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Liberal Marianne Williamson: “What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me” than liberals?

Liberal Marianne Williamson: “What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me” than liberals?

“What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are?”

2020 Democratic candidate Marianne Williamson recently shared a revelation with Eric Bolling of America This Week. During a hot mic moment, she vented her frustration over being treated badly by the left and marveled at the nice treatment she has received from conservatives.

Tim Haines of Real Clear Politics provides a transcript:

Marianne Williamson On Hot Mic: “What Does It Say That FOX News Is Nicer To Me Than The Lefties Are?”

Democratic candidate Marianne Williamson said on a hot mic that she was shocked to learn during her presidential campaign that the left is “as mean as the right.”

“What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are? What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me?” she wondered after completing an interview on Sinclair’s “America This Week with Eric Bolling” two weeks ago.

“It’s such a bizarre world,” the spiritual guru turned presidential candidate continued. “You know, I’m such a lefty. I mean, I’m a serious lefty, but they’re so– I didn’t think the left was as mean as the right. They are.”

She returned to the show this week to explain what she meant. According to Williamson, she only agreed to appear for a second interview after host Eric Bolling promised that he would not air the comments.

See the short clip in the tweet below:

Eric Bolling invited her back on the show to address the comment and she tried to walk it back a little bit.

Zachary Halaschak writes at the Washington Examiner:

Appearing on Sinclair’s America This Week, Williamson was played a clip where she had previously appeared on the same show and was caught in a hot-mic moment.

“What does it say that Fox News is nicer to me than the lefties are? What does it say that the conservatives are nicer to me? It’s such a bizarre world,” Williamson said. “You know, I’m such a lefty. I mean, I’m a serious lefty, but they’re so … I didn’t think the Left was as mean as the Right, [but] they are.”

Williamson, 67, expressed surprise that the clip was “blasted out,” but walked back the comments to some extent on the show.

“Well, what I was told was that if I came on your show, you wouldn’t blast it out, and you just blasted it out,” she began. “So, I don’t even know where to go with that.”

Watch below:

Williamson is learning a valuable lesson. The left is painted by many in media as the compassionate and caring side, while conservatives are called haters. In reality, things are very different.

Featured image via YouTube.


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Leftist narrative vs. reality. Never the twain shall meet (apologies to Kipling).

notamemberofanyorganizedpolicital | September 13, 2019 at 1:25 pm

Why Marianne it means you should not be a liberal.

Hilarious that she finally realizes a truth about her fellow leftists and she still thinks she can be POTUS and has to walk back those comments.

It’s too late though. She’s done for now. Complimenting FoxNews and conservatives? That’s a game ending mistake for any leftist running for POTUS.

Nothing bigger than the moon get by her does it?

The left is an amalgamation of cranks, judging by the candidates and their weird, violent supporters.

Morning Sunshine | September 13, 2019 at 2:05 pm

it means that even if we on the Right disagree with you, we still know and show your value as a person. To the Left, your only value is as you agree with them.

“The left is painted by many in media as the compassionate and caring side, while conservatives are called haters. In reality, things are very different.”

She is learning first hand the Rules For Radicals. “Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”

In other words, the leftist radicals are the intolerant and nasty ones yet they paint conservatives as such.

What does it say? It says that you are not presidential material because you’ve either been living in a bubble, or you have not been paying attention

Liberalism creates a perception of tolerance through divergence. Principles matter.

Obviously, they don’t let her out much.

“The left is painted by many in media as the compassionate and caring side, while conservatives are called haters. In reality, things are very different”

That’s only because the left keeps telling you they are compassionate and tolerant.

If you really are, you don’t need to broadcast it. People can see from your actions

That liberals, as a group, suck.

For someone whose motivation is supposed to be rooted in the heart and spirit, she’s sure ignorant of the motivations of her opponents.

I rather like to think of the RIGHT as motivated by the love of God, Family, Country, freedom, etc. And what motivates the LEFT is power, control, tyranny, etc.

The RIGHT to me seems to embrace more of a system of reward, whereas the LEFT is inclined to a punitive approach to governance.

amatuerwrangler | September 13, 2019 at 4:51 pm

I wonder if Marianne has ever taken one of those internet quizzes where you are presented with little scenarios and told to chose one of the presented solutions. The claim is that it can give you an idea of where your basic philosophy of life and to some extent your political philosophy matches up with the traditional positions. Liberal – Libertarian – Conservative?

She seems to be confused about how her chosen tribe can treat her poorly while the supposed enemy is relatively decent to her. This could be her chance to “run to daylight” if she thinks about it a bit.

    4th armored div in reply to amatuerwrangler. | September 13, 2019 at 4:58 pm

    never happen – at 67, her ideas are fix/at/ed.

    she would actually take time to read a bit of history and probably lose lots of friends. maybe an epiphany ?

Wait, conservatives are nice to you. So, by definition, they are not mean to you. You just ASSUMED they would be, but they’re not. So lefties can’t be “as mean as” the right, if the right are nice, and the left is mean. Complicated thoughts, I know.

Ah, the old “contempt before investigation.” I believe it is also known as prejudice, which liberals constantly remind us that they don’t have.