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2020 Democratic Primary Tag

The Democrat debates are the best thing that ever happened to Donald Trump. Tonight's debate in Houston was another example, a mostly sleepy affair in which the two leftist party leaders -- Bernie and Warren -- further cemented their primary policy of taking private insurance away from almost 150 million people. Some of the lesser contenders called them out on that, as did Biden.

We all know that 2020 Democratic presidential hopeful Elizabeth Warren loves to rail against supposed dark money in politics, Wall Street, and evil corporations. She vowed to avoid big money during her presidential campaign. She swore she would run a full-on grass-roots campaign. How about before Warren's presidential campaign? The New York Times reported Warren courted big money before she swore it off.

Even with his well-documented penchant for gaffes, his tendency to flub or embellish stories, and his outright lying about his positions on the issues, Joe Biden's lead in national Democratic presidential polling has been consistent and stable. But we're just a few months out from the start of Democratic primaries and caucuses, and the focus is shifting from national polls to state-level polls. It is in some of the early primary state polls that we see cracks in Joe Biden's wall of support:

Two of the least likable, least trusted women in Democrat politics are reportedly "becoming closer," even colluding behind the scenes.  Imagine a Hillary 3.0 run with Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as the 2020 Hillary.  What can go wrong?

In politics as in all things, glory can be fleeting. After the first Democratic debate in late June, the MSM and liberal political commentators treated Sen. Kamala Harris (CA) like the invincible presidential candidate. Her polling numbers rose significantly after she broadsided frontrunner Joe Biden in the opening round. She also saw a nice boost in fundraising. But the last two months have seen the Harris campaign endure an embarrassing freefall. Her polling numbers have tanked, she's lost a significant amount of support from key Democratic voting blocs, and was on the receiving end of a brutal smackdown from Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (HI) at the second debate over her troubling criminal justice record.

CNN hosted a much-touted "Climate Crisis Town Hall" for the Democratic presidential candidates on Tuesday night. However, a Category 5 Trump Tweet-storm slammed the event before the 7 hours of green justice fun began. President Donald Trump laid out 8-critical points, which refuted the fear-mongering that the 10 candidates offered to potential voters.