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It would be easy to take a side on the issue of Jordan Peterson. Certainly at this point most everyone has. The controversial Canadian professor, author, free speech activist and public speaker has developed a massive international reputation over the past three years since he initially spoke out against the Canadian Bill C16, which threatened to make anti-transgender speech illegal.

Yesterday, I was fuming that my son's school participated in the abysmal #ClimateStrike. Fortunately, student participation in it was optional, and my boy gave the event a hard pass. As a parent, I would prefer students learn actual science and mathematics. If teachers are going to pursue climate-related activities, instead of promoting protests, they should review such concepts as the Milankovitch Cycles, Maunder Minimums, and the geologic record of major extinction level events.

Conservative communications specialist at the Nebraska Family Alliance Marilyn Synek (pictured in featured image) endured a horrible experience at her favorite breakfast eatery. While there, she was verbally attacked by a transgender employee of the coffee shop and told in no uncertain terms not only to leave but to never come back.

The New Film from the Director of The Last Jedi Knives Out, the newest film by writer/director Rian Johnson, premiered this past weekend at the Toronto International Film Festival and the first reactions and reviews have been spreading out all over Twitter. Unfortunately for movie fans, the movie appears to be a riff on contemporary politics that threatens to stratify viewers.

Whether you love or hate President Donald Trump, you have to acknowledge his actions on criminal justice reforms. You can say the same about Kim Kardashian West. West, who endorsed Hillary Clinton, went on The View this morning. She not only talked about her activist work in criminal justice reform but also praised Trump for signing the First Step Act.

A Disappointing Sequel It Chapter 1 was released just two years ago in 2017 and at the time the movie had a certain novelty to it. It was fresh off the success of Stranger Things and it carried the same E.T/Stand by Me/Goonies/Monster Squad style that made so many of what RedLetterMedia once described as "kids on bikes movies" popular.

New York Times reporters Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey dropped the bombshell on Harvey Weinstein two years ago with a scathing article filled with accusations from actresses. They described horrific alleged sexual misconduct by the once-powerful movie producer, which led to the #MeToo movement. Kantor and Twohey detailed their investigation in a new book called She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement. One shocking detail came to light in the book. Victim rights attorney Lisa Bloom, the daughter of Gloria Allred, sided with Weinstein. She offered to help him ruin the reputations of the women who accused him of sexual assault, sexual harassment, and rape.

A woman named Chella Phillips of the Bahamas is being praised for her efforts to save dogs during Hurricane Dorian. She took almost a hundred canines into her home during the storm, and now she is being rewarded with donations.

Actor Isaiah Washington spoke to Fox Nation's Tyrus about his decision to leave the Democratic Party. Washington noted that Democratic politicians have not done enough for America or the black community. He praised President Donald Trump's support for the First Step Act, which provides "deserving prisoners the opportunity to get a shortened sentence for positive behavior and job training, and giving judges and juries the power that the Constitution intended to grant them in sentencing."

This past week, Netflix released Dave Chapelle's newest stand up special, Sticks and Stones. The special immediately became controversial given Chapelle's crassness and indifference towards the left's sacred cows. He mocks the LGBTQ movement, castigates the #MeToo movement, called women b****es, mocked rape victims, used the homophobic slur f****t and dressed Jussie Smollett down.

The drama continues within the chicken sandwich wars! A Tennessee man sued Popeyes for running out of its popular new chicken sandwich. He accused the fast-food restaurant of false advertising and deceptive business practice. He complained the shortage caused him to waste his time because he had to drive around Chattanooga.