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I admit to not having followed the Obama illegal alien uncle saga very carefully. He previously said he knew nothing about his then illegal alien uncle. Now he says he knows something after the uncle gave up the goods at a recent immigration hearing. The Boston...

Perhaps the most important Obamacare lie among many will turn out to be the one that says that the Obamacare Medicaid expansion will lead to quality health care for the people newly covered by it. Anyone who was even remotely familiar with the way Medicaid...

I thought she would consider it. I hoped she would run. We needed it as a country, though not for the reasons her supporters think. Via Boston Herald: U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren pledged today she will not run for president in 2016 and will finish...

The reason there is no peace in the Middle East is that Palestinians believe this, teach it and put it on their television, via Palestinian Media Watch (h/t @haivri): Sheikh Muhammad Al-Tawil teacher in Al-Aqsa Mosque school: “What’s happening at the Al-Aqsa Mosque (i.e., Temple...

Martin Bashir infamously suggested that someone shit and piss in Sarah Palin’s mouth because she used the (quite common) analogy of national debt to slavery. Bashir made his suggestion by way of analogy to a slave torture, stating that Palin would be a good candidate...

The Guardian has only published about one percent of the material leaked by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden, according to statements made by the outlet’s editor to a British parliamentary committee Tuesday. From the Associated Press via the Washington Post: The editor of the Guardian...

I wasn’t watching live because I didn’t really care. But the rubbing-it-in that’s going on is quite enjoyable to watch. (I was tempted to draw political analogies, but that would have cheapened the moment.) Good collection of video/gifs/photos at SB Nation. The sweetness of defeating...

Progressives are being forced to eat a lot of crow this Thanksgiving. At the national level, Obamacare is being plucked apart in the media.  In California, a touchstone of liberal green dreams and one of the state’s biggest turkeys is being thrown under the bus...

George Zimmerman has hired Jayne Weintraub to defend the domestic assault charges arising out of accusations from Zimmerman’s girlfriend, Samantha Scheibe: George Zimmerman has hired a new lawyer to handle the domestic violence case against him. The public defender who was representing Zimmerman tells local...