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College Insurrection Tag

In a campus culture devoted to giving everyone a trophy: The most common grade at many schools? “A” of course! Ignoring Failure in Higher Education LA Times Report: Getting into College is Easier Except for white males, whose Trophy Privilege has gone on long enough: Duke Lacrosse Rape Accuser Found...

Reader 9thDistrictNeighbor and her husband are Kenyon College graduates. She sent me a link to a story from November 21 about two Kenyon students who dressed as ghosts, were confronted by campus security, accused of racism, and ultimately apologized for being insensitive to their white male...

Legal Insurrection readers once micro-aggressively attacked me for writing "me and __": UCLA Prof accused of racist “micro-aggression” for correcting student grammar Shock Video: Black students decry UCLA as not diverse enough Probably Government majors: Cornell multicultural group uses “diversity” to excuse spending sprees, missing funds, mismanagement See, told ya...

Wouldn't want to exclude veterans of foreign armies from Veterans Day honors, now would we? Harvard Law internationalizes Veterans Day (Update – Harvard responds) At least something is booming: Student Loan Debt has Increased 463% Under Obama Just try it, go ahead, make my day: Chicago State Tries to Close...

From Kurt Schlichter, "thanks, suckers": Young Obama Supporters Get Straight Talk from Conservative California Lawyer Tin Soldiers coming: Kent State Says “Aloha” to $17,000 for Hawaiian Sex Week Hey Tin Soldiers, don't lean forward: Gay Sex Pundit’s $24K Lecture on Fisting and Fetishes [Pro tip: The two links above are what...

Save the Bear's Dudeness, Dudes: Cornell students demand end to “male heterosexual” Big Red Bear mascot The Tigress Insurrection: A Princeton Alumna Explains Why She Won’t Donate Anymore: "The notion of academic freedom is also false, as faculty stifle and ostracize those who produce scholarship that challenges the...

He did not act stupidly, this time: Black Harvard Prof Says it’s Time to End Race-Based Affirmative Action Post Title of the Week Award goes to Aleister: OOPS! College TA Emails T and A Pics to Class Brought to you by the good folks at Brown’s $400,000 NIH Study:...

Yes, Yes, Yes! Are You Ready for Terrifying Law School Tuition? Are Single Sex Schools the Wave of the Future? Dartmouth Student – Can the government shutdown teach us to live with less? Is Oberlin the college with the worst return on investment? War on Men? Is George Galloway a disgusting...

We previously wrote about Anna Shireman-Grabowski, a Middlebury College student who, with non-student activists, removed a flag memorial on 9/11 this year remembering the victims of the World Trade Center attack, claiming solidarity with the Native American Abenaki tribe: My intention was not to cause pain...

We ran this over at College Insurrection last week, but I think it's worth running again an excerpt from Hen Mazzig, An Israeli Soldier to American Jews: Wake up! As a young Israeli who had just completed five years of service in the IDF, I looked...

First they came for the Joker: College Student arrested for wearing “Joker” make-up to class Damn good thing they didn't wear Joker make-up at these events, or they might have been in trouble: Brown University Celebrates “Nude Week” Video – Jesse Watters Covers “Nude Week” at Brown U. New Hampshire’s...

Want to know how we lost the campuses and a generation?  Because we allowed people like Eduardo Bonilla-Silva, one of the Duke Group of 88 professors, to indoctrinate our children: At various points in his teaching or scholarship, Bonilla-Silva has used other names for the country of which he...

FIRST, you find out stuff before your friends. Case in point, on Monday afternoon Leslie wrote Hamilton College sponsors “I Love Female Orgasm” workshop based on an obscure Facebook page we stumbled upon while researching the Hamilton segregation scandal.  The post was tweeted and shared on Facebook hundreds of times. [caption id="attachment_66168"...

As Professor Jacobson details in his companion post, the Matthew Shepard narrative of anti-gay hatred culminating in murder may not be what it seems. Research detailed in The Book of Matt by Stephen Jimenez casts doubt on the anti-gay part of the narrative. But by now, the apparently-false narrative has become deeply ingrained in American culture. Detailed below are just a few examples of how the narrative has taken hold.


Elton John penned “American Triangle” as a tribute song to Shepard. Lyrics include, “God hates fags where we come from.” Lady Gaga performed a rendition of “Imagine,” referring to Shepard Speaking of Lady Gaga, a Lady Gaga fan put out a video of himself signing to “Born this way” in commemoration of Shepard: Melissa Etheridge released a song called “Scarecrow” as tribute to Shepard. Lyrics include, “For love they crucified you,” and “This shepherd young and mild.” Many other songs were penned for Shepard, including: Peter Katz’s, “The Fence (The Matthew Shepard Song)” Peter, Paul, and Mary’s, “Jesus on the Wire” Protest the Hero’s, “Fear and Loathing in Laramie” Ron Sexsmith’s, “God Loves Everyone” Janis Ian’s, “Matthew


Shortly after the attack against Shepard in 1998, former President Clinton, asked the nation to join him in praying for Shepard.  In the statement, he said he was "deeply grieved" by the crime, and used it as a rallying point for legislation. By video, President Obama promoted the Matthew Shepard Foundation and welcomed guests to a Matthew Shepard gala dinner. In the video, Obama recounts how he met with Matthew’s mother in the Oval Office, and promised her he would “honor Matthew’s legacy by ensuring that the full might of the law comes down on those who would attack somebody” because of their sexual identity.

Tin soldiers and Obama coming, we're finally on our own, this summer I heard the rumbling, four tanks in Ohio: Ohio State’s Public Safety crew now have an armored fighting vehicle [caption id="attachment_65455" align="alignnone" width="567"] (Ohio State is ready)[/caption] We could have used those up in Vermont: Middlebury College Staff...

Yesterday we posted examples of the racist and other posters placed around the Oberlin campus last February as part of The Great Oberlin College Racism Hoax of 2013.  There are many more in the Oberlin police department document production we did not post. On no campus in the United States or elsewhere would the racist posters using the "N" word and so on be acceptable public discourse (even if it is an interesting free speech legal issue). But what about the anti-Israel poster? Oberlin Poster Anti-Israel w out handwriting Unfortunately, such discourse on campuses and elsewhere is par for the course in the anti-Israel movement.  The attempt to single out Israel alone for boycott, and the false equation of Israel with Apartheid, fascism and Nazism, is part of the dialogue and accepted.  Oberlin is one of only a handful of higher education campuses where the student government has endorsed the anti-Israel BDS movement and boycott. In fact, Oberlin has one of the most active anti-Israel movements which spreads historically inaccurate falsehoods about the "occupation" and Israeli "Apartheid" policies: I have to wonder, if only the anti-Israel posters were put up around Oberlin not accompanied by attacks on blacks, Muslims and gays, would anyone have noticed or cared?  Would the campus have erupted in protest? Somehow I doubt it. The specific flag used on the Oberlin poster is akin to a stock image in anti-Israel protests, this one in San Francisco: