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RIP, The Professor: TV’s Most Famous Professor Dies at Age 89 Because real life professors could not live up to The Professor: The Loss of Trust in Higher Education Nasty guy: Rural Schools Targeted by Obama Administration during Sequestration Don’t rub it in: Job Prospects...

Unsustainable: Scary Chart of the Day Recent Grads Struggle to Find Jobs That Require a Bachelor’s Degree Prediction: How the College Bubble Will Burst Loyola University Trims Deficit by $2 Million Through Faculty Buyouts 2014 Law School Applications Plummet Why Law School Can’t be “Fixed”...

It’s hard to keep up with rules pertaining to speech at schools these days. University of West Alabama Wins The FIRE’s Speech Code of the Month FIRE taps Troy U. and Virginia State U. as 2013 Speech Codes of the Year “Winners” Or words that...

Like my esteemed colleague Leslie Eastman, I wanted to take an opportunity to highlight some favorite posts from the last year. 1. 15 Conservatives You Wish Had Spoken At Your College Graduation I wrote this around graduation season last spring when I noticed the lack...

As we enter into the New Year, I wanted follow one of blogging’s finest traditions: The Top 10 List. However, as I reflected upon the year in-depth with a good friend last night, there was one post that really deserves special  mention, as its features...

Some end of year lists: YAF Lists The Top 10 Politically Correct Offenses on Campus in 2013 Greg Lukianoff Lists the 10 Worst Colleges for Free Speech in 2013 13 Outrageously Dumb Campus Moments of 2013 In a college world of Kangaroo courts and a...

Guilty until proven innocent, if they even let you prove your innocence: The Unfairness of Judicial Proceedings in Academia Where in America do we have quasi-judicial proceedings rivaling those of the English Star Chamber or Spanish Inquisition of the 16th century, in terms of lack...

This is how a People self-destructs: Swarthmore Hillel Opens Door to Anti-Zionist Speakers With a little help from their “friends”: Anti-Israel Activists at U. Michigan Serve Dorm Eviction Notices First they came for the couch burners: Michigan State. U. Police to Throw Book at Student...