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It's hard to believe that in a few, short days we will be staring a new decade. As the 2020's begin, I thought it might be fun to look back on the era fondly known as the "Roaring 20's."  This was a time my grandmother recalled with a great deal of nostalgia when I was young. Perhaps we can use events from that decade to predict what might occur in the next few years as well.

What a year. The politics have been b**s*** crazy. It's been hard to focus on longer term projects and investigations when you don't know from one minute to the next, much less one day to the next, what the next fire alarm will be about.

As we prepare to enter the new millennium's version of the "Roaring 20's," here is a fun look at my top posts on the various topics I normally cover for Legal Insurrection.

In the spirit of Christmas and the joyful traditions that come with it, I’m going to veer in a non–political direction with some thoughts on what I’m thankful for this holiday season.

It's been over two weeks since I last provided an update on Baby Walt, our family's newest addition. Baby Walt was born November 24 via emergency c-section. Shortly after his birth, he was diagnosed with a rare heart condition and life lifted to Houston’s Medical Center where he’s been since.
It's been less than a month, but it feels like a year has passed since Walt was born. Time has slowed to a snail's pace, which is probably why Walt's recovery, when placed in real time, is nothing short of amazing.

The last several days have been the hardest I’ve faced; we’ve faced. Ever. Yet through it all, the Lord has been faithful in ways I never imagined possible. Baby Walt was born November 24 via emergency c-section. Shortly after his birth, he was diagnosed with a rare heart condition and life lifted to Houston's Medical Center where he's been since.

On Sunday morning, November 24, Walter Canon, son of Kemberlee Kaye and her husband Jeff, entered the world at 9 lbs. 8 oz. He joins his two big sisters, who have been anxiously awaiting his arrival. Walt was born with a congenital heart problem, and is being cared for by doctors and nurses at a Houston children's hospital.

We always have had a "Reply" function in the comment section on the desktop version of Legal Insurrection. Now we have it on the mobile version.

On July 30, 2014, Kemberlee Kaye did her first post for Legal Insurrection, about failed border policy. Over 2000 posts later, she's still here. Kemberlee quickly carved out a niche of covering cultural (war) issues, particularly in defense of dads, and against political correctness and pseudo science:

The news cycle in 2018 has been a Fujita Scale 5 cyclone. So I thought the most appropriate posts to feature would be those covering instances when the political winds blew back onto green justice warriors this year.