown - Elizabeth Warren match-up. Earlier this week PPP released a poll showing Brown ahead by 5 points, and people were stunned particularly...

Elizabeth Warren famously wants us to be more like China and devote even greater percentages of our GDP to infrastructure construction. Warren is making this push despite the fact that we already spend huge sums on infrastructure, we just don't do it very efficiently as state...

I joked the other day about Elizabeth Warren's Mike Dukakis Tank moment. Maybe tanking was the right word, because a PPP poll just released shows Warren 5 points behind and Warren's negatives rising dramatically (emphasis mine): PPP's newest poll on the Massachusetts Senate race finds Scott Brown...

Emily's List has been throwing mountains of cash into the Massachusetts Senate race supporting Elizabeth Warren. And we have Emily's List via Twitter to thank for this image of Mike Dukakis in a tank Warren on a Harley: ...

Via The Boston Herald: U.S. Sen. Scott Brown and Elizabeth Warren have clashed about taxes, jobs and small businesses as their race heats up under the national spotlight — but their skirmishing took a detour this week as the rivals traded barbs on a simple question...

This is a joke, right? The Onion? Elizabeth Warren, who refuses to accept any accountability for falsely claiming to be Native American, for trying to deceive the public about the extent to which she claimed Native American, minority and "woman of color" status for professional purposes, for exaggerating...

Elizabeth Warren is riding high, raising tens of millions of dollars and serving as the designated warm-up speaker for Bill Clinton at the Democratic National Convention in early September.  But she's still an ethnic fraud who misappropriated Native American heritage as her own for professional purposes. The only...