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“The Patriarchy in Tighty Whities” Week at College Insurrection

“The Patriarchy in Tighty Whities” Week at College Insurrection

Another week of college antics, political correctness and general lunacy in the place we call “Higher Education”

Man, I would have loved to see the reactions:

I love it when they fight back this way:


Oversubscribed, may add additional class sections, hire more profs and provide tuition assistance, with grant from DHS:

Submission is the highest form of flattery:

History class, not offered this year, or any year:


But it’s for the children:

Now you tell us:

This week in Common Core:

Tyrants in training:

Institutionalized racism:

In totalitarian societies, art serves the interest of the State:

Shut it down, shut the whole damn system down:


You can’t make this s–t up:

7 Years of College:


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to the full extent allowed by law.


The piece speaks to me. It represents voters who either went with Obama or didn’t bother to vote for Romney.

I hear the artist thought it would spark empathy with the female students where it was placed. Now that is funny! Fair to say the artist is not up on the current state of feminist empathy at our elite colleges around the country!

Not A Member of Any Organized Political | February 8, 2014 at 11:54 am

Tighty Whities with a few screws loose?

No wonder Barry Obama doesn’t know anything.

MouseTheLuckyDog | February 8, 2014 at 12:18 pm

Is it tighty whiteys? I always thought it was tidy whiteys.

BTW is that a reference to his underwear or skin color?

Whities are so out [esp. with the 0 administration …LOL].

The guy should be wearing briefs … or go commando style.

The state of American universities today is disgraceful. Whatever happened to buying your own porn, the Marquis de Sade, and other such junk? The universities have all been Fluked. No more self-reliance to get porn and BDSM. Now, taxpayer dollars subsidize this filth and students take classes in this. Whatever happened to research, to initiative, to drive, to non-taxpayer funded deviancy?

There’s nothing ‘manly’ about that pathetic statue. There’s nothing appealing about a slack muscled, zombie couch potato weakling. If anything, it is degrading to men, Maybe that’s why he thought it would evoke ’empathy.’ It is indeed gross.

Oh… That’s what it is . I thought it was a representation of the former Lt Gov Tim “Crash” Murray exiting his demolished State-owned Crown Vic after hitting the wall at 108 mph . His cellphone records for that night are still sealed